I'm sure people here will spin this and say that Racer Magazine is a propaganda machine or something, but yup. It's almost Christmas and the teams don't have a rulebook legal car yet because the rules haven't been settled on. The clip designs for example were still being altered a few weeks ago, no team has clips that they can show up and race with yet. They have clips they can run the car with, but the clips changed to soften impact and then they all need to be re-made.
Like I've said here, each team is entitled to seven cars. 7 cars times 40 teams means they need to plan for having 280 cars ready. Maybe some small teams won't always have the full amount in rotation, but you need that ability to be there to be fair to the whole field. You can't run into a deal where the big teams get special treatment if there's a parts shortage. And here we are almost at Christmas and teams collectively have zero legal per-the-book cars on hand. Why? Partially because the rules still haven't been decided yet.
The cars being symmetrical, they're backtracking on that. The low HP, they're backtracking on that. The ride-height, they're backtracking on that. Spoiler size, that's in limbo. Control arms, those just changed because the first design was deemed to be too brittle. Exhaust designs are still being tweaked along with heat management solutions.
My point is that when you make these design changes, they're leaning on sole-suppliers to come through with re-making everything in short order. Everything has a lead-time and they're only 57 days away from racing The Clash with a clean-sheet car design that still isn't finalized where they need to approve changes, get the parts, and allow the teams to build them.