It's a bit early. A good finish surviving the crap shoot, but I'll wait another four or five races before I try to catch this bandwagon. By then we'll know if it has any momentum.

I'm in on Bubba, I think he's a solid young man. It is hard to tell what the future holds. I'm super proud for him and Petty. But, I'm also realistic. Trevor Bayne comes to mind. I was really stoked when he won the 500. He was new, very young and likable. And to top that off, he was in the Wood Brothers #21. But that didn't translate into more wins. I think right now, Bubba is working as hard if not harder than every other driver in the Cup series. He's shown in a fairly short time he is very capable. But it is a little early to determine what he's going to accomplish. I personally hope he wins and wins big.
Congrats to the kid, hopefully he has a decent year and the equipment should be a step up from the past now that they’re using RCR stuff.
Bubba on Hamlin.:D

Wonder if his snipe at Hamlin with the Adderal comment is because it hit a nerve? Maybe it’s prescribed to him and didn’t appreciate Hamlin’s comments?
Whatever, good run by the young man and his team. Glad they are enjoying it. Time will tell if it’s due to circumstances or they are that good.
RCR sure had a good day.
how can you root against the guy? Seems like hes genuinely good natured.
I like him. I also think its cool he and Blaney are buds.
Wonder if his snipe at Hamlin with the Adderal comment is because it hit a nerve? Maybe it’s prescribed to him and didn’t appreciate Hamlin’s comments?
Whatever, good run by the young man and his team. Glad they are enjoying it. Time will tell if it’s due to circumstances or they are that good.
RCR sure had a good day.

I think is was a comment aimed at Hamlin wrecking Bubba just like he wrecked the 21 at the end of the Martinsville race.
You can see the weight of that load after his mom came up. He starts crying just talking about it. Also, to have other great African-American sport heroes call you before the race has to be wonderful and at the same time put more weight on what you are doing.

Bubba seems like a wonderful guy and I hope he shines in NASCAR at the Cup level.
Damn straight, some of these youngsters have the weight of the whole race team on their shoulders, not to mention all of the effort from their parents.
He doesnt have to kneel, how about just dont take a crap on someones second place finish in the biggest race of their life? No need to bring up the obvious fact that it was Daytona and a level playing field, thats all Im saying.
I wasn't aware restrained optimism qualified as crapping on a parade. Geez, I doubt Bubba is going to read any of this.

If I haven't made it clear, I like the guy and I hope he becomes very successful in this sport. I just don't think second place at plate track is a celebratory moment, at least not for anybody except Wallace himself. As a race fan, I was far more impressed with what he did last summer tossed into a substitute role.
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I really liked the candor in his post-race interview.....so rare to see in young drivers as they're all so concerned about not ruffling any featherd etc. Does anyone know what he meant/who he was referencing with the adderall comment? Was it meant towards Dillon?
I really liked the candor in his post-race interview.....so rare to see in young drivers as they're all so concerned about not ruffling any featherd etc. Does anyone know what he meant/who he was referencing with the adderall comment? Was it meant towards Dillon?
Hamlin. Hamlin said that 70% of drivers were on it earlier this week. Bubba was throwing it back to him for wrecking him.
It just dawned on me, the trait I like the most about Bubba is that the fact that he appears to be genuinely thrilled and grateful to be there. Plus he possesses humility. His mom and dad should be very proud of their kid.
I wasn't aware restrained optimism qualified as crapping on a parade. Geez, I doubt Bubba is going to read any of this.

If I haven't made it clear, I like the guy and I hope he becomes very successful in this sport. I just don't think second place at plate track is a celebratory moment, at least not for anybody except Wallace himself. As a race fan, I was far more impressed with what he did last summer tossed into a substitute role.
Finishing Second in a race you have dreamed of running all your life and celebrating with your fans is the best moment possible to celebrate with him to date.
I think is was a comment aimed at Hamlin wrecking Bubba just like he wrecked the 21 at the end of the Martinsville race.
The Adderall comment is what I was referring to. Kinda got the inference to Hamlin's deal with Elliott.
The Adderall comment is what I was referring to. Kinda got the inference to Hamlin's deal with Elliott.
Hamlin stated 70% of drivers were on it. NASCAR had to issue a statement on the comment and Hamlin then had to try and walk it back. Also, if you watch the end of the Martinsville race Denny wrecks the 21 at the finish line by driving him into the inside wall. Very similar to what happened last night to Bubba except it was the outside wall.
how can you root against the guy? Seems like hes genuinely good natured.
I like him. I also think its cool he and Blaney are buds.

You ask a very good question, but I think that NASCAR fans should spend more time considering why they would root for a driver and less about why to root against him.
Honestly him and Suarez are so important for the future of the sport. We can talk about the downfall of NASCAR all we want, but demographically it’s stuck in the past. Recently went to a Pistons game and the diversity of the crowd shows why the NBA is rapidly growing so quick, the on court product speaks to modern America. NASCAR is a bunch of white guys, who drive for white guys and race in front of mostly white fans. That’s not what America is anymore, so unless the sport can be more relatable how is it ever gonna grow?

We all like fast cars regardless of race or sexual preferences, but we gotta figure out how to include all
Honestly him and Suarez are so important for the future of the sport. We can talk about the downfall of NASCAR all we want, but demographically it’s stuck in the past. Recently went to a Pistons game and the diversity of the crowd shows why the NBA is rapidly growing so quick, the on court product speaks to modern America. NASCAR is a bunch of white guys, who drive for white guys and race in front of mostly white fans. That’s not what America is anymore, so unless the sport can be more relatable how is it ever gonna grow?

We all like fast cars regardless of race or sexual preferences, but we gotta figure out how to include all

I agree. Great post. However, part of all of this is to recognize what NASCAR was in the past....I mean, straight up. Only then, can the sport truly evolve in this context. I wonder also if the foreign manufacturer should be seen differently in this context instead of the outsider some will always perceive it to be.

I love Suarez. Great guy. I have had the pleasure to be in his company, and he has the most unique, quiet, and respectful way of sending the message that he is who he is, and if you have a problem with it, the problem is all yours. I think that Bubba has handled all of this perfectly as well. He has been aggressive in making it clear that skin color does matter--it's part of what we all are, and we shouldn't shy away from it.
I agree. Great post. However, part of all of this is to recognize what NASCAR was in the past....I mean, straight up. Only then, can the sport truly evolve in this context. I wonder also if the foreign manufacturer should be seen differently in this context instead of the outsider some will always perceive it to be.

I love Suarez. Great guy. I have had the pleasure to be in his company, and he has the most unique, quiet, and respectful way of sending the message that he is who he is, and if you have a problem with it, the problem is all yours. I think that Bubba has handled all of this perfectly as well. He has been aggressive in making it clear that skin color does matter--it's part of what we all are, and we shouldn't shy away from it.

Yep ... Suarez is one hell of a nice guy
Yep ... Suarez is one hell of a nice guy

I understand that he tries hard too, but you don't hear about it as much as the hardest tryer in the field. Claire B. Lang almost had a show with him called, "Dancing with Daniel" but it was canned in favor of Chasing Victory....um, I mean History.

You still need the pumps for Phoenix? Need to get them dyed Carmel bluprle for ya....
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