The Annex

Merry Christmas Eve to everyone … :cheers:

I can tell Christmas day is around the corner as yesterday I had to crank up the A/C (after almost 2 weeks without using it) as we hit 84 and today its 89 … hopefully tomorrow it will cool down some …

Merry Christmas cnumb :cheers:

Would you believe it, I have my a/c on right now.
Good Afternoon Race Fans of RF.......Merry Christmas everyone and are new friends here......

Merry Christmas Naz.
Just heading to work now. Have a great evening and even better day tomoro :cheers:
I'll have one for you when I get home tonight.
Alrighty Clutch yes please do since that's the only way I can drink these days......o_O
Merry Christmas Mr Numb......has to use the AC in the car driving around the last few days....

Better then having to use the heater …lol … The A/C in my truck is always on because I don't like to drive with my windows down …
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