Weather Check-In

I hope you guys can get this cold weather under control because I have to spend a week at the convention center in Indy in a couple of weeks, and I don't think I even own a pair of long pants anymore.:(
Cold cold cold. Barely reach 30º today, and won't get much warmer that that the rest of the week. Mix in a little (possible) snow tomorrow night, and a little more possible snow on Friday. Fine time for the heater to break...:mad:

You would be hating life if you were on the other side of the state right now.
This Andy seems to be like the new Andy. But is it a new Andy like KyBu is the new KyBu? A year ago, he would gripe like there was no tomorrow at the first sign of a snowflake. Or, almost anything, really.
This is the New Adapting Andy.:D
Brrrrr! Only expecting a high of 13 degrees today.

Best friend is a bus aide on MD/PA border...says it's 5 degrees out and the heater on the bus she's on isn't working.....Brrr!!
-4 at 8am, sold batteries, thermostats, and lots of antifreeze today.
weatherman says this is the coldest it will be all winter. Supposed to be warmer from here on out(hope he is right)!
We only reached 75 in North Texas today. Burrrr!!! It was so cold that I wore shorts today instead of jeans. :cool:

It's gonna be in the mid-70s tomorrow as well...
An even 0 right now and falling. Should be about -10 before the sun comes up.
1.4F here...exhilarating to say the least.

I've been thinking that I may need a new truck battery and could find out this morning ;)
Truck started fine but it's 2004 with the original battery so I'm definitely pushing it :eek:
Been flurrying here all morning, but nothing sticks. Breezy and cold. Nice first going, HVAC guys are here ripping everything apart to install the new heater.
The Weather Channel has named this storm Khan. Seriously, it might drop up to 5" inches (at the most) in a few places in the WV mountains, and they've named it Khan.

Tuesday morning it was 66* when I got up at 7AM. This morning, it was 44*. Last night when the storm blew through, the winds had to be in excess of 50mph. Tore a huge section of roof off a warehouse close to downtown and knocked out power for a good many people in town.

I just lost a few tree limbs. Wind has been howling out of the north all day -- not extremely cold, but miserable even with bright sunshine.

I hope all in the path of this storm stay safe. I know parts of Georgia were hit hard.
It was so nice here earlier today, close to 60 degrees or so, that I was hanging out on the enclosed front porch for several hours today. We put a used couch out there the other day. It is going to be awesome in a few months.

It's expected to be about 25 degrees here in the morning now. Just a week or so it was single digits. Our weather has some kind of multiple personality disorder.
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