Silly Season 2023

The other issue is that if RCR puts another driver in the 8, they have to buy out Reddick, which means having to come up with even MORE money. That's why this scenario makes no sense to me. I can see why Richard would want Kyle, but the pieces just don't seem to fit very well. It seems like a LOT more sponsorship would have to pop up, and those deals just don't happen overnight. Not saying it won't happen, just curious how all the puzzle pieces fit.
Simple, none. They let Tyler out of his contract early so he can move to the vacant 45 without 23XI buying him out from RCR. Win, win
Depends on how the contract is written. RCR might be on the hook even if they let him go to 23XI early. Also may depend on if 23XI is even ready for him yet. If Kurt ends up retiring, then likely no problem, but if he doesn't then what? I don't see any reason for 23XI to make life easy for for RCR, especially seeing how butt hurt Richard got over the signing.
Depends on how the contract is written. RCR might be on the hook even if they let him go to 23XI early. Also may depend on if 23XI is even ready for him yet. If Kurt ends up retiring, then likely no problem, but if he doesn't then what? I don't see any reason for 23XI to make life easy for for RCR, especially seeing how butt hurt Richard got over the signing.
Well that would work both ways wouldnt it? RCR could run a third car and tell 23XI to kick rocks.
What if Dale Jr brought a charter and is putting Kyle in the 8 next year?

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Too convoluted.

If Junebug was getting a charter, that would be as big, if not bigger, than where Kyle goes. He'd be tweeting about that coming together and plans for JRM, not what's up with the Busches.
Possibly. But then that could start a Kyle JRM rumor. Maybe they wanna have a huge bombshell announcement. Something that’s not even reported or hinted at.

Remember until Trackhouse announced the CGR stuff, no one knew how long they was talking. Js.
What if Dale Jr brought a charter and is putting Kyle in the 8 next year?

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What if Josh Berry moves to the 9 to replace Grayson and Kyle DOES drive the 8 for Jr, in Xfinity full time. ;):D:p:newbie::puffin::XXROFL::XXROFL:
Again what? How is RCR on the hook? RCR has the advantage. Obviously they know more than we do but 23 XI has no play
Again what? How is RCR on the hook? RCR has the advantage. Obviously they know more than we do but 23 XI has no play
How does RCR go from supposedly not having the money to keep Reddick long term, to fielding him for 2023 AND hiring Kyle and running a third car? That seems a bit much, especially this late in the going. Back to my original point, RCR picked up Reddick's option, so if they want to dump him for Kyle, they have to PAY him, and I'm not at all sure that Reddick having somewhere to go (assuming he does) changes that regarding RCR's obligation to him. 23XI's play could be to screw RCR by refusing to take Reddick off their hands and force them to pay TWO drivers. Not saying they would do that, but if Kurt doesn't retire, what is 23XI supposed to do?
How does RCR go from supposedly not having the money to keep Reddick long term, to fielding him for 2023 AND hiring Kyle and running a third car? That seems a bit much, especially this late in the going. Back to my original point, RCR picked up Reddick's option, so if they want to dump him for Kyle, they have to PAY him, and I'm not at all sure that Reddick having somewhere to go (assuming he does) changes that regarding RCR's obligation to him. 23XI's play could be to screw RCR by refusing to take Reddick off their hands and force them to pay TWO drivers. Not saying they would do that, but if Kurt doesn't retire, what is 23XI supposed to do?
Depends on how the contract is written. RCR might be on the hook even if they let him go to 23XI early. Also may depend on if 23XI is even ready for him yet. If Kurt ends up retiring, then likely no problem, but if he doesn't then what? I don't see any reason for 23XI to make life easy for for RCR, especially seeing how butt hurt Richard got over the signing.
RCR doesnt have to pay him if he takes a spot with 23XI a year early. 3rd car or not, they own him. What are you thinking? RCR has the upperhand.
RCR doesnt have to pay him if he takes a spot with 23XI a year early. 3rd car or not, they own him. What are you thinking? RCR has the upperhand.
I'm not seeing where it makes any difference if he drives for 23XI. If he stays at RCR, they pay him. If they dump him and put Kyle in the car, and he sits out a year, they pay him. Once you show a guy that is under contract the door, what difference does it make if he has another job to go to? If I understand correctly, Rick Hendrick had to pay Kasey Kahne the final year of his salary, even though he had another car to drive.
I'm not seeing where it makes any difference if he drives for 23XI. If he stays at RCR, they pay him. If they dump him and put Kyle in the car, and he sits out a year, they pay him. Once you show a guy that is under contract the door, what difference does it make if he has another job to go to? If I understand correctly, Rick Hendrick had to pay Kasey Kahne the final year of his salary, even though he had another car to drive.
I've already said as much and he will never "sit out a year" You obviously are being obtuse.
We have no idea what out clauses Reddick or Childress have, and debating their contract is pointless.
That has never stopped this place. We debate the impossible. Just like nobody knows jack **** what KDB is going to do or end up but that doesn't stop anybody.
I've already said as much and he will never "sit out a year" You obviously are being obtuse.
OK, explain to me how 23XI MAYBE having a spot for Reddick a year sooner than planned changes RCR's contractual obligation to Tyler for 2023 in any way. That is a scenario that would be hard to imagine when his RCR contract was signed. If I fire you and give you a month's severance pay, you don't have to give the money back just because you found a new job the next day.
OK, explain to me how 23XI MAYBE having a spot for Reddick a year sooner than planned changes RCR's contractual obligation to Tyler for 2023 in any way. That is a scenario that would be hard to imagine when his RCR contract was signed. If I fire you and give you a month's severance pay, you don't have to give the money back just because you found a new job the next day.
Couldn’t RC just buy Reddick out of his last year of his contract and send him on his way if indeed RCR signs Kyle Busch?
RCR and Reddick would have to negotiate a buyout, which typically is a percentage of the salary he would have received since he would have a ride with Hambone (in this scenario). What % is acceptable? Who knows. That may be part of all this drawn out time frame. It’s something they were probably talking through ever since the Weasel introduced Reddick as his new driver on the livestream (which blindsided RC).
RCR and Reddick would have to negotiate a buyout, which typically is a percentage of the salary he would have received since he would have a ride with Hambone (in this scenario). What % is acceptable? Who knows. That may be part of all this drawn out time frame. It’s something they were probably talking through ever since the Weasel introduced Reddick as his new driver on the livestream (which blindsided RC).

Seems to me Reddick did blindside RC whether it’s fair or not. He seems to be fulfilling his obligations pretty well though so what do ya do.
OK, explain to me how 23XI MAYBE having a spot for Reddick a year sooner than planned changes RCR's contractual obligation to Tyler for 2023 in any way. That is a scenario that would be hard to imagine when his RCR contract was signed. If I fire you and give you a month's severance pay, you don't have to give the money back just because you found a new job the next day.
It changes it because he wants to leave early, you are saying maybe he has a spot I'm saying he does have a spot, see, when can both deal in hypotheticals. Like I told you before RCR holds the cards, lets say there is a spot at 23XI but RCR says nah, I'm gonna finish Tyler out here AND run Kyle Busch. Where he gets the money is anyones guess, perhaps Kyle has personal service contracts he can bring and along with Childress can foot the bill. Richard aint broke ya know. Bottom line, 23XI doesnt have any power over RCR, if they want Reddick early, he wont get paid to leave and 23XI wont have to pay RCR, My bet is both have already sat down and agreed on a clean break.
RCR and Reddick would have to negotiate a buyout, which typically is a percentage of the salary he would have received since he would have a ride with Hambone (in this scenario). What % is acceptable? Who knows. That may be part of all this drawn out time frame. It’s something they were probably talking through ever since the Weasel introduced Reddick as his new driver on the livestream (which blindsided RC).
RCR wont pay him a dime if he leaves his contract early if anything 23XI would have to pay RCR since he has the contract, but like I said in post 1756 i believe it will be a mutual separation with no money changing hands
It changes it because he wants to leave early, you are saying maybe he has a spot I'm saying he does have a spot, see, when can both deal in hypotheticals. Like I told you before RCR holds the cards, lets say there is a spot at 23XI but RCR says nah, I'm gonna finish Tyler out here AND run Kyle Busch. Where he gets the money is anyones guess, perhaps Kyle has personal service contracts he can bring and along with Childress can foot the bill. Richard aint broke ya know. Bottom line, 23XI doesnt have any power over RCR, if they want Reddick early, he wont get paid to leave and 23XI wont have to pay RCR, My bet is both have already sat down and agreed on a clean break.
I would say RCR needs to be rid of Reddick worse than 23XI needs him for 2023. If Kurt indeed retires, they could plug lots of guys in that car for a year. In this case, I would rather have more cars than drivers rather than more drivers than cars. Yes, it IS possible that the two tesms just sit down and work it all out, but honestly, how much incentive does either owner have to solve the other guy's problem? If Kurt comes back, 23XI doesn't have a problem at all.
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