Weather check-in

I'm apparently just below the snow line. It started snowing, now it's supposed to rain 3-5" (flood warning) and the maybe tun to snow late tomorrow, where they say amaybe a couple inches that probably won't stik because of all the rain.

Two hours north, (and a little further where Andy lives) are under blizzard conditions.
I'm apparently just below the snow line. It started snowing, now it's supposed to rain 3-5" (flood warning) and the maybe tun to snow late tomorrow, where they say amaybe a couple inches that probably won't stik because of all the rain.

Two hours north, (and a little further where Andy lives) are under blizzard conditions.

Weird how 100miles makes a big difference!!!
What a day! Driving to work this morning...6:30, it was snowing heavily. But that stopped and when I was loading my vehicle with mail to head to the street, it was raining. After eight solid hours of carrying mail, I finally headed back to the office. Needless to say, I was soaked to the bone. I wore some new boots the wife got me that were supposed to be waterproof. Wish I had taken a fresh pair of socks and another pair of shoes. Nuf said about that. Was glad to get home just after 6:30 pm and quickly shed all the wet clothes, which was everything! Now I'm finally warm. I know that snow is harsh, but I'll work in snow any time over rain and 34 degrees, especially in slush that is four to six inches deep. I do feel for Andy, even as much as he complains. They are getting hit hard. At least for many, it's the weekend and they can stay home. NOT ME! Tomorrow will be another day like today. :beerbang:
I'm apparently just below the snow line. It started snowing, now it's supposed to rain 3-5" (flood warning) and the maybe tun to snow late tomorrow, where they say amaybe a couple inches that probably won't stik because of all the rain.

Two hours north, (and a little further where Andy lives) are under blizzard conditions.

What a day! Driving to work this morning...6:30, it was snowing heavily. But that stopped and when I was loading my vehicle with mail to head to the street, it was raining. After eight solid hours of carrying mail, I finally headed back to the office. Needless to say, I was soaked to the bone. I wore some new boots the wife got me that were supposed to be waterproof. Wish I had taken a fresh pair of socks and another pair of shoes. Nuf said about that. Was glad to get home just after 6:30 pm and quickly shed all the wet clothes, which was everything! Now I'm finally warm. I know that snow is harsh, but I'll work in snow any time over rain and 34 degrees, especially in slush that is four to six inches deep. I do feel for Andy, even as much as he complains. They are getting hit hard. At least for many, it's the weekend and they can stay home. NOT ME! Tomorrow will be another day like today. :beerbang:

The blizzard warnings are just south of where I am (Carroll County, MD) but they're calling for a lot more snow up here. They're expecting 30-40mph winds here tomorrow morning. If that's the case, a Blizzard Warning (which means heavy snow, less than a quarter-mile visibility and, most importantly, 35mph+ sustained winds) will likely be activated here. Blizzard Warning or Winter Storm Warning, either way we in deep doo doo :(

New snowfall totals 20-28"
We got about a foot of snow last night, maybe more. The bench that goes around my deck has at least a foot of snow on it. My plans for the day got cancelled. My wife and kids are shoveling out the driveway so she can go to the grocery store to get just what we need to get through the weekend.
What a difference a day least for me. Pretty dry today though this morning was light flurries for about a half hour. Then it was dry for the rest of the day. I stayed dry! I did talk to an elderly lady who told me she just talked to her son in DC and he told her there was two and a half feet of snow and it was still snowing. Been there done that and hope never to do it again.
He forgot to take his meds.

Either that, or he needs to have them adjusted.
Sucks for you guys...we'll get that 10-12 tomorrow before it get to you:(

We've NEVER had this much snow in a single year, never since they started keeping records.

The next time Obama or anyone gets on my TV and tries to tell me about global "warming", I'm throwing a brick through it.:mad:
I'm gettin' the heck out of here tomorrow and heading to Daytona.

Looks like only 60's for the week but better than this yo-yo weather here.
Snowing here again!
We are usually in the 50's by now :(
I love snow but this is getting ridiculous.
Need some Global Warming here :D
I haven't gotten nearly as much snow as some, but I am damn tired of winter right about now.
We're expecting another 6-12" of snow here in the next 36 hours or so.

Snow is becomming a bad four letter word.
We got 6" overnight. Now it is melting a bit and then the temp will drop tonight and voi~la it will be ice in the morning ugh.
here in tx we are expecting 1-3 inches of snow on thursday. Where is summer?
5 to 8 starting mid day tomorrow. I'll believe when I see it, the weather guesser here is wrong more often then right lately.
5 to 8 starting mid day tomorrow. I'll believe when I see it, the weather guesser here is wrong more often then right lately.

I tell you what, the weather forecast here was pretty much spot on this past weekend. They said it would rain, hard at times, overnight. It did. They said it would be windy. It was. They said snow would start around noon on Saturday, quite around 6, and that accumulation would be 1-3". It stopped snwoing around 6, and there was just under 3" of snow on my cars, in the yard and on the dexk.
They kind of missed it for us, thank God. We were supposed to get sleet, freezing rain and then just rain overnight last night, but it didn't start to precipitate until after noon and then it was only a light rain. Must have moved north. But I was glad that I was off today.
Things have changed. Now they're calling for 6-10 tonight and 3-5+ tomorrow with 30-45+ mph wind.

They've already cancelled most of the schools and a number of businesses have started cancelling too.
Things have changed. Now they're calling for 6-10 tonight and 3-5+ tomorrow with 30-45+ mph wind.

They've already cancelled most of the schools and a number of businesses have started cancelling too.
:eek: It takes a forecast like that before they cancel schools? All that is needed here is the "threat" of snow flurries. There have been times when they have canceled school and it didn't do anything. Leaves them with a red face, but they justify it anyway. But hey, it's a Southern thing. :beerbang:
:eek: It takes a forecast like that before they cancel schools? All that is needed here is the "threat" of snow flurries. There have been times when they have canceled school and it didn't do anything. Leaves them with a red face, but they justify it anyway. But hey, it's a Southern thing. :beerbang:

OMG here too, where I grew up we went to school unless it was over 2 feet!
:eek: It takes a forecast like that before they cancel schools? All that is needed here is the "threat" of snow flurries. There have been times when they have canceled school and it didn't do anything. Leaves them with a red face, but they justify it anyway. But hey, it's a Southern thing. :beerbang:

They're still gun shy over the December Debacle as it's being called. In 2007 a storm was forecast and it came in faster and harder then predicted. Plows weren't ready, streets got clogged with stuck cars. Worst was school buses that got stuck, some kids, k thru 3rd grade were the worst, were stuck on the bus until midnight after being picked up at noon. No food, water, or bathrooms.

A normal storm of up to 6 inches or so would only have the start of school delayed a hour or two.

btw I think they mandated GPS systems and 2 way radios on the buses since.
They're still gun shy over the December Debacle as it's being called. In 2007 a storm was forecast and it came in faster and harder then predicted. Plows weren't ready, streets got clogged with stuck cars. Worst was school buses that got stuck, some kids, k thru 3rd grade were the worst, were stuck on the bus until midnight after being picked up at noon. No food, water, or bathrooms.

A normal storm of up to 6 inches or so would only have the start of school delayed a hour or two.

btw I think they mandated GPS systems and 2 way radios on the buses since.

UTA has yet to say anything as far as contingencies for thursday here. my HS canceled only if the superintendant couldn't get to work. He drove a F-550.
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