The Annex

Yeah but Sean said he has no delay?????? Or song thread at NFP has hundreds more and no delay there either....

Yeah but at NFP you can have only 10 or 20 posts per page. Here it is 40.
30 seconds? That's good compared to mine. 10 mins and no load
Yeppers that happened as well...........But last night I posted a few songs it was 1:30 and had no problem so I dunno what the deal is with this....
I wonder if you can adjust the number of posts per page?

We could at NFP. I haven't seen that option here. It's really not a big deal for me because I don't post much in the way of music videos.
We could at NFP. I haven't seen that option here. It's really not a big deal for me because I don't post much in the way of music videos.
I have watched that launch 3 times its so amazing..... The flames that roll in that cement box are fascinating to watch.....All the things they have to hold her back till shes got max power......Has to be one of the best videos I have seen on any launch...
Going to the bathroom to brush my teeth looking away long enough?

My Dad is so sore today.... The way he was talking yesterday I think he thought he was gunna be ok I said wait till later and tomorrow..... We are sposed to go to Cost Co and make the deliveries of all the goodies tomorrow. He said he can barley walk today. Well hes like that almost every day so If he be worse he will never make it tomorrow.
I have watched that launch 3 times its so amazing..... The flames that roll in that cement box are fascinating to watch.....All the things they have to hold her back till shes got max power......Has to be one of the best videos I have seen on any launch...

Amazing video. You see all the stuff dropping off the sides, the small white pieces? Wonder what that was.
My Dad is so sore today.... The way he was talking yesterday I think he thought he was gunna be ok I said wait till later and tomorrow..... We are sposed to go to Cost Co and make the deliveries of all the goodies tomorrow. He said he can barley walk today. Well hes like that almost every day so If he be worse he will never make it tomorrow.

Oh but he has to make the deliveries. I don't know if he will be better by Tuesday.
This one has some great sound Apollo 17 from a distance.......Trips me out how slow they were compared to the Shuttle launches they get going fast!

Oh but he has to make the deliveries. I don't know if he will be better by Tuesday.
I don't think so he sounded like he was hurten bad.... Cut the call short....I told him lets wait till Tuesday or even Wednesday....... I asked him are you usen your cane he said yeah but after a short pause......hes so stubborn.
I don't think so he sounded like he was hurten bad.... Cut the call short....I told him lets wait till Tuesday or even Wednesday....... I asked him are you usen your cane he said yeah but after a short pause......hes so stubborn.

Are they open Wednesday? That's Christmas Eve you know.
Can't be anything important, like the tiles they lost one time.
Nope Apollo didn't have those tiles like the Shuttle has......Think theres a bunch of ice that builds up from fueling the rocket...
Has the candy been bought yet? You may have to take them for him.
Yes we went and got them on the last double Cost Co Day a couple weeks ago.......he spent I think it was close to 400 on coookies and them Truffles... even the cookies are covered with Belgum Chocolate Dad don't mess a round!!
Yes we went and got them on the last double Cost Co Day a couple weeks ago.......he spent I think it was close to 400 on coookies and them Truffles... even the cookies are covered with Belgum Chocolate Dad don't mess a round!!

Dang that sounds good. I don't recall seeing good candy like that at my Sam's Club. I like truffles in lots of different flavors.. not all chocolate.
Dang that sounds good. I don't recall seeing good candy like that at my Sam's Club. I like truffles in lots of different flavors.. not all chocolate.
I think theres 3 flavors in the Truffle Candy Bags...I am gunna have to get on a diet first of the year.....
I think theres 3 flavors in the Truffle Candy Bags...I am gunna have to get on a diet first of the year.....

LOL After New Years is the perfect time.
You ever watch North Woods Law? I think it's been on for hours. Interesting stuff.
LOL After New Years is the perfect time.
You ever watch North Woods Law? I think it's been on for hours. Interesting stuff.
Yeah I think its time getting to heavy again.......Yes I do very interesting stuff......
Yeah I think its time getting to heavy again.......Yes I do very interesting stuff......

The show has been entertaining me all afternoon. Not bored with it yet.

It's time I need to get going. Have a good night! TTYT :waver:
The show has been entertaining me all afternoon. Not bored with it yet.

It's time I need to get going. Have a good night! TTYT :waver:
Yeah that's about how I watch it as well......Its not bad different for sure....TTYT Good night :waver:
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