Hendrick Motorsport News

We need more people in this world like Rick Hendrick. :punkrocke
Sort of puts that "felon" jab in perspective, doesn't it? Whatever mistakes the man may have made at one point in his life, he has spent the rest of it trying to make a difference in people's lives. There are literally dozens of stories like this, including Elliott Sadler's mom among others.
Sort of puts that "felon" jab in perspective, doesn't it? Whatever mistakes the man may have made at one point in his life, he has spent the rest of it trying to make a difference in people's lives. There are literally dozens of stories like this, including Elliott Sadler's mom among others.
Yep, it makes old Rev and any of the other members here that use the felon train, look pretty weak. ;)
Jimmie Johnson, Tom Brady, and Michael Jordan are the three playoff athletes I have ever seen.
Agreed. Doesn't get stated enough about Jimmie. A lot of people have said drivers like Kurt and Kyle Busch, Brad K etc hate losing more than they loved winning. Well, Jimmie Johnson certainly wasn't one of those guys. And no one loved winning more than Jimmie Johnson did - it seemed like he just wanted to win more than anyone he raced against. I think that was the difference maker. He wouldn't have won seven championships without Chad Knaus and Hendrick Motorsports. But he was absolutely going to win multiple championships for any "A" team he drove for.

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Yep, it makes old Rev and any of the other members here that use the felon train, look pretty weak. ;)
If you could stop gushing for a moment, you would realize that the "Felon" tag came from retaliating against the constant berating of Coach around here as @AndyMarquisLive pointed out. Let me ask you this.....What do you think would happen if I posted just one of the great things Coach does for people? Your cheeks are rosy.
You have to take Rev seriously, that's the funny part. I sure don't. He just wishes that rag tag bunch of rice burners was 1/2 as successful.
Did you say 1/2? As in 1/2 of the remaining 8 are Toyotas?
If you could stop gushing for a moment, you would realize that the "Felon" tag came from retaliating against the constant berating of Coach around here as @AndyMarquisLive pointed out. Let me ask you this.....What do you think would happen if I posted just one of the great things Coach does for people? Your cheeks are rosy.
I don't think anyone would be surprised at all. The criticism of Coach stems from him wearing his religion on his sleeve and then doing or allowing things to happen that didn't seem very Christian like. Some of the things SEEM hypocritical, at least on the surface, whether the accusation is accurate or not. It doesn't help that so many people that PROFESS to be deeply religious turn out to be some of the WORST people on the planet. Rick Hendrick has never claimed to be ANYTHING. He just does what he does.
I don't think anyone would be surprised at all. The criticism of Coach stems from him wearing his religion on his sleeve and then doing or allowing things to happen that didn't seem very Christian like. Some of the things SEEM hypocritical, at least on the surface, whether the accusation is accurate or not. It doesn't help that so many people that PROFESS to be deeply religious turn out to be some of the WORST people on the planet. Rick Hendrick has never claimed to be ANYTHING. He just does what he does.
Please, present just one thing you perceive to be non-Christian like....and in so doing, you would proclaim to be an expert on the faith....or you just might be Jesus Christ himself? I'm listening.
I will leave this here, but before we admit The Felon to sainthood....let's just pump the brakes shall we? Not sure that anything floats around about Coach like this....but I am sure you will Google it.

I will leave this here, but before we admit The Felon to sainthood....let's just pump the brakes shall we? Not sure that anything floats around about Coach like this....but I am sure you will Google it.

Well that certainly sounds a lot like what the Catholic Church did to protect their priests from child abuse charges! And on top of it liberty university is an evangelical school so it seems that Hendrick was just supporting Christianity!
I will leave this here, but before we admit The Felon to sainthood....let's just pump the brakes shall we? Not sure that anything floats around about Coach like this....but I am sure you will Google it.

And the Liberty University connection is why I just cannot get behind Byron or the 24 car(I was a big J.G. fan), Jerry Falwell was a despicable human being and the apple sure didn't fall far. I am old enough to remember his "Moral Majority" in the 80's- absolutely horrible people.
Please, present just one thing you perceive to be non-Christian like....and in so doing, you would proclaim to be an expert on the faith....or you just might be Jesus Christ himself? I'm listening.
I never said I DID see them as un-Christian like, but others have, things like how he has handled contract negotiations with several drivers, how the deal with Furniture Row was handled, the #78 pit crew mess, some of the blatant cheating that has taken place. Some people don't consider that proper for a person that leads invocations before races. I have never once gone down that road, but I know those that have. I am certainly no expert on religion. I am personally a very spiritual Christian, but I am very against big religion and the "business'' of religion, and neither belong to any organized religion, nor do I attend any church. For those of you old enough to remember the Waltons TV show, I'm much like John Walton. I go off in the woods and do my praying there. I have NEVER made it my place to proselytize to ANYONE, and I'm sure Jesus is disappointed in me a LOT.
I will leave this here, but before we admit The Felon to sainthood....let's just pump the brakes shall we? Not sure that anything floats around about Coach like this....but I am sure you will Google it.

First of all, I don't think anyone has mentioned sainthood. To my knowledge, the issues with Liberty were unknown, at least to the public at the time the sponsorship deal was signed, and once it was, HMS had certain legal and ethical obligations to uphold. The person generally held responsible for much of the perceived wrong doing is no longer there, and I haven't heard any further objections raised. I don't see Liberty as any different than many of the other corporate sponsors that have skeletons in their closet and have done illegal or unethical things. How far are we willing to dig through the history of all these sponsors and call them out? YOUR beloved Toyota built trucks and war material for the Japanese war machine. Do we want to discuss Joe's dealings with Dan Snyder, who makes Jerry Falwell Jr. look like an amateur?
If you could stop gushing for a moment, you would realize that the "Felon" tag came from retaliating against the constant berating of Coach around here as @AndyMarquisLive pointed out. Let me ask you this.....What do you think would happen if I posted just one of the great things Coach does for people? Your cheeks are rosy.
No, li will gush on a daily basis about the teams I enjoy so much and Chevy just like you do the coach and Toyota. You have never seen me post anything negative about the coach,because he is a great man. I use to spend a lot of time in his drag racing race shop in Indy and I have been around him many times in his pit at the NHRA races. Everyone on his team loved working for him. Actually, the team I was working on purchased his hospitality rig from him when he left NHRA. I would love to see more people in this world like Rick Hendrick and Joe Gibbs. Even after losing their sons just as they were in their prime, Rick and Joe stayed strong and pushed on. Rick and Joe has went on to be outstanding individuals in this world and has helped many others along the way.
I also want to say that I don’t feel that Rick Hendrick or Joe Gibbs deserve the amount of negativity that they both seem to attract from race fans on a daily basis. JMO
I also want to say that I don’t feel that Rick Hendrick or Joe Gibbs deserve the amount of negativity that they both seem to attract from race fans on a daily basis. JMO

It looks to me like Rick & Joe are just being used in a personal pissing contest between a couple of people. I've never met either man but they both seem like good eggs to me, and they both make Nascar better by being involved.
How did The Chain Gang miss out on this scheme? Maybe The Felon didn't bring enough 100s to the McDonald's Employee Appreciation Convention?

I just saw a mind-blowing stat. Larson has as many wins as he does DNF's since joining Hendrick. That's right, a whooping 17 DNF's. He needs to take care of that if he wants to succeed.
I just saw a mind-blowing stat. Larson has as many wins as he does DNF's since joining Hendrick. That's right, a whooping 17 DNF's. He needs to take care of that if he wants to succeed.
Well your boy Briscoe has 10 times the number of DNF's vs wins...he needs to take care of that if he wants to succeed.
The stat just hammers home the point that as great as Larson is, he can be quite sloppy too. My guess is the majority of those 17 DNF's were self inflicted, just like Sunday. In this format though, it's not near as important as it once was, and I find that sad. 17 DNF's in three seasons is big deal to ME.
The stat just hammers home the point that as great as Larson is, he can be quite sloppy too. My guess is the majority of those 17 DNF's were self inflicted, just like Sunday. In this format though, it's not near as important as it once was, and I find that sad. 17 DNF's in three seasons is big deal to ME.
I feel sorry for the old Gordon fans, Hendrick signs Johnson with Jeff's help and he beats the dog **** out of Gordon from then on. So they throw their allegiance to young Elliott and here comes Larson lol. I understand why so many of them have a sick twisted outlook about Nascar in general lol.
I feel sorry for the old Gordon fans, Hendrick signs Johnson with Jeff's help and he beats the dog **** out of Gordon from then on. So they throw their allegiance to young Elliott and here comes Larson lol. I understand why so many of them have a sick twisted outlook about Nascar in general lol.
Eh. I am an old Gordon fan and threw my allegiance behind Larson. Thats quite the paint brush you're using to paint with, maybe you're using an Axalta coating.
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