TV Shows

Me and the wife are starting to find Resurrection annoying, answer some questions already instead of making more.
Me and the wife are starting to find Resurrection annoying, answer some questions already instead of making more.
We haven't seen this week's yet, we'll probably watch it tonight. Last week's episode, with the robbery, was pretty good.
Been watching Hanibal. This show is messed.the.hell.up. Love the show though.

Good show.

The murders are presented so artful and careful. Crazily detailed.

Last episode was the weakest of the season though. Didn't like the direction they are taking Alana's and Hannibal relationship.
CMA only had a 3.3 in the demo but a massive 14.4 in the overall. Those demo ratings are down from 4.3 last year.

Country music's a dying artform. Hopefully the plummeting ratings for the country music stuff, the rapid decline in popularity complete with the rapid decline in the popularity of Duck Dynasty will have television stations rethink this rural appeasement strategy. The only people who watch that crap are wannabe rednecks who wouldn't know what to do with a fishing pole if you handed them one.
Also, Resurrection's ratings are continuing to decline. It looks like, by the end of the season, Once Upon A Time will remain ABC's flagship program. BTW, this season has been excellent. I love the Wicked Witch of the West plot.

Also, Rebecca Mader :growl:

Caught a episode of TURN last night, too early for me to give it a thumbs up or down.
Me and the wife are starting to find Resurrection annoying, answer some questions already instead of making more.
Yeah, it was kind of weird. What was up with the disappearing act? I get that the entire concept of the show is not realistic, obviously, but it still bugs me when something happens and it makes no sense even within the guidelines of the rest of the show.
Yeah, it was kind of weird. What was up with the disappearing act? I get that the entire concept of the show is not realistic, obviously, but it still bugs me when something happens and it makes no sense even within the guidelines of the rest of the show.
I get that, but also kin of see where Kaleb, or whatever his name is, seems to be kind of the main power behind what's going on (based in the little interaction between him and the kid). And there's more to him than meets the eye. I could be wrong though.
Apparently NBC is letting viewers submit ideas for new TV shows. So they've basically just admitted they got nothing?
Agents of shield started off pretty lame, but it's gotten a lot better the past few episodes. It has potential but well see where they go with it. My favorite show on tv is supernatural but I highly recommend watching it from the beginning on Netflix. Seasons 1-5 are greatness and 6-7 are junk. But 8-9 have gotten a lot better plus I'm a die hard
I am really torn on the series Those Who Kill. I started watching it on A&E when it first came on right after Bates Motel at the beginning of this season. It only aired 2 episodes and then was apparently cancelled by A&E. Well, it showed up again on Lifetime Network, of all places. I had only seen the first episode an A&E and deleted it whotut watching it when I saw that they weren't airing any more. I figured "why get sucked in any further, right?". I recorded all of them on Lifetime and watched the second one last night. It was good, but it was kind of unexpected. It's strange in that Chloe Sevigny is the main character and she is kind of strange in a lot of ways. Her character is very flawed. She's also very sexually charged, but I rarely find her attractive at all. Although, in certain scenes she is downright captivatingly sexy.

Watched the season finale of Justified last night. There has been better seasons, but it wasn't bad. The final season is shaping up to be a great one. What we all expected. Boyd vs Raylan.

Sucks that its over. Have to wait until Sept for my next show, Sons Of Anarchy. Sigh. Next season is it's final season too. :(
Watched the season finale of Justified last night. There has been better seasons, but it wasn't bad. The final season is shaping up to be a great one. What we all expected. Boyd vs Raylan.

Sucks that its over. Have to wait until Sept for my next show, Sons Of Anarchy. Sigh. Next season is it's final season too. :(
Thought it was pretty good. I just wish we didn't have to wait so long to see another season. One of my favorites. The series that's taking its place next week (Fargo) looks like it might have a little humor in it, might have to check it out.
Also posted in the podium, you know it'll end up there anyway.
He's going to have to tone it down a little going from cable to ota broadcast.

Hey, it's already po'd limbough so all good in my book
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Also posted in the podium, you know it'll end up there anyway.
He's going to have to tone it down a little going from cable to ota broadcast.

Hey, it's already po'd limbough so all good in my book
From what I understand, the Colbert character will die with the Colbert Report, so we'll likely see a lot different person thatn what we're used to on his show.
Watched the season finale of Justified last night. There has been better seasons, but it wasn't bad. The final season is shaping up to be a great one. What we all expected. Boyd vs Raylan.

Sucks that its over. Have to wait until Sept for my next show, Sons Of Anarchy. Sigh. Next season is it's final season too. :(
I watched Justified for most of a season a while back and I just ended up giving up. I like some of the actors and some of the characters, but the story line just seemed to repeat itself over and over and go in circles and never go anywhere. I started watching because the guy who plays the main character starred in the movie Hitman several years ago. It's one of my son's favorite movies and I liked it quite a bit too.
Also, I'm pretty sure Craig Ferguson isn't happy about this. I just read that it was in his contract that he was supposed to be first in line to take Letterman's spot. Since they technically violated his contract, they owe him $5,000,000.

That's just what I read, so take it for what it's worth.
This deal went down real fast. Makes me wonder if this has been in the works for a while but on the back burner. If Ferguson had a contract he might win in court but he also might have had just a proposal or a tentative deal. If he really pushes this he may find himself unemployed with no other network willing to hire him. I'm sure more details will emerge.

I know this, it appears Colbert going to CBS has pissed off a few right wingers, rove,hannity,o'really and of course limbough have all chimed basically saying America is going to hell in a hand basket because of this move.:):):):):):)
Also, I'm pretty sure Craig Ferguson isn't happy about this. I just read that it was in his contract that he was supposed to be first in line to take Letterman's spot. Since they technically violated his contract, they owe him $5,000,000.

That's just what I read, so take it for what it's worth.
I just don't see Ferguson fitting in that time slot. He has a pretty good thing going where he is right now and it would seem to be a mistake to try to fit a square peg into a round hole. Admittedly, I don't know much about Colbert. He's been a little too liberal for my tastes up to this point, but it's hard to tell how much of that he will bring to CBS. I'll give the show a chance when he takes over. At least I find him funny, unlike Conan and some of those guys who are almost anti-funny to me.
Tonight's Game of Thrones episode was thoroughly satisfying.
You liked that too. :D The only problem I had was that he died to quickly, didn't suffer enough.

I hated that prick too but I kinda felt abit sorry too. At the end there he was just scare ****less like the little kid he is reaching for his mom.

How about that face when he turned blue and the blood started dripping down his nose and eyes. Holy crap that was intense.

Poor Tyrion cant catch a break.
I hated that prick too but I kinda felt abit sorry too. At the end there he was just scare ****less like the little kid he is reaching for his mom.

How about that face when he turned blue and the blood started dripping down his nose and eyes. Holy crap that was intense.

Poor Tyrion cant catch a break.
I did not feel one bit sorry.
Resurrection has now lost almost half of it's demo since the first episode.
I can see why. It's been pretty disappointing. It has some good moments and I'm interested enough in seeing what happens to some of the characters to keep watching, but I no longer look forward to it.
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