NFL Thread

RG3 is no shock. Everyone in Cleveland expected this to happen. Back to freakin' McCown. Way to lock up that #1 pick! Hopefully Philly can go 1-15 so Cleveland can lock up that #2 pick too!
RG3 is no shock. Everyone in Cleveland expected this to happen. Back to freakin' McCown. Way to lock up that #1 pick! Hopefully Philly can go 1-15 so Cleveland can lock up that #2 pick too!
Not happening with Ginger Jesus at QB!
Gonna take lots of Hyde for the 9ers to have a chance to win tonight.

I can't help but to simply shake my head at all the unnecessary penalties I see each and every week in the NFL. When you're behind in a game, don't create dumb penalties that will make it even tougher for you than it already is.
L.A. wanted to have an NFL team again. They're still waiting. ;)
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