HMS always got the best drivers because their cars were always the fastest. I don't think anyone views HMS as having the best cars the last couple years. Ask yourself what gibbs or penske or SHR driver is going to leave and come over to HMS? I don't see it happening. At least they are not going to wanna leave either of those cars. The best thing HMS can do is prove they actually have better cars. As for hiring established veterans I think those type of drivers are way less than they used to be. They passed on kenseth, probably could have gotten kurt busch somehow. I really couldn't believe they didn't get kenseth for the 2018 season, instead choosing byron. Some past decisions appear to be costly, firing kyle busch instead of getting rid of casey mears, the worst. Letting brad K go in favor of running mark martin a couple more years. Imagine the price of those mistakes not. a team with brad and kyle would anchor a dynasty.