2016 Yahoo Fantasy R-F Champion
Wow, Greg Biffle is pissed!
Oh joy, another fake caution.
Sure takes ESPN a while to get back to the race after a caution.
What in the heck was that? They showed the crew out their picking up something, but it doesn't even look like he actually picked up anything.
It looked like a brake pad for a 1980 Ford Escort.
Ford is clearly by far the worst manufacturer in this Chase lucky for them they will have an advantage at Talladega to save face for a week.
Did I miss anything?
Did I miss anything?
Did I miss anything?
45.3 commercials and 3 fake cautions.
So, like half of the commercials CBS has had for the Jaguars game?
Can they make it to the end from here on fuel?
I'm guessing there was a driver swap in the 99 pit?
Maybe he switched cars with Matt?
And Tony switched cars with Danica.
It amazes me how they still haven't put a fuel gauge in these cars.