Weather check-in

Yesterday it was -8, today it is 28 degrees, short sleeve
32* right now! Thinking about firing up the a/c during this heat wave...
I'll take your 10" of rain if you'll take our 20+ inches of snow...

Remember, you don't have to shovel rain.:D
I'll take your 10" of rain if you'll take our 20+ inches of snow...

Remember, you don't have to shovel rain.:D
That's for sure, just ask the people in Brazil and Australia. I've been through blizzards and floods and I'll take a blizzard any time. But let me just finish with that, I don't want either. Our last three inches of snow have taken for ever to melt. I'm ready for some great spring weather.
That's for sure, just ask the people in Brazil and Australia. I've been through blizzards and floods and I'll take a blizzard any time. But let me just finish with that, I don't want either. Our last three inches of snow have taken for ever to melt. I'm ready for some great spring weather. we won't have spring here for another 3 months!
I had a good drive across the country.

All different temperatures but no precip the whole trip and arrived in Vegas to a nice 65 degrees. Beats the 19 I had in Gallup this morning.

Too bad I have to go back to the cold before spring gets there. :D
There was an ice storm on my glass of Stella Artois draft...
75 degrees at Ventura county line yesterday on the coast. 500+ motorcycles showed up at Neptune's Net for fish & chips, clams, calamari, etc.
Yesterday we got more snow, 1.7 inches right outside my door.Then a bit of freezing rain fell. Then when walking the dog I slipped on ice and fell. Feel like I went 10 rounds with George Foreman.

"Unknown" amount of snow predicted for tomorrow night, amounts range from 3-7 to 8-12 inches "depending on how it tracks,,,,"

Best of all? My cities budget for snow removal has done a Jimmy Hoffa and disappeared.:D
Yesterday we got more snow, 1.7 inches right outside my door.Then a bit of freezing rain fell. Then when walking the dog I slipped on ice and fell. Feel like I went 10 rounds with George Foreman.

"Unknown" amount of snow predicted for tomorrow night, amounts range from 3-7 to 8-12 inches "depending on how it tracks,,,,"

Best of all? My cities budget for snow removal has done a Jimmy Hoffa and disappeared.:D

In October I was telling my buddy, what happens when all the snow removal budget is gone come mid Jan.? This was projected, but not publicized much due to all the other problems with most cities around this region having no money in their budgets for more "important things". Well now that winter is here in full force, of course everyone is crying they haven't any money left for snow removal! Gotta love the way the local governments take after the Our Big Government, same mentality and it's biting them in the ass already. Heard 6-10" for Thurs night into Friday here. Got 5" yesterday, then sleet , freezing rain, then all rain. Froze up a little last night, supposed to get another 1-2" this afternoon. Total of 33" on the ground as of yesterday afternoon.
This is nothing new here, they budget figuring we'll never have more than 2 storms with total accumulation of less than 6 inches. They'll "borrow" money from other sources. Streets will get plowed. Although it really gets tiring hearing the same-o same-o year after year.
More snow

Seems like it snows every week, whether we need it or not. Looks like we caught a break. The 4-6 inches predicted will ONLY be 3-5.

Wife is home from work so you know what that means! :D

Straight from the oven warm and gooey homemade chocolate chip cookies!!!!!!!
Seven more inches of snow here, sun out now, going to head out and clean the driveway soon. Very cold this weekend though supposed to -15 Sunday morn and Monday.
Supposed to have a low of -17 sunday and a high of 0:beerbang:
A warm 25* this morning. Still waiting on the promised sunshine. It hasn't appeared.

But at least the wind has died down from the howling gale of yesterday.
26 here at 8am when i left for school.

People at school were complaining. I messaged a friend in Iowa, he said they had class -11F.
It's cold here, but I saw last night that the low in the lower 48, (quite possibly in the entire 50) was -46 in International Falls, MN, and that is not the chill factor. I have to admit that I've never experienced this low of a temperature, but close. I did once experience -28 with a wind of over 45, giving the chill factor of -58 and skiing down a bunny slope one time back in '71 while stationed in North Dakota. (Sobered up half way down the slope and spent the rest of the evening in the chalet). I used to say that anything above 0 degrees is a plus, but now that I live in the south, anything above 40 degree is a plus, and anything under that is just plain cold...and I have to work in it. :(
Too cold for me to go sking.
Awesome.....-8 at 4am went up the trail behind my house in the moonlight, nice hike and the Malamutes went nuts running in the snow. Going to do this more often when there is good moonlight reflecting off the snow.:)
Another cold report... Woke up this morning to -33°. Almost midday and we're up to a balmy -11! Think long and hard before moving to Northern NH.
I was gonna gripe about the single digit temps we've had here for the past few days until I saw some of the temps you guys are dealing with. Never mind.
Another cold report... Woke up this morning to -33°. Almost midday and we're up to a balmy -11! Think long and hard before moving to Northern NH.

How much snow do you have on the ground? We had -12 here yesterday, a balmy 11 right snow with a fresh 2 inches of snow and still snowing, plus another storm coming in Wed. night.
How much snow do you have on the ground? We had -12 here yesterday, a balmy 11 right snow with a fresh 2 inches of snow and still snowing, plus another storm coming in Wed. night.

Hard to say how much is still sitting on the ground, I'd say there's at least a solid 16 inches of snowpack. That's a little less than what most of the state has. We don't usually get the worst of the big storms, so once you get past the White Mountains, it's not as much about snow as it is cold. Usually there are a couple nights a year where we break -30.
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