IF game

If I still had problems after the party, I would smile and pretend everything is fine and dandy.
If I would smile and pretend everything is fine and dandy, then maybe somebody would see through it.
If someone would see through my facade, I would hope that they would talk to me about it.
If I would hope that they would talk to me about it, I would not run away scared like usual.
If I didn't run away scared like usual, then my feet must be stuck in cement.
If my feet were stuck in cement I would hope that I would not have to go to the bathroom
If it makes a really big mess, someone is going to need to clean it up.
If someone is going to clean up the mess, then I hope I'm not that person.
If I am not that person, then I could hire someone to clean up the mess.
If I could hire someone to clean up the mess, it will take alot of money and time.
If it would take a lot of money and time, perhaps I can hit up a relative for money.
If I could hit up a relative for money, then after they got the bill they'd sue me.
If after they got the bill they'd sue me, I better find a good lawyer.
If I'd better get a lawyer, then I hope he or she is a good at what they do.
If he or she was good at what they would do, I would sit back and relax.
If I would sit back and relax, I would be in for a shock when I got the lawyer's bill.
When I got the lawyer's bill, I would probably drop a log in my pants.
if i would drop a log in my pants, it would be very embarrasing:eek:
If I was embarrassed, I would probably make a joke to make it seem funny.
If I would make a joke to make it seem funny, then I bet alot of people would laugh at me.
If a lot of people would laugh at me, then I would laugh with them.
If I would laugh with them (about me), then they would think I was a moron.
If they thought I was a moron. Then they would start to make jokes about me.
If I would kick him while he's down, then hopefully it would be a extremely painful kick.
If it was an extremely painful kick, then he won't be getting up for a while.
if he wont be getting up for a while, then im going out to play:D
If I needed to warm up first. I would go to a gym or heated pool.
If I would go to a gym or heated pool, then I'm going to get wet.
If I would be dry when it rains, i would look silly in a raincoat if it wasn't raining.
If beggers could ride, then my sister would be seeing those penguins and evil pineapple again.
If 66's sister starts seeing the penguins and evil pineapples again, then it is only a matter of time before the penguins and pineapples take over.
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