TV Shows

Country Music having yet another awards show tonight, the ACA's. It's "country's biggest night" for what seems like the 47th time this year.
Anybody watch Bonnie and Clyde?I watched part 1 and DVR'd part 2.Part 1 was pretty good.
Heard so many good things about American Horror Story, and just started watching season one. Whoa! Great show.
I think I'm gonna watch tonight's episode of The Big Bang Theory over and over. If you saw it, you know why:wub:
Well the always exciting(by always I mean never) Golden Globe nominations are out. The only ones I care about are two for The Big Bang Theory and one for Hayden Panettiere. ;)
I'll be glad when Justified comes back.
I was wondering if anyone besides me watches that. That is one of my favorites. I wish Netflix would pick it up and show it from Season 1. I'd watch it all over again. They did a great job of casting the characters on that show.
It's been kind of tough waiting for new episodes of any of my favorite shows. Most have been gone for 10 days or more. They start coming back tomorrow night with Elementary and Parenthood.
ABC came damn close to ruining Once Upon A Time. They saved the series in the final 20 seconds of the Winter Finale.

Started watching that on Netflix.

I found it sort of silly but given it a chance.

Too many lol moments in my opinion. Not the good lol kind btw.
FINAL season?

This is bull. :bsflag::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:

**** like Duck Dynasty, Big Brother and countless other horrible reality TV shows stick around for years and years but anytime there's actually a quality show worth watching, it's axed well before it should be.

Look at the bright side. Would you rather the show end when it's good, or go on years past it's expiration date and have all the actors phone it in like they do on CSI?
Look at the bright side. Would you rather the show end when it's good, or go on years past it's expiration date and have all the actors phone it in like they do on CSI?

Pretty soon, the only things I'll watch on cable will be NASCAR, football, the news. At least there's a few channels that rerun old 90s shows that I can download off the internet for free or watch on Netflix anyways.
Ahh, I'm so glad Blacklist is back on. Great show.
Spader was perfectly cast.
We love that show. But it seems like after the break, they changed it a bit. Not sure if I like the new direction, with what seems like Spader's character being more of a side story, while everyone else is solving the case of the day like so many of the other crime shows.

But yeah, Spader is perfect in that role.
Andy, I've had a chance to watch the two seasons of The Newsroom.

I'm not sure why they're cancelling it but it wont be missed.

This show is pretty good but its basically a rehash of actual events. There is no suspense or mystery.

What made this show good was the characters and that alone wont save a show.
The Big Bang Theory(CBS #1 show by the way) will really get screwed on the new NFL Thursday night deal. Now they have to move days after being the #1 show on network tv......
I'm glad The Following is back on. I knew Joe Carroll wasn't dead.
Yeah, I'm torn. I figured he wasn't dead, but really hoped he was. Actually, I'm torn about the show being back too. I really liked it at first, but I really don't like much of the way it has gone since. My wife is almost as ambivalent as I am about it, but my youngest daughter is absolutely hooked on the show. She is a writer and an avid reader. She really likes Poe and the whole literary aspect of the show really appeals to her. So, we watch. By the way, I'm pretty sure the pretty hot sophisticated chick that "survived" the attack on the train in the season opener is a Carroll follower in some way. It's just a hunch, but it's a pretty strong one.
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Is anyone else watching "Intelligence" on CBS? I dvr'd it from the start and just finally started watching them a week or so ago. The family and I are hooked. It's really good. It seems to combine aspects of other series like Chuck (the guy has a computer chip in his brain that gives him access to all kinds of information on the bad guys among other things), NCIS: Los Angeles (the world is at risk of a terrorist attack of colossal proportions every episode), Unforgettable (there's this thing he does where he basically has the ability to freeze a scene in his mind and walk through it and examine it at his leisure) and a few other shows. It has the smoking hot, but tough as nails, former secret service agent who is assigned to protect him and so you get the predictable sexual/romantic tension when they are in close proximity.

It comes across as an unoriginal series in some ways because of this, but then again almost everything on TV is basically taken from other shows of the past. They all do it, it just seems little more obvious in this one. Maybe it's because I happened to have watched all of the shows they copied from. In fact, I'd have to say that if you never watched the show Chuck, this series may seem very original to you. That being said, it is still pretty good.
Is anyone else watching "Intelligence" on CBS? I dvr'd it from the start and just finally started watching them a week or so ago. The family and I are hooked. It's really good. It seems to combine aspects of other series like Chuck (the guy has a computer chip in his brain that gives him access to all kinds of information on the bad guys among other things), NCIS: Los Angeles (the world is at risk of a terrorist attack of colossal proportions every episode), Unforgettable (there's this thing he does where he basically has the ability to freeze a scene in his mind and walk through it and examine it at his leisure) and a few other shows. It has the smoking hot, but tough as nails, former secret service agent who is assigned to protect him and so you get the predictable sexual/romantic tension when they are in close proximity.

It comes across as an unoriginal series in some ways because of this, but then again almost everything on TV is basically taken from other shows of the past. They all do it, it just seems little more obvious in this one. Maybe it's because I happened to have watched all of the shows they copied from. In fact, I'd have to say that if you never watched the show Chuck, this series may seem very original to you. That being said, it is still pretty good.

Never seen Intelligence, all I know is that Meghan Ory's in it. :wub:

My wife got addicted to Sons of Anarchy while we were up in M. America at christmas......she 's very happy we get it here now.
Tonight is the last episode of the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Well, until September when he comes out of retirement and takes it back.
My wife got addicted to Sons of Anarchy while we were up in M. America at christmas......she 's very happy we get it here now.
I need to start watching that show. I know a whole bunch of people who swore they'd never watch again after the end of some episode that pissed em off, but I'd bet they'l be back.
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