TV Shows

Killed by Coyote's? on The National Geographic Channel was really interesting.
I need to start watching that show. I know a whole bunch of people who swore they'd never watch again after the end of some episode that pissed em off, but I'd bet they'l be back.

The season finale this year was pretty rough. It tore a lot of people up. This is one of those shows that get you so emotionally attached to a character. Then when something happens to them, it stings a little bit. Start at season 1 and get caught up. You won't regret it.
The season finale this year was pretty rough. It tore a lot of people up. This is one of those shows that get you so emotionally attached to a character. Then when something happens to them, it stings a little bit. Start at season 1 and get caught up. You won't regret it.

And I swear half of them were on my Facebook newsfeed. It's been in my Netflix queue a while now. Maybe when I get caught up on American Hoory Sory, I'll start watching it next.
And I swear half of them were on my Facebook newsfeed. It's been in my Netflix queue a while now. Maybe when I get caught up on American Hoory Sory, I'll start watching it next.

I was one of them. There were a couple characters I got pissed over, but not to the point of where I'd stopping watching the show.
As nice as she looks there, she may look even better walking away. :growl::wub:

You don't want to make Meghan Ory angry, you won't like her when she's angry.

I don't know how badass she is on Intelligence but she's kind of a badass on Once Upon A Time. I hope they can bring her back for a few episodes.
My only shows that I watch regularly now are The Simpsons, because someone has to, and Archer. Everything else I've ever started to watch gets cancelled.

Archer is taking an interesting turn this season with the show changing the characters from being a spy agency to a drug cartel.
You don't want to make Meghan Ory angry, you won't like her when she's angry.

I don't know how badass she is on Intelligence but she's kind of a badass on Once Upon A Time. I hope they can bring her back for a few episodes.
She plays a pretty strong badass on Intelligence, I guess you could say. It always seems a little contrived to me when a hot, thinner chick is supposed to be such a great fighter in hand to hand situations with men who outweigh them by 100 pounds or more. I absolutely love Daniella Ruah from NCIS:Los Angeles. She may be the most beautiful, sexy woman on TV in my mind. But, they have her beating guys up occasionally. And while I certainly get the idea of being well trained in hand to hand combat and learning how to use a larger person's weight against them and all, it's just not too realistic to expect a chick with a 28 inch waist if that to take on and beat up 250 pound guys on a regular basis. Here's my girl Daniella Ruah.


I'm hoping Almost Human isn't cancelled. Only because of Minka Kelly:wub:
Oh yeah, she is pretty incredible too. I loved it when she was on Parenthood. It was a great role for her too. I haven't tried Almost Human, it just looks too bad. I did watch her in the Charlie's Angels remake TV series they tried a year or so ago. That show was just too horrible to survive even with the eye candy they had on there.
Oh yeah, she is pretty incredible too. I loved it when she was on Parenthood. It was a great role for her too. I haven't tried Almost Human, it just looks too bad. I did watch her in the Charlie's Angels remake TV series they tried a year or so ago. That show was just too horrible to survive even with the eye candy they had on there.

Almost Human isn't that bad. However it will likely be cancelled soon so no reason to start watching now.
House of Cards season 2 will go up at midnight tonight for those who have Netflix.
Those are all the big 4's show's. I don't watch any programming on the big 4 other than racing and Saints related programs.
Anyone watches True Detective with Mathew Mcconaughey and Woody Harrelson? Great show. Recommend.
Read the whole list. I think Intelligence and Wonderland are the only shows with a chance to escape. Intelligence, from what I've seen of it, is better suited for USA or TNT. Wonderland survives if ABC realizes the errors in their ways and moves the show either to 9pm Sundays or 8pm Sundays during the summer and/or winter.
I really hope Intelligence survives. I can see myself getting burned out on the fate of the free world resting in their hands every episode, kind of like NCIS: Los Angeles. But, so far it's really good and the wife and kids are loving it.
I really hope Intelligence survives. I can see myself getting burned out on the fate of the free world resting in their hands every episode, kind of like NCIS: Los Angeles. But, so far it's really good and the wife and kids are loving it.

Never seen it but I should. Meghan Ory :wub: is hot hot hot.
I hope this is some sort of early april fools joke.

NBC is so desperate they're willing to try anything at this point. Heroes was great in the first season but they ruined it with new characters that no one cared about. I'm not sure if the original cast could make this reboot work.
NBC is so desperate they're willing to try anything at this point. Heroes was great in the first season but they ruined it with new characters that no one cared about. I'm not sure if the original cast could make this reboot work.

FOX is bringing 24 back. All the networks are desperate because CBS is killing them.
I love the episode of 8 Simple Rules where they have the Threes Company dream. John Ritter was always funny.
I love the episode of 8 Simple Rules where they have the Threes Company dream. John Ritter was always funny.
I never watched that show. I just couldn't get over how stupid the original title was. Kaley Cuoco and the other chick are pretty hot though and John Ritter was always funny as you said. He was actually pretty good in Sling Blade as well. I'd never seen him do anything but comedy before Sling Blade, but he did a really good job with it.
I don't know that I've ever been more surprised to see a show come back as I was to see Hannibal come back last night on NBC. I guess NBC is pretty desperate for anything that gets any kind of ratings. I was under the impression that the ratings for that show weren't very good last season. I know that there were NBC affiliates that weren't even carrying the show due to it's graphic violence and subject matter. I also thought the show seemed kind of wrapped up at the end of last season, but, I guess not. NBC has cancelled a lot better shows than Hannibal, but I guess I will check out the new season and see how it is. My wife really got into the show last season. I liked it more at the beginning, but it was still pretty good at the end of the season. She'll be pretty stoked when she finds out that it came back and that I recorded it last night.
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