All things relating to Danica -- New season

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some of us haven't seen what you call Talent, I have seen plenty of what I call no talent or lack of talent and it isn't getting any better.....therin lies the rub. and I wouldn't care so much if she was in a car to match her talent level, the corporate/political crap I can't go for. Racing,..Nascar racing anyway, is getting like stick n ball where jocks can get away with almost anything with a little corporate spin, the masses buy the lie. The thing is, she has lined her pockets and Indycar and now Nascar, corporate America's darling of the day. But this too shall pass..just a matter of time.

I mess with her fans, which I tend to do with rabid fans of any driver. I honestly don't have a problem being in a ride that exists ONLY because she is in it. She isn't a menace out there...usually. When something goes wrong in front of her, she yanks the wheel and becomes a dart with no feathers. the unlimited is a perfect example.
I would feel sorry for her, but she has million$ of reasons to continue on as long as there is a corporate market for that sort of thing and I don't blame her for that. I think she is a good person, but I never bought into the corporate lie that she is a threat to win a race, or for that matter she is a competitive race car driver. Most of the time she is weaving all over the track mostly out of control unless she slows down and runs in the back. Too much car for the driver skill
BS dude, a lot of people are pissing on her because she is a woman invading a mans' sport lets just call it like it is.

You are one of the Danica proponents that refuse to accept the reasons some fans give as to why they don't like her in the Cup series, and dismiss it as a woman invading a mans' sport.

It has nothing to do with gender for me. It's about competency. I'd love to see a woman come to the Cup series that can actually compete and is generally competitive.
Not someone that is fast tracked to the Cup series specifically because she is a woman, because it' brings attention and fans to the sport. Someone that needs constant training and coaching and is basically using nascar's top division as a training series.

I'd feel the same way if a black driver was fast tracked into the Cup series specifically because he is black, but could not compete at that level and requires all the special training and coaching Danica needs just to get through a race.

That doesn't mean I don't like black folks.
I mess with her fans, which I tend to do with rabid fans of any driver. I honestly don't have a problem being in a ride that exists ONLY because she is in it. She isn't a menace out there...usually. When something goes wrong in front of her, she yanks the wheel and becomes a dart with no feathers. the unlimited is a perfect example.
Bad example, she got through that mess only to be taken out by a bonehead move by her BF! I don't see how you consider her a dart with no feathers, she had a chance to win that race even after the big one if she hadn't got taken out by Ricky. She had a good car, went all the way to the back, came right through the pack and was staying with the leaders, sometimes ....actually a lot of times on this forum, posters love to twist the actions of Danica to fit their dislike for her because she is in a good ride with a good sponsor.
You probably posted them already, but what was your take on Pettys latest comments about Danica?

I thought it was pretty accurate. He was asked a question, and he gave his honest opinion, without first calculating how his answer might affect nascar.
You are one of the Danica proponents that refuse to accept the reasons some fans give as to why they don't like her in the Cup series, and dismiss it as a woman invading a mans' sport.

It has nothing to do with gender for me. It's about competency. I'd love to see a woman come to the Cup series that can actually compete and is generally competitive.
Not someone that is fast tracked to the Cup series specifically because she is a woman, because it' brings attention and fans to the sport. Someone that needs constant training and coaching and is basically using nascar's top division as a training series.

I'd feel the same way if a black driver was fast tracked into the Cup series specifically because he is black, but could not compete at that level and requires all the special training and coaching Danica needs just to get through a race.

That doesn't mean I don't like black folks.
She is neither a favorite of mine nor do i dislike her, I merely call it like I see it and I see a lot of unjust criticism towards her because she is a woman.
We would not have this thread or the thread in the Podium if she wasn't a woman, and all you guys know it.
She is neither a favorite of mine nor do i dislike her, I merely call it like I see it and I see a lot of unjust criticism towards her because she is a woman.

Do you feel that the criticism would be justified if she was a male?
She is neither a favorite of mine nor do i dislike her, I merely call it like I see it and I see a lot of unjust criticism towards her because she is a woman.

You just read my post giving you my reasons why I don't like her in the Cup series.

Do you believe that is unjust criticism towards her because she is a woman?
I definitely agree but neither would the media. In fact, I doubt that Dan Patrick would even be in Nascar.
My point exactly, because she is a woman in a mans
sport more scrutiny is thrown towards her, even if it isn't justified. She would just be another driver struggling to make it in Cup if her name was Dan. Thanks for making my point even stronger.
We wouldn't even be talking about her if she was a he and you know it.
I believe we would. Regan Smith caught a lot of heat last year in N'wide running a Jr car...Danica did worse in the same equipment. Labonte driving junk gets plenty of flak, so why should Danica driving top tier equipment and finishing next to drivers who haven't ran all of the races and guys that are driving second hand cars get spared? Wank on the women angle all ya want, most of us know that is B.S. when you go by performance and not corporate hype.
I thought it was pretty accurate. He was asked a question, and he gave his honest opinion, without first calculating how his answer might affect nascar.

So you're OK with the guy who put Kyle Petty in a top ride judging Danica's talent or situation?
Bad example, she got through that mess only to be taken out by a bonehead move by her BF! I don't see how you consider her a dart with no feathers, she had a chance to win that race even after the big one if she hadn't got taken out by Ricky. She had a good car, went all the way to the back, came right through the pack and was staying with the leaders, sometimes ....actually a lot of times on this forum, posters love to twist the actions of Danica to fit their dislike for her because she is in a good ride with a good sponsor.

Danica was way back and never should have lost control. Jr drove the same line before Danica and kept going. Danica had extra time to slow down and line up her car for the easy move to the apron, yet she clipped the grass and started yanking the wheel and half spinning out? You see that kind of thing from cup first timers, and only rarely because they are gone quick.
Oh please could say the same for half the field in Cup, so you honestly don't think because she is a woman in a Mans sport that she doesn't get more flack??
I believe we would. Regan Smith caught a lot of heat last year in N'wide running a Jr car...Danica did worse in the same equipment. Labonte driving junk gets plenty of flak, so why should Danica driving top tier equipment and finishing next to drivers who haven't ran all of the races and guys that are driving second hand cars get spared? Wank on the women angle all ya want, most of us know that is B.S. when you go by performance and not corporate hype.

Key difference between Danica and those others is Danica is still a rookie. Stenhouse didn't do all that well last year either.

I missed Danica doing a loop all by herself without anybody within 50 feet of her...huh? your pickin on her because she is a woman...that's it. BTW if you look at the replay Danica all of a sudden jerks it to the left after her loop and nails her boyfriend..and then acts like it is his fault.
Oh please could say the same for half the field in Cup, so you honestly don't think because she is a woman in a Mans sport that she doesn't get more flack??

True. Do you think she gets more money, a better ride and more media hype just because she's a woman?

Media hype is the main reason she gets so much flak, but there are woman haters here and there, but when someone says she really can't drive a stock car, her fans go right to 'woman hater' as a reflex reaction. Makes them seem like love sick puppies, IMO.

I guess we'll all have to deal with it the best we can. Hell, my coping technique is working just fine for me. :D
So you're OK with the guy who put Kyle Petty in a top ride judging Danica's talent or situation?

Kyle was generally competitive. Even in his early starts in Cup he had several top 10 finishes, and he was still a teenager.

He was much more competitive in his first Cup starts than Danica has ever been.
She is neither a favorite of mine nor do i dislike her, I merely call it like I see it and I see a lot of unjust criticism towards her because she is a woman.

Lets test that, if you don't mind.

1) Did Danica show enough progress in a stock car while competing in NW to warrant a fulltime cup ride? (Her sponsor earned her 'top ride' status, so there's no problem there).

2) Has Danica shown much improvement when it comes to controlling her car and driving fast?

3) Is Danica in a top ride and earning tons of money mainly because she's a woman?
Kyle was generally competitive. Even in his early starts in Cup he had several top 10 finishes, and he was still a teenager.

He was much more competitive in his first Cup starts than Danica has ever been.

6 years later he gets a win. Get honest dude. NEITHER Danica or Kyle drove their way to a top ride. Damn, even Kyle Petty said so, so maybe you are sexist after all.
Kyle won 8 races 9 if you count sports cars...9 more than you know who. And I bet he didn't make as much in his whole career as the winless one has made in one.

I missed Danica doing a loop all by herself without anybody within 50 feet of her...huh? your pickin on her because she is a woman...that's it. BTW if you look at the replay Danica all of a sudden jerks it to the left after her loop and nails her boyfriend..and then acts like it is his fault.

...and Stenhouse was an idiot for nailing the gas and racing back blind to nothing. 2 knuckle heads having a meeting.
Kyle won 8 races 9 if you count sports cars...9 more than you know who. And I bet he didn't make as much in his whole career as the winless one has made in one.

LOL! Kyle Petty won EXACTLY as many races in his first 5 years as Danica has in her first 1 and 1/2. Atleast Danica has an outside shot at beating that hack. Tell you something else, Pettys ride was a top 6 car. Danica is in a top 8 ride at best.

lol I pulled for Patty Moise when she was racing in the Busch series in the early 90. Also for Shawna Robinson a few years later. They didn't make it to the top series because the results weren't there. No result, no sponsor, no money.
There are women racing in nascar right now that I'd be very happy to see do well and move up to the top divisions. But because of their ability and not specifically because of their gender.

Danica didn't make it to the Cup series because of her ability. If you think otherwise you're kidding yourself.
won't get any argument out of me..he is the biggest disappointment I had for a driver last year. He did nothing last year, I wouldn't be happy if I was Roush.

...and Stenhouse was an idiot for nailing the gas and racing back blind to nothing. 2 knuckle heads having a meeting.

LOL! Kyle Petty won EXACTLY as many races in his first 5 years as Danica has in her first 1 and 1/2. Atleast Danica has an outside shot at beating that hack. Tell you something else, Pettys ride was a top 6 car. Danica is in a top 8 ride at best.

I disagree, but good luck with that, I don't think Danica will be around in 5 years. It has nothing to do with racing, corporations will find a younger pretty one to market their wares.
LOL! Kyle Petty won EXACTLY as many races in his first 5 years as Danica has in her first 1 and 1/2. Atleast Danica has an outside shot at beating that hack. Tell you something else, Pettys ride was a top 6 car. Danica is in a top 8 ride at best.

No one said if she doesn't win she shouldn't be in the Cup series. Just be competitive.

Kyle was competitive out of the box as a teenager. Danica is not, and she's been out of the box for 3 years.
won't get any argument out of me..he is the biggest disappointment I had for a driver last year. He did nothing last year, I wouldn't be happy if I was Roush.

I disagree, but good luck with that, I don't think Danica will be around in 5 years.

disagree with what? Richard was wining in those cars while Kyle was beating the lappers, yet you agree with Richard having a problem with Danica being in cup?

OK, we've gone thru the process and it's official. You're a woman hater.
No one said if she doesn't win she shouldn't be in the Cup series. Just be competitive.

Kyle was competitive out of the box as a teenager. Danica is not, and she's been out of the box for 3 years.

Kyle was marginally better, at best. But he started his career in stock cars. Danica started in open wheel and has to unlearn a lot of the reflex actions that are ingrained in her driving style. Whenever there is a wreck in front of her, it shows.

I just wish she would stop blaming the cars and show much more progress. She seems to thing they should have open wheel grip. Good luck with that, Danica.
Oh please could say the same for half the field in Cup, so you honestly don't think because she is a woman in a Mans sport that she doesn't get more flack??
Oh please could say the same for half the field in Cup, so you honestly don't think because she is a woman in a Mans sport that she doesn't get more flack??
Oh please could say the same for half the field in Cup, so you honestly don't think because she is a woman in a Mans sport that she doesn't get more flack??
Oh please could say the same for half the field in Cup, so you honestly don't think because she is a woman in a Mans sport that she doesn't get more flack??

I notice you haven't answered any question yet....

What kind of Danica fan are you? Making excuses for her lack of sense and car control in the unlimited says it all. Nobody around her, and she's driving like there ice on the road while others cruise thru without a problem. :rolleyes:
Kyle was marginally better, at best. But he started his career in stock cars. Danica started in open wheel and has to unlearn a lot of the reflex actions that are ingrained in her driving style. Whenever there is a wreck in front of her, it shows.

I just wish she would stop blaming the cars and show much more progress. She seems to thing they should have open wheel grip. Good luck with that, Danica.

"marginally better" lol

Kyle had ten top 10s, and finished 12th in the point standings his rookie year.

If Danica did that this year it would be used a proof of what a great driver she really is.
"marginally better" lol

Kyle had ten top 10s, and finished 12th in the point standings his rookie year.

If Danica did that this year it would be used a proof of what a great driver she really is.

Considering the lack of teams that could actually keep up with Petty enterprises and there now being 15 or more teams that can can keep up, .......Kyle was marginally better.
True. Do you think she gets more money, a better ride and more media hype just because she's a woman?

Media hype is the main reason she gets so much flak, but there are woman haters here and there, but when someone says she really can't drive a stock car, her fans go right to 'woman hater' as a reflex reaction. Makes them seem like love sick puppies, IMO.

I guess we'll all have to deal with it the best we can. Hell, my coping technique is working just fine for me. :D

Just like Junior getting the ride he has ....right? Sure he won a couple of races, but has a great sponsor because of his last name. Look....I know danica is not the second coming of JJ, never will be, I do think she will win a couple of races in Cup before she is done, and I do think she has talent as a driver. I just think that she gets more flack because she is female in a the mans world of Nascar, it's pretty obvious , but if you and some others don't see that...fine. Like I said I just call it like I see it, just like any other posts I have on here.
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