The Announcers Thread

Maybe it's just me, but, who else thinks the volume on track sounds is WAY to loud compared to the announcers volume. Yesterdays, (Oct 09 2017), race was a prime example. The track sound was extremely loud but at times you could barely hear the commentators, if at all. Just my opinion.

I don't normally have the sound on or up very loud during the race so I can't confirm or deny your findings.
Rick Allen reaching new lows on a regular basis. They really need to replace that clown before Burton and Letarte lose hope in humanity and leave their families.
Rick Allen reaching new lows on a regular basis. They really need to replace that clown before Burton and Letarte lose hope in humanity and leave their families.

If Letarte leaves his family, she will take him to the cleaners! He won't stand a chance.
low is a nice break,
from all those whiney high pitched girly men.

oh no...
MoRoNs has the fake excitement disease when nothing is really happening on track at dega,
all i got left is the mute button.
NBC has left a lot to be desired this year.
I was wondering if you ever get to talk to the director and others in charge of the TV broadcast.
I doubt any of them are fans. People go to the track to see a race and can be entertained before and after. I wonder "Why do they think they have to interrupt the TV race and show that clown Rutledge??????? I tune in to see the race and I realize that commercials are a price we must pay, however the RACE is what we want to see, not their feeble attempt at humor.
Yea it’s been bad all around this year. FOX had their blunders but man NBC has been brutal from Rick Allen ( he’s entering Bill Webber territory for me) to The Hipster Rutledge Wood it’s been a cluster. I just want to know about the race from what’s going on through the field to strategy. Like today there should have been a pit reporter right in Bowyers face after his diva tantrum, but what do we get? Nothing...I don’t care about The Hipster on top of some Dope’s camper in the infield. I care as to why Bowyer thinks he can throw his team under the bus like that on TV like he’s a championship contender and weekly race winner.
IDK what is up with Burton and Letarte using the term "energy" in terms of a car's lack of or ample portion of but it makes no sense to me. The term was used by NBC last year more often.
Yea it’s been bad all around this year. FOX had their blunders but man NBC has been brutal from Rick Allen ( he’s entering Bill Webber territory for me) to The Hipster Rutledge Wood it’s been a cluster. I just want to know about the race from what’s going on through the field to strategy. Like today there should have been a pit reporter right in Bowyers face after his diva tantrum, but what do we get? Nothing...I don’t care about The Hipster on top of some Dope’s camper in the infield. I care as to why Bowyer thinks he can throw his team under the bus like that on TV like he’s a championship contender and weekly race winner.

If the Hipster is the dude with the neck beard I FF anytime I see him.
I did the tv on mute, mrn on the surround sound, and NASCAR’s app. It worked fine until 4:30 when the radio station cut the feed. Otherwise, ignoring the commercials, poor camera angles, and the hour wasted on non race related bs, it was similar to being at the track.
I did the tv on mute, mrn on the surround sound, and NASCAR’s app. It worked fine until 4:30 when the radio station cut the feed. Otherwise, ignoring the commercials, poor camera angles, and the hour wasted on non race related bs, it was similar to being at the track.
mrn caught the fake excitement yelling disease at dega
I was wondering if you ever get to talk to the director and others in charge of the TV broadcast.
I doubt any of them are fans. People go to the track to see a race and can be entertained before and after. I wonder "Why do they think they have to interrupt the TV race and show that clown Rutledge??????? I tune in to see the race and I realize that commercials are a price we must pay, however the RACE is what we want to see, not their feeble attempt at humor.

A LOT of fans like Rutledge Wood.
First race that I've sat down and watched green to checkered in a while. I didn't really have a problem with anything that I watched/heard yesterday. I don't know if I let what they say just go in one ear and out the other or what but man, some of you really let this stuff get to ya. It's gotta be tough to go through that week in week out I'm guessing.
First race that I've sat down and watched green to checkered in a while. I didn't really have a problem with anything that I watched/heard yesterday. I don't know if I let what they say just go in one ear and out the other or what but man, some of you really let this stuff get to ya. It's gotta be tough to go through that week in week out I'm guessing.

I thought the 3 stooges were much better yesterday than in previous weeks and I didn't have to use the mute button but silencing them is just a button press away. Of course I am still giddy over the pounding the Steelers gave the Chiefs so that may be erasing any other negative memories.
I thought the 3 stooges were much better yesterday than in previous weeks and I didn't have to use the mute button but silencing them is just a button press away. Of course I am still giddy over the pounding the Steelers gave the Chiefs so that may be erasing any other negative memories.
I watched the race exclusively up until kickoff. That's ween the additional television kicked in to take in both. I don't really have that much of a problem with the announcing team. They just don't bother me like they seem to to most on here.

The first half Steelers/KC game was a pounding. The 2nd half looked dangerously close to the Steelers team of the past two weeks. All that matters is the scoreboard though in the long run. A W's a W. I'll take it.
I would like Steve more if he didn't always SHOUT and Jeff needs to stop talking to the audience like they are 5 year olds
Okay, here is a question for you: on Fox, who is better. Trotta or Spake?
Trotta was far, far better than Spake, IMO. She always had a bubbly enthusiasm combined with a slightly sassy delivery that worked well. It always came off as her natural personality... whether true or not, it seemed that way to me. Spake is OK but dull and a bit forced in comparison. I also believe Trotta is more knowledgeable about racing than Spake. Lately, I've found that I often prefer NBCSN's Nascar America to Race Hub. I think Carolyn Mano has upped her game as host of that show. She tends to step back from the minutia and repetition that bogs down her analysts and turn to the big picture questions. I find that interesting. (I tend to tape both shows, watch a few, but delete many without ever watching them.)
Spake is getting better IMO, she was thrown to the lions when Trotta suddenly left. I agree, so far she doesn't have the sizzle that Trotta had, Trotta seemed to really enjoy her job and jabbing around with the drivers and her co hosts. Trotta was a good
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