Here's hoping the lady who passed away managed to fulfill her promise to you re: living quarters.
Just curious, but why such large tool boxes if you are retired? Looks to me like you could reduce some of your tool inventory and utilize space to a better purpose than hanging onto tools and over sized boxes when your purpose is to enjoy life and not be working on, over and/or under mechanical conveyances.
I had three tool boxes, not the size of the yours but one base unit and top section plus a second large work bench sized box, all filled with everything I could think was needed to perform any job encountered.
When we sold our house in Raleigh and relocated to Florida, we took only what would fit in an 8 x 12 enclosed trailer. Of course, my tool boxes came with us but it now seems as if all they do is take up space and the few tools I use from them would fit in a fishing tackle box and even those are rarely used. I have a hobby space or man cave, call it what you will, it is actually an enclosed lanai or Florida room. Still, those damn tool boxes are like new, always treated with love and affection and also, after multiple rearrangements to utilize limited space, came to the realization these tool boxes are in fact my albatross and will soon be gone. It took me a long time to realize their functionality at this stage of my life was 99% non-existent.
Just the ramblings of an older man who has endured the reluctance to let go of one more thing that, along with my pickup truck and pecker, constitute my manhood.