IF game

If I could choose where to hurl, then it would be on a person I don't like.
If I want to hurl on the big red truck, then I hope Tony and Kevin arn't in it.
If I hurl IN the Big Red Truck, I hope it will spray all the Nascar Officials and not the "Invitees".
If I sprayed on the nascar officals and not invitees. I would make sure I got Helton.
If Helton would eat me, then when I'm in his stomach I'd tear a hole and crawl out then go to the press to tell my adventurous story.
If when I'm in his stomach I'd tear a hole and crawl out then go to the press to tell my adventurous story, I think everyone would :bleh: when they'd hear it.
if I think everyone would :bleh: when they'd hear it. then ther would be a lot of puke in the world!
If there was a lot of puke in the world, i would not want to go swimming anymore
If I wouldn't go swimming anymore, than nobody would be able to see my abbs.
If nobody would be able to see my abbs, than I would be relieved.
If I have another beer, then I might as well finish off the six pack of beer.
If I finish off the six pack of beer, I might be a little bit buzzed.
If I might be a little buzzed, then perhaps I shouldn't drink the other six pack in my fridge.
If I I shouldn't drink the other six pack in my fridge, then maybe I should eat some food.
If I should eat some food, then I need to decide if I want to make something or go get something.
If I need to decide if I want to make something or go get something, I'd better decide quickly.
If I have to decide quickly, then I am probably just going to make something so I don't have to leave the house.
If I am probably just going to make something so I don't have to leave the house, I'm gonna be using the microwave.
If I am going to be using the microwave, then I better make sure that when I use it no metal is put in it.
If I better make sure that when I use it no metal is put in it, then I better take the wrapper off the Arby's sandwich I had leftover from yesterday.
If I better take the wrapper off the Arby's sandwich I had leftover from yesterday, then I need to lick all the melted cheese off the wrapper.
If I licked the melted cheese from the wrapper. People would stare at me.
If people would stare at me, then I'd spit the cheese it their direction.
If I spit the cheese in their general direction, I would hope they have crackers.
If they share them, I would not want them b/c they would have the cheese that I spit on them!
If the crackers would have the cheese that I spit on them, then they might be soggy crackers.
If I hope that it is not white, I'd hope even more that it is not clear!
If I hope its not clear either, then I don't have to worry about people seeing whats in the bag.
If I don't worry about people seeing whats in the bag. Then I can put anything in the bag.
If I can put anything in the bag, maybe I can fit Buckshot Jones in the bag.
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