Weather check-in

9 am. After the weather guesser whipped the populace into a frenzy last night with tales of 6-10+ inches of heavy,wet snow over night coupled with high winds that would lead to power outages,,,We got nuttin'.

Nary a snow flake in sight.

Southwest Virginia - 2nd place - Poem of the Year

It's winter in Virginia
And the gentle breezes blow,
70 miles per hour at 25 below!

Oh, how I love Virginia
When the snow's up to your butt;
You take a breath of winter air
And your nose is frozen shut.

Yes, the weather here is wonderful,
I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave Virginia
'Cause I'm frozen to the ground
I love this. An excerpt from an editorial in the LA Times, September 24, 2008 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In Virginia, the weather also has changed dramatically. Recently arrived residents in the northern suburbs, accustomed to today's anemic winters, might find it astonishing to learn that there were once ski runs on Ballantrae Hill in McLean, with a rope tow and local ski club. Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don't own a sled. But neighbors came to our home at Hickory Hill nearly every winter weekend to ride saucers and Flexible Flyers.

In those days, I recall my uncle, President Kennedy, standing erect as he rode a toboggan in his top coat, never faltering until he slid into the boxwood at the bottom of the hill. Once, my father, Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy, brought a delegation of visiting Eskimos home from the Justice Department for lunch at our house. They spent the afternoon building a great igloo in the deep snow in our backyard. My brothers and sisters played in the structure for several weeks before it began to melt. On weekend afternoons, we commonly joined hundreds of Georgetown residents for ice skating on Washington's C&O Canal, which these days rarely freezes enough to safely skate.

Meanwhile, Exxon Mobil and its carbon cronies continue to pour money into think tanks whose purpose is to deceive the American public into believing that global warming is a fantasy.

I love this. An excerpt from an editorial in the LA Times, September 24, 2008 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In Virginia, the weather also has changed dramatically. Recently arrived residents in the northern suburbs, accustomed to today's anemic winters, might find it astonishing to learn that there were once ski runs on Ballantrae Hill in McLean, with a rope tow and local ski club. Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don't own a sled. But neighbors came to our home at Hickory Hill nearly every winter weekend to ride saucers and Flexible Flyers.

In those days, I recall my uncle, President Kennedy, standing erect as he rode a toboggan in his top coat, never faltering until he slid into the boxwood at the bottom of the hill. Once, my father, Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy, brought a delegation of visiting Eskimos home from the Justice Department for lunch at our house. They spent the afternoon building a great igloo in the deep snow in our backyard. My brothers and sisters played in the structure for several weeks before it began to melt. On weekend afternoons, we commonly joined hundreds of Georgetown residents for ice skating on Washington's C&O Canal, which these days rarely freezes enough to safely skate.

Meanwhile, Exxon Mobil and its carbon cronies continue to pour money into think tanks whose purpose is to deceive the American public into believing that global warming is a fantasy.

Its a Kennedy, what do you expect.....He probably hung out with his other uncle the night before he made this commment.

Got about 2 1/2 feet, some bigger drifts, and sunshine today. I just hope it melts slowly...
The NOAA site here says we've been getting "light snow" --- I don't believe snow bounces when it lands on my deck. I say it's sleet. LOL

Had about 1/2" when I first got out. Changed to rain, then back to sleet. Now I think it's back to rain.
Well, I *barely* survived the third blizzard of the winter. Couldn't get home from work the other night, spun the car in the middle of the road. Friend from church let me stay at their place for a few days until the roads were clear. Day off and I got called in.

Now, what's happening in NASCAR land?
We have about 5.5" of snow on the ground. Roads aren't bad right now although there is lots of "slush" on them, but when it drops below freezing tonite it will all turn to ice. Glad we've already been told that work will be delayed 2 hours in the morning........well non-emergency personnel that is!
It WAS 36 degrees early this morning when I left St. Augustine to go to DIS and unload,

Tomorrow will be a high of 46-50 and rain.

So much for getting a little sun and warm weather while I am here.
It WAS 36 degrees early this morning when I left St. Augustine to go to DIS and unload,

Tomorrow will be a high of 46-50 and rain.

So much for getting a little sun and warm weather while I am here.

I'd take 46*-50* with rain over 15* and snow any damn day.

I'm so ready for June and 110* temeratures. :beerbang::beerbang::beerbang:
Andy, you take care and if you get a chance, watch some racing. Maybe that can get your mind off the weather, though I doubt it. Then again, complaining about NASCAR will definitely get your mind off the weather. :beerbang:
Andy, you take care and if you get a chance, watch some racing. Maybe that can get your mind off the weather, though I doubt it. Then again, complaining about NASCAR will definitely get your mind off the weather. :beerbang:

Watching Truck Series qualifying now. I'm so tired I can't see straight. Another long day of work tomorrow and Saturday. Hopefully I get Sunday off to watch the big dance.
Darn wind yesterday blew all the air vents out of my house (crawlspace). Once the first one went the wind blew under/thru the house and the rest didn't stand a chance. They were scattered all through my yard.
well it's official.The Saints win the superbowl and hell has frozen over.It's snowing in Louisiana!
I'm south of New Orleans.just getting rain/sleet.
Cool pics, maj.

We have 2" of snow on the ground. I had to shovel snow off the deck this morning!

Sure am glad I don't have to go anywhere.

Had to brush TV satellite dish, and my internet dish so I could connect with the world today.
7-9" here depending on where you measure it. Pictures later...

we lost power at 2am. Had fridge, tv, and coffee maker on generator. Just added both laptops, the modem and router, and some lamps on to it, because Oncor has yet to arrive. Of the whole development, our street is the only one that's dead.
7-9" here depending on where you measure it. Pictures later...

we lost power at 2am. Had fridge, tv, and coffee maker on generator. Just added both laptops, the modem and router, and some lamps on to it, because Oncor has yet to arrive. Of the whole development, our street is the only one that's dead.

I heard officially at DFW airport 11.5 inches.:eek::eek:
I heard officially at DFW airport 11.5 inches.:eek::eek:

NBC said 12.5". Either way, a new record.

News said DFW 12.5, Fort Worth 12, Dallas 11, Burleson and Arlington both 7". We had 7-9 and got the tape measure pics to prove it.
I'll be glad to see 55 degrees tomorrow.Got a pretty good deal on some t-bones at Kroger.I'm ready to do some grillin.
I'll be glad to see 55 degrees tomorrow.Got a pretty good deal on some t-bones at Kroger.I'm ready to do some grillin.

2 laptops, 2 fridges, TV, 2 phone chargers, and who knows what else. all out 1 generator. We're lucky the water heaters are natural gas, our old house was electric. But electric oven and stovetop, so can't cook any condiments to go with anything bbq'd. so we're going out tonight.
So now you Texans can experience what the rest of the country has been seeing. How many of you have a snow shovel? One that works? :)
So now you Texans can experience what the rest of the country has been seeing. How many of you have a snow shovel? One that works? :)

They were probably wondering what those funny looki' wide shovels were for anyway:D
I used a wide shovel with a straight leading edge. Similar to a real snow shovel, but not as large.

One good for moving small rocks. And snow off the deck. LOL
I used a wide shovel with a straight leading edge. Similar to a real snow shovel, but not as large.

One good for moving small rocks. And snow off the deck. LOL

I'm going to buy a real snow shovel so it will never snow here again.Based on my luck.
here's a small sliver of my pics

Now plugged into the generator (3250 W unit):

dedicated 100 foot extension cord- 1500 watt space heater

seperate 100 foot extension- fridge and TV
- 25 feet more (125 feet): lamp, modem, router, laptop
- - 25 more feet (150 feet): laptop, full desktop computer, lamp
- 100 feet more (200 feet): bluetooth charger, phone charger, lamp
I'm going to buy a real snow shovel so it will never snow here again.Based on my luck.
Mike, several years ago I bought one of those plastic, cheapo snow shovels. I've used it several times, but then again, several times is probably six or seven over the last ten or so years. The last time I used it, the handle broke, but I didn't think anything of it. :eek: Then we got hit with the snow and I knew there wouldn't be a snow shovel within a hundred miles so I fixed it. The handle is a little short, but it still works. Much different than the old days when I would buy a snow blower every other year. :D
I'm going to buy a real snow shovel so it will never snow here again.Based on my luck.

ROFL sorry Honch :)

I heard on the news today that there is snow on the ground in all 50 states! Pretty amazing.
More snow headed our way this weekend I swear these kids won't get a summer vacation at this rate.
It's snowing here in Concord, NC. I hope the snow doesn't get too bad. I have a date tomorrow and I want to make it dammit! :D
ROFL sorry Honch :)

I heard on the news today that there is snow on the ground in all 50 states! Pretty amazing.
More snow headed our way this weekend I swear these kids won't get a summer vacation at this rate.

49 of 50 states, Hawaii has no snow.

That's a record.
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