Fandango is awful. Chris Jericho is far too talented to put that guy over. It will likely happen but it shouldn't.

The character is definitely awful. I think thats basically why Jericho keeps coming back. Just to help put guys over.
Man, I would have loved to have been there last night.

- The Hall of Fame ceremony kicked off with the induction of the hardcore
legend himself, Mick Foley. After the fantastic tribute video, Terry Funk
came out for the speech which ended with him pulling out an envelope for
the "nominees" - all four of them - which were Dude Love, Mankind, Cactus
Jack, and Mick Foley. Foley came out to a loud ovation and did a few
comedy spots. He thanked several people including Jimmy Snuka, Jim Ross,
Randy Orton, The Rock, and The Undertaker. Foley talked a bit about that
Hell In A Cell match against the Undertaker and put over Ross for his
contribution to that match. The highlight of Foley's speech came when he
said that he never managed to beat Chris Jericho and expressed his wish to
at least drop an elbow on him. Jericho rushed to the stage and laid down
on the floor as Foley prepared to drop an elbow. CM Punk then joined in on
the fun and acted as the referee as Foley hit the elbow, followed by a
three count by CM Punk. During his speech he mentioned he wished Santa
Claus was there and after he wrapped up, Santa Claus came out and gave
Foley a jacket as Christmas music was played in the background. Foley's
speech went almost an hour and was the person who spoke the longest.
So far, the Miz has defeated Wade Barrett to become IC Champ. The Shield won but no heel turn for Orton.
So every match went exactly as we thought it would with zero surprises?

I watched wrestling in the 70s and moved on after becoming.an adult.I remember when Ric Flair debuted on Mid Atlantic wrestling

We used to go almost every monday night to the auditorium, $ 1.25 a ticket. I wasnt there when it happened but some nut job stabbed Ole or Gene Anderson as he left the ring.

I liked two things as good as the wrestling

-The interviews hyping the Monday match at the auditorium, listening to grown men talk about Kicking Butt was funny.
-Watching people losing it in the audience, if you wanna see 10, 000 people make a fool of themselves, it doesnt get any better.
He didn't die just suffered a concussion. That's from Ring Of Honor wrestling. It's a small promotion that has nothing to do with WWE.
Wrestling isn't always fake

Predetermined, yes. Orchestrated, yes. Fake, no. These guys take their jobs seriously, and go through a lot to entertain the fans. There are often injuries, sometimes really bad ones. Mick Foley lost half his ear in a match in Japan. Broken necks (like the one here) happen.
Predetermined, yes. Orchestrated, yes. Fake, no. These guys take their jobs seriously, and go through a lot to entertain the fans. There are often injuries, sometimes really bad ones. Mick Foley lost half his ear in a match in Japan. Broken necks (like the one here) happen.

I was watching that match when it happened. I heard Owen never even called to check on Austin. That seems unlikely for someone who seemed as nice as Owen did.
I'm happy with Dolph being champ now, I just hate how much they still have him losing.

By the way speaking of Ziggler

WWE.com is reporting that World Heavyweight Champion Dolph Ziggler suffered a concussion at last night's SmackDown taping in Raleigh, NC. Ziggler suffered the concussion while interfering in Jack Swagger's match with Big E. Langston.

WWE.com is reporting that World Heavyweight Champion Dolph Ziggler suffered a concussion at last night's SmackDown taping in Raleigh, NC. Ziggler suffered the concussion while interfering in Jack Swagger's match with Big E. Langston.

If he has to drop the strap I hope it's not to Jack Swager. I can't stand that Kurt Angle wannabe.
Did anyone watch raw tonight? If you did Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins showed why wrestling can be great. Best Raw match in years.
Did anyone watch raw tonight? If you did Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins showed why wrestling can be great. Best Raw match in years.
I almost watched it. I tuned in right as the Orton/Reigns match was starting, but I ended up not sticking around for Bryan/Rollins, which was silly because Bryan and Damien Sandow are my current favorites and I like the Shield.

I've been taking a nice long break from WWE. Every now and then I'll turn it on for a bit, like last night. The sad thing is, I ended up flipping back to it just in time to see that lame segment with Vince, Steph, and Trips. The promo at the end with Cena and Ryback was somewhat decent, though I'm not a huge fan of either guy.
I almost watched it. I tuned in right as the Orton/Reigns match was starting, but I ended up not sticking around for Bryan/Rollins, which was silly because Bryan and Damien Sandow are my current favorites and I like the Shield.

I've been taking a nice long break from WWE. Every now and then I'll turn it on for a bit, like last night. The sad thing is, I ended up flipping back to it just in time to see that lame segment with Vince, Steph, and Trips. The promo at the end with Cena and Ryback was somewhat decent, though I'm not a huge fan of either guy.
Did you notice Steph call HHH Paul once early in that backstage piece, and then a few seconds later call him Hunter? I think she's out of practice...

Last night was the first time in years I turned on Raw and kept it on. Enjoyable show last night, IMO, even the silly Vince/HHH/Stephanie bit. I did miss that end promo though. No problem though, as I hate Cena (he's the reason I never watch anymore)
Did you notice Steph call HHH Paul once early in that backstage piece, and then a few seconds later call him Hunter? I think she's out of practice...

Last night was the first time in years I turned on Raw and kept it on. Enjoyable show last night, IMO, even the silly Vince/HHH/Stephanie bit. I did miss that end promo though. No problem though, as I hate Cena (he's the reason I never watch anymore)

Yeah the whole steph/vince/HHH thing is so lame. The sooner it ends the better.
Did you notice Steph call HHH Paul once early in that backstage piece, and then a few seconds later call him Hunter? I think she's out of practice...

Last night was the first time in years I turned on Raw and kept it on. Enjoyable show last night, IMO, even the silly Vince/HHH/Stephanie bit. I did miss that end promo though. No problem though, as I hate Cena (he's the reason I never watch anymore)
I actually didn't catch that, but I'm not surprised. I have to admit that I do kind of like the whole reality kick they've been on for the last couple of years, with CM Punk's "pipe bombs," people using each other's real names at times, etc.

I should start following it again, but it just hasn't been all that interesting lately. The Rock came back, but only part time, and then they gave him the championship. The Rock is my all time favorite, but how can you have a champion that isn't even on the show every week? Of course it was all done just so he could lose to Cena at WM, which in the end changed no one's minds about Cena like WWE probably thought and hoped it would.

They can't say anything since they have to be PG, the faces almost always win, and everything in general just seems kind of watered down from how it used to be. Don't get me wrong, I don't need them to shout constant streams of expletives and don crimson masks in every match - I just want to see a more interesting and compelling show. But it's not all bad. As I said, I like what they've been doing with the Shield. I'm glad Dolph finally won a world title. Heyman has been amazing on the mic. Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow are almost always entertaining, and my tasty Bella Twins came back. So, I have some reasons to start following it again. I just can't make myself do it.
Does anyone else REALLY dislike Sheamus? He goes out acting like a giant **** makes god awful jokes and attacks people for no reason but he's the "good" guy somehow???? At this point every time he comes on screen i change the channel. He's even worse than Cena at this point and that is really saying something.
Does anyone else REALLY dislike Sheamus? He goes out acting like a giant **** makes god awful jokes and attacks people for no reason but he's the "good" guy somehow???? At this point every time he comes on screen i change the channel. He's even worse than Cena at this point and that is really saying something.
LOL. Yeah, I liked it when he first turned face because I'm generally not a fan of cowardly heel big men, but then the silly Irish tales started and he became the typical WWE babyface. He's a good wrestler but his act has long since become stale.
I actually didn't catch that, but I'm not surprised. I have to admit that I do kind of like the whole reality kick they've been on for the last couple of years, with CM Punk's "pipe bombs," people using each other's real names at times, etc.

I should start following it again, but it just hasn't been all that interesting lately. The Rock came back, but only part time, and then they gave him the championship. The Rock is my all time favorite, but how can you have a champion that isn't even on the show every week? Of course it was all done just so he could lose to Cena at WM, which in the end changed no one's minds about Cena like WWE probably thought and hoped it would.

They can't say anything since they have to be PG, the faces almost always win, and everything in general just seems kind of watered down from how it used to be. Don't get me wrong, I don't need them to shout constant streams of expletives and don crimson masks in every match - I just want to see a more interesting and compelling show. But it's not all bad. As I said, I like what they've been doing with the Shield. I'm glad Dolph finally won a world title. Heyman has been amazing on the mic. Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow are almost always entertaining, and my tasty Bella Twins came back. So, I have some reasons to start following it again. I just can't make myself do it.

Oh trust me they could do a lot more then they are doing, PG has NOTHING at all to do with why it's so horrible, hell Smackdown has always been PG and back in the early 2000's it was one of the best shows WWE had, it's just Vince doesn't push the PG limit, he has it pretty much being close to G then anything for the most part with a few swear words every now and then.

Does anyone else REALLY dislike Sheamus? He goes out acting like a giant **** makes god awful jokes and attacks people for no reason but he's the "good" guy somehow???? At this point every time he comes on screen i change the channel. He's even worse than Cena at this point and that is really saying something.

I'm really starting to just dislike him, I mean he's okayish, but the fact he can act like a d*** and get away with it cause he's a good guy is stupid, it's wrestling logic for some reason, I mean any face can be mean to a bad guy and it's looked at as okay. Faces always make fun of Vickie's weight, and the fans cheer and it's seen as a good thing to do. But if a face was a bit over weight and a heel made fun of them, then it would be seen as bad and the fans would boo.
I'm really starting to just dislike him, I mean he's okayish, but the fact he can act like a d*** and get away with it cause he's a good guy is stupid, it's wrestling logic for some reason, I mean any face can be mean to a bad guy and it's looked at as okay. Faces always make fun of Vickie's weight, and the fans cheer and it's seen as a good thing to do. But if a face was a bit over weight and a heel made fun of them, then it would be seen as bad and the fans would boo.
Yeah, pretty much. It's funny because when Sheamus was a heel, all the silly insults he would get from Cena and his ilk about his skin color actually made start to support him somewhat. I hated that crap. Same thing with Vickie, who I have always liked, but I never took those insults as seriously as some of the insults Sheamus got.
Faces always make fun of Vickie's weight, and the fans cheer and it's seen as a good thing to do. But if a face was a bit over weight and a heel made fun of them, then it would be seen as bad and the fans would boo.

And then they run the anti bullying thing right after.
Three wrestlers(Dolph, Fandango and Tamina) have suffered concussions recently. These guys really need an off season.
Saw they ran a promo at tonights PPV announcing the return of former superstar ROB! VAN! DAM!
Man, Raw was great last night. I turned it on right as the show was starting and to my surprise, it held my attention the entire time. My thoughts:

I like the whole double turn that appears to have taken place with Ziggler and Del Rio. I've always liked Del Rio but he was terrible as a face. The whole thing felt way too forced, and the anti-immigration storyline with Swagger was pretty weak (though I do like Swagger and Zeb Coulter's Tea Party characters). I also like the idea of Dolph turning face. I've never been a fan of Dolph's but I've always respected his in-ring ability, and I think it will be easier for me to support him as a face, if this double turn truly is the plan. I wonder if he and my girl AJ (new Divas champ :D) will split up?

I'm also glad that CM Punk appears to have turned face again. I find him entertaining regardless of whether he's a face or a heel, but I think I like him just a smidgen better as a face. I can't wait to see where this storyline between him, Brock Lesnar, and Paul Heyman goes.

I have to say, Mark Henry stole the show last night. That segment was well written and brilliantly executed. Mark is an amazing actor. I had my doubts about him retiring when they first announced it, but once I saw all his tweets to random celebs and watched the tears flow down his cheeks as he spoke to the crowd, I just knew he was leaving and it made me sad. Then he hit Cena with the WSS and I marked out like a little kid. Amazing promo. Mark Henry is like a fine wine - he's gotten better and better with age. It was great seeing him holding the WWE Title. I hope he gets it before his career is over. If he takes it from Cena, that would be even better, but I won't hold my breath.

Random side note: After the show, I went to buy a Mark Henry shirt from the WWE Shop and saw that AJ had a shirt too! Divas never get shirts so I had to grab that one as well. (I saw that Vickie had a shirt a while back but I didn't like the design so I never got it.)
Yeah raw was pretty much great top to bottom. Other than the Cena promo I can't say that anything bored me. Christian returned, the divas actually have a storyline, Cena got beat up and they set up what could be fued of the year between Punk/Lesnar.
You know what I would like to see? Evan Bourne comes back and keeps his nose clean. He has rarely got a chance to show it so far in the WWE(mostly because they gave him a high flying David v. Goliath gimmick) but he is right up there with Punk and Danielson as far as in-ring ability goes. Get him back, use him properly, and let him show what he can do.
You know what I would like to see? Evan Bourne comes back and keeps his nose clean. He has rarely got a chance to show it so far in the WWE(mostly because they gave him a high flying David v. Goliath gimmick) but he is right up there with Punk and Danielson as far as in-ring ability goes. Get him back, use him properly, and let him show what he can do.
Yeah man, I don't normally like technicians/high flyers, but Evan Bourne was awesome. Supposedly he recently tweeted something about coming back soon. Surely he'll get another shot at it if RVD is getting one.
Yeah man, I don't normally like technicians/high flyers, but Evan Bourne was awesome. Supposedly he recently tweeted something about coming back soon. Surely he'll get another shot at it if RVD is getting one.

I'm just not sure how long RVD will last though. He loves his weed and that's something you can get away with in TNA but not so much in WWE.
I'm just not sure how long RVD will last though. He loves his weed and that's something you can get away with in TNA but not so much in WWE.
Ha ha...yeah dude, I know. I'm kind of surprised that they are even giving him another shot for that very reason. But yeah, I figure that if an avid budsmoker like him can get another chance, Evan surely can. LOL.

Did Evan get suspended for weed too? I know he's already had two strikes, and they couldn't have been for roids.
I watched wrestling in the 70s and moved on after becoming.an adult.I remember when Ric Flair debuted on Mid Atlantic wrestling

We used to go almost every monday night to the auditorium, $ 1.25 a ticket. I wasnt there when it happened but some nut job stabbed Ole or Gene Anderson as he left the ring.

I liked two things as good as the wrestling

-The interviews hyping the Monday match at the auditorium, listening to grown men talk about Kicking Butt was funny.
-Watching people losing it in the audience, if you wanna see 10, 000 people make a fool of themselves, it doesnt get any better.

Great post! But, I think Ole's brother was Arn, not Gene. I haven't watched WWF/WWE or wrestling in so long, I can't tell you when I stopped, but I grew up watching the old Mid-South/AWA bunch--Dusty Rhodes,Fabulous Freebirds, Rock-n-Roll Express, Road Warriors, Lawler, Superstar Billy Dundee, Austin Idol, Nick Bockwinkle, Bruiser Brody, Ric Martel, Sgt. Slaughter..and obviously the Nature Boy. Even the announcers were better back then: Lance Russell, Dave Brown, Gorilla Monsoon, Gordon freaking Solie...
Frankly, the squared circle has been going downhill ever since Magnum TA, Terry Allen passed on. Belly-to-Belly suplex got'em everytime, boy!
Did Evan get suspended for weed too? I know he's already had two strikes, and they couldn't have been for roids.

I believe both have been for weed. He's a human highlight reel so I hope he gets his head on straight. Plus, If anyone cares Matt Striker has been released.
Apparently Paul Heyman helped re-write the script for Raw. That would explain why it was so much better than usual.
Apparently Paul Heyman helped re-write the script for Raw. That would explain why it was so much better than usual.
I didn't think the normal writers were capable of coming up with anything that good. LOL. If that's the case, can we have Heyman help write the script/book the show every week?

And I had forgotten all about Matt Striker. I was never a fan of his but he was okay on commentary. Last I saw, he was getting jumped during every backstage interview he would try to conduct, so obviously they didn't have anything important for him to do.
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