Weather Check-In

Dan Henry, via facebook-

A "weather first" for me....First time I can recall in my professional career that literally every type of "hydrometeor" has fallen from the clouds in a period of not even 3 days! We've seen hail, rain, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, sleet, snow, snow pellets (graupel) and we even threw in some thunder and lightning to accompany it this morning! Pretty remarkable. I'm afraid to ask what may be falling next!
Dan Henry, via facebook-

A "weather first" for me....First time I can recall in my professional career that literally every type of "hydrometeor" has fallen from the clouds in a period of not even 3 days! We've seen hail, rain, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, sleet, snow, snow pellets (graupel) and we even threw in some thunder and lightning to accompany it this morning! Pretty remarkable. I'm afraid to ask what may be falling next!
Well if he was driving on 635 yesterday people were falling too.Suicide jumper.
It was absolutely miserable here in Palestine today --- never got above 33* on my front porch. Ice coated the trees and fences until late afternoon.
Wet, cold, and miserable.
It was pretty nice here today. I was outside in a t shirt most of the day, and I think it's suppose to be around 75 deg the rest of the week.:)
Well, getting the house, and the company, prepared for possible power outages from the winter storm coming our way (because, here in the right side of the county, we also know how to prepare for that)
One can't go overboard on the sunblock when UV rays aren't being reflected by smog.
I seen them northeasterners, all they gotta do to hide in the snow is shut their eyes :D

True enough. The roasted turkey skin look hasn't quite spread everywhere - many must've missed the Martha Stewart Thanksgiving episode.
Getting hit from the outer bands of Winter Storm Iago..........:rolleyes:

Sorry, had to say it like that. Really, Weather Channel?
I hope Bobby didn't move already. If he did then he moved to soon beacause the temps are pushing towards 80 today.:)
It's been raining since Monday, and was seriously foggy for three days before that. We may get 2" or so of snow overnight though, so that's something.
Currently: 16° but the best is in the rest of the forecast.

Monday night: 11°
Tuesday: High 22° Low 11°
Wednesday: High 25° Low 15°
Currently: 16° but the best is in the rest of the forecast.

Monday night: 11°
Tuesday: High 22° Low 11°
Wednesday: High 25° Low 15°
That's brutal. Gonna be 80 again here tomorrow.
It's reportedly so cold in Washington DC that democrats were seen with their hands in their OWN pockets...
I had a '98 Volkswagon - which were famous for freezing door handles - freeze me IN the car one time. I finally got out and the passenger door...which of course then wouldn't latch for the trip home so I had to bungee cord it.

Fix for freezing doors/windows: Get a couple cans of silicone spray lubricant and coat your door/window seals with a dampened rag. Try not to saturate anything or you'll have a mess on your windows. Shoot some into the latch while you're at it. You'll likely have to reapply it every couple of weeks during the cold weather.
Zero degrees this morning. The down jacket works fine but the stocking cap doesn't cut it, time to pull out the fur lined hat w/ear muffs. People tend to walk with an extra sense of urgency in their step - me included.
Cold. And the slight chance of snow this upcoming weekend is turning in to a large chance.

I hope Bobby gets sunburned:D
Just adapt and overcome, Grasshopper.
I was driving to Chino Hills for lunch today and my thermometer in my truck said 84. But don't put your long underwear up just yet Bobby because it is suppose to drop to 62 by Sunday.:)
Cold cold cold. Barely reach 30º today, and won't get much warmer that that the rest of the week. Mix in a little (possible) snow tomorrow night, and a little more possible snow on Friday. Fine time for the heater to break...:mad:
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