A new month yields a new Kurt Busch meltdown.

I'm not really sure why Bob Pockrass is taking any of the heat that seems to be directed his way over the question that he asked. He did nothing more than follow up on a statement made by Kurt Busch himself a few minutes earlier. Kurt was the one that brought up the subject of being on probation and his run in with Justin Allgaier. Pockrass did nothing more than follow up with a question on his earlier statement. I think it's a valid question and it's one that has been asked before of drivers under the same circumstances. Only difference is, they seemed to be able to handle the situation. Kurt, not so much.
I'm not really sure why Bob Pockrass is taking any of the heat that seems to be directed his way over the question that he asked. He did nothing more than follow up on a statement made by Kurt Busch himself a few minutes earlier. Kurt was the one that brought up the subject of being on probation and his run in with Justin Allgaier. Pockrass did nothing more than follow up with a question on his earlier statement. I think it's a valid question and it's one that has been asked before of drivers under the same circumstances. Only difference is, they seemed to be able to handle the situation. Kurt, not so much.

Excellent points, and observations.
From the Reuti camp,

"As most of you may know by now, Kurt Busch has been suspended for Pocono, and may be released by James Finch. Just as a heads up for David's fans, Finch has mentioned David as a possible replacement, but that's no guarantee. There are several other drivers that Finch has been talking too, and David is one of them, although he is scheduled for the #10 car at Pocono. Stay tuned for updates."
From the Reuti camp,

"As most of you may know by now, Kurt Busch has been suspended for Pocono, and may be released by James Finch. Just as a heads up for David's fans, Finch has mentioned David as a possible replacement, but that's no guarantee. There are several other drivers that Finch has been talking too, and David is one of them, although he is scheduled for the #10 car at Pocono. Stay tuned for updates."
James Finch was just on SiriusXM NASCAR Radio's The Morning Drive. He said that it will be David Reutimann in the car @ Pocono.

He plans to meet with Kurt next week.

He also says that Kurt has some problem to work through and if he can't, Finch says he needs to look forward. Hmmm

He said that is is time for a 'Come to Jesus' meeting.

He said that he has to get Kurt in the 'right frame of mind'.

He said that he has 18 employees and has had 14 cars wrecked this year including 4 @ Daytona. Barely able to keep up with that and get to the track.

He says that Kurt has to 'get his mind right' or he will find himself working somewhere else.

Says he is going to meet next Tuesday and tell him either to 'do it my way or get down the highway'. Quit wrecking the cars, get a good finish and be nice to people. Simple as that.

Said he as never had a driver with so much talent with this many problems.

Said that he is not promising anything to David but that he will know next Tuesday if he is looking for a new driver or not.

Say it's up to Kurt. James says he can not take much more of this stuff.

If we stay together (with Kurt) it will be a race-by-race basis.


Wow! Very strong interview. They will probably be posting the audio soon.
When other drivers are talking about chemical imbalances and he continues to act strange, this could be a sad end to a racing career. Kurt should have been grateful to Penske and Finch and bent over backwards to show it. He didn't, and I doubt any other owner of note will take a chance.
James Finch was just on SiriusXM NASCAR Radio's The Morning Drive. He said that it will be David Reutimann in the car @ Pocono.

He plans to meet with Kurt next week.
Said he as never had a driver with so much talent with this many problems.

Damn Glad to hear the first part, Reuti needs it!

As far as the second part, it's sad to see whats happened to a talented driver. If he could have only got his personal act together he could been so much more.
rose busch.jpg
James Finch grants Kurts request to let his cousin, Rose, drive car in Pocono.
With Reutimann to No. 51, Dave Blaney will drive TBR's No. 10 this weekend. Tony Raines will drive No. 36.

I wonder what will happen next Tuesday when the music stops? :D
One more incident and he'll be gone forever. I don't feel sad for him at all. It's all been his own doing. Like I said before he's his own worst enemy. I do feel bad that somewhere there is a racer worthy of the chances he's had and blown.
Happy for Reutimann.

I do respect him and Baldwin, two old school types. I hope TBR makes it as an owner/team to higher levels, I see a lot of positive potential.
A good move still for Reutimann to Finch, but they are still small time. Just saying because I also respect Finch, just seeing the limits.

I am most surprised over Finch's complaints about Kurts crash record, when the biggest problem I see is Kurts off track issues destroying any chances of bringing in sponsorship dollars.

As for the driving alone I am just don't think he will ever have a shot at getting as much raw talent. Kurt has a great driving touch he is more finesse than Kyle. I am not knocking Kyle and I think Kyle has the overall edge, but in the old 97 Kurt was just great at Darlington and Bristol. He also is far better on the RP tracks than his stats. I think he had the ability to be very dominant, win several titles, and go down as one the all time greats.

But the Finch deal may have just been an impossible dream. Keeping a car that can hunt with a hunter like KB, just may be impossible with only 18 employees. Especially when your face (the driver) is as equally skilled as a sponsor repellent.

^I really hate the above realities, I do like the old school way, were it is almost totally based on driving ability alone.. But even then you had to be able to work within in your inner circle, and you still had to build on those relationships without making them look like fools.

I think Reutimann may be a better fit. As counter intuitive as it may sound, with Finch's limited resources sometimes a driver needs to know how to save the car for another week. Pick the moments when you have a T10 car then you roll the dice.

It is tough parameters with clean unlettered quarterpanels that most folks will not understand. Remember to smile after the race, and only bring positive attention to the team. The Internet threads will snark you, but they ain't bringing the money. Probably the toughest mission Kurt ever faced, an impossible for his mindset.

Reutimann will not bring in a 20 million dollar deal, but he may bring enough to build on.
Apparently Vickers is hearing from his fans on this. Here's a couple recent tweets from him.

Thanks for the messages. It would have been fun to run Pocono in the 51 w/ Finch, but Im in Europe for LeMans including mandatory tech days

Its always nice to see you guys still care any time an opening comes up. Thank you for that. I am really enjoying this opportunity as well
Vap-O-Rub deserves another shot in CUP, I think. Some don't like him, based upon one stupid-ass move he made a few years back while driving for HMS. But he is a good driver and is a pleasant sort.

I hope that Ruti does well for Mr. Finch. He is another driver who would probably have a better overall record if he had been in better equipment. His unfortunate dismissal from MWR, after working hard to help build the team, came as quite a surprise to me.
This is from December, 2011...

Kurt Busch is seeing sports psychologist:
Kurt Busch, fined $50,000 last week by NASCAR for verbally abusing a reporter, said Thursday that he's seeing a sports psychologist to address what he described as "personal issues."
"I need to be a better person on the radio, to the team, as a leader," said Busch, who began working with the psychologist two months ago. "It's personal issues, of course, and working with a sports psychologist, I've gotten obviously a small grasp, but there's obviously bigger things that I need to accomplish and things can't happen overnight."
Busch's temper has long been documented, and his explosions on his in-car radio are notorious in NASCAR. Busch was caught by his in-car camera making an obscene gesture as he drove into the garage at Homestead early in the season finale because of a transmission problem. He also was verbally abusive to an ESPN reporter as he waited to be interviewed.
from here: http://www2.journalnow.com/sports/2011/dec/02/wssport02-kurt-busch-is-seeing-a-psychiatrist-ar-1669227/?referer=http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=psychiatrist kurt busch&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CEwQFjAA&url=http://www2.journalnow.com/ar/1669227/&ei=_j3OT-zfEISM6QG12oSzDA&usg=AFQjCNHsM_LjoayRvCdYB5TY-Nz0CUer7w&shorturl=http://bit.ly/uC6alH

Sound familiar?

And then there is this:

These behavioral patterns in personality disorders are typically associated with substantial disturbances in some behavioral tendencies of an individual, usually involving several areas of the personality, and are nearly always associated with considerable personal and social disruption. Additionally, personality disorders are inflexible and pervasive across many situations, due in large part to the fact that such behavior may be ego-syntonic (i.e. the patterns are consistent with the ego integrity of the individual) and are, therefore, perceived to be appropriate by that individual. This behavior can result in maladaptive coping skills, which may lead to personal problems that induce extreme anxiety, distress or depression.[5] The onset of these patterns of behavior can typically be traced back to early adolescence and the beginning of adulthood and, in some instances, childhood.[1]
from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_disorder

So, I suppose that we can blame a lot of this on Kurt's parents who coddled and elevated the Busch Bros to the point where they have become unproductive members of society.
Well, Kurt anyway...

As CSNY said, "Teach your children well..."
As CSNY said, "Teach your children well..."

You may be on to something here. So you say that it may be hereditary? That got me to searching for Busch's family history and I came up with this from his genealogy page. I believe it to be a picture of his Grandpa,
Ebenezer Busch.

Good article from Dave 'The Shill' Moody on the reporter/driver relationship.

The Rules Of Engagement For Drivers and Reporters

In the aftermath of Kurt Busch’s latest set-to with the media, questions have arisen regarding the relationship between drivers and reporters, and whether there are unwritten rules of engagement between the two camps.

Most of the time, drivers and media members coexist peacefully, reaping the benefits of a positive, co-dependent relationship. Drivers need the media to publicize themselves, their sponsors and their teams, while reporters cannot adequately cover the sport without access to the men behind the wheel. Both sides know what is expected of them, and for the most part have little or no difficulty working together.

Contrary to widely held belief, the media is not required to provide a “cool down period” after a race. Drivers are free to request a few moments of down time before meeting with reporters, and often do. Other than post-race Media Center appearances mandated by NASCAR, drivers are under no obligation to talk to anyone, at any time. Since many print reporters operate on deadline, they need to speak with top-finishing drivers as soon as possible after the checkered flag flies. Questioning angry or upset drivers can be an adventure at times, but reporters understand that it’s an emotional sport and take the occasional curt or colorful answer as part of the cost of doing business.

Conversely, the media cannot force a driver to talk. Drivers sometimes retreat to the safe confines of their transporter after a race, rather than risk making an angry or inappropriate comment in the heat of the moment. Blaming a reporter for a driver’s post-race meltdown is like blaming the mailman for delivering too many bills. If you don’t want to talk, simply say, “No comment” and walk away.

It is not the media’s job to “go easy” on a driver by asking softball questions. In fact, reporters have a right and a responsibility to ask difficult questions, when necessary. If I’m unwilling to ask Joey Logano about his future at Joe Gibbs Racing, my boss will almost certainly replace me with someone who will.
When a reporter asks a difficult question, he/she is not trying to goad a driver into a temper tantrum. Nobody enjoys being the target of an expletive-laced diatribe, especially when it’s delivered in front of a crowded Media Center, or on national television. Nobody enjoys being called names, or threatened with physical violence.

Most reporters want to cover the news, not be the news. Grumpy drivers are part of the job, and media members try not to take it personally. Threaten to kick their ass, however, and they’ll probably hold a grudge for a week or two. They’re only human, after all.
On the rare occasion (and it really is rare) when a driver loses his/her cool, the media should not be expected to ignore the incident. We cover drivers on their good days, and we’re going to cover them on their bad days, too. This is not 1947, when reporters “buddied up” to professional athletes and turned a blind eye to their shortcomings.

Some fans wonder why the media doesn’t simply ignore crotchety drivers in response to belligerence, obscenity, or threats of physical violence. The reason is simple.
It’s not our job.

We’re not at the track to punish evil-doers. We’re there to cover the race. In order to do our job properly, we need to talk to the key players, whether or not they acted like a boob last weekend.
And finally, it’s okay for a reporter to have favorites in the garage. When I need a question answered on race day, I look for specific drivers who will provide a thoughtful, insightful, informative answer. I’m less likely to seek out guys who respond with empty, rubber-stamp answers, or make it clear they’d rather be checked for ticks than spend time being grilled by a nosy reporter.

That’s why guys like Jeff Burton and Mark Martin have long lines of reporters waiting to pick their brains every week. It’s also why a well-considered, outside-the-box answer from Tony Stewart is worth the occasional, “Did you really just ask me that” moment.

From here.
Somebody alluded to Kurts married problems, maybe he needs a strong willed one that has a lot of lovable qualities, kind like a Samantha 2.0

They can evaluate every day with either the kindest or cruelist critiques. They have a power that few if any ever conquer, they know how withhold and to bless, and they can work at it 24/7 with a vendetta or mission.
To complicated to figure out, while they still can focus in on making you their hobby to house break.

Her powers are so strong that she may even loose interest after she turns you into Mr Rodgers.
But one thing is for sure, the right one could teach Kurt that handling interview correctly is one of the first things he would learn.

Or he was could do the amazing grace prison religion gig, extreme enough to forget the current personia.
And finally, it’s okay for a reporter to have favorites in the garage.When I need a question answered on race day, I look for specific drivers who will provide a thoughtful, insightful, informative answer. I’m less likely to seek out guys who respond with empty, rubber-stamp answers, or make it clear they’d rather be checked for ticks than spend time being grilled by a nosy reporter.

I do the exact same thing, though I do usually try to give drivers time to cool off because you're far more likely to get a detailed response if the driver has time to think about what he says.... but deadlines make it tough for many. "Deadlines" are going the way of the dinosaur though. The only people who still operate on deadline are the newspapers that haven't learned that the internet exists (i.e., the newspapers that will be out of business in 2-3 years). Our deadlines are arbritrary. I had deadlines for the graduations this week but it was impossible to meet them since I was stuck in a town with no WiFi.

As far as "cool down periods" go, that's generally up to the reporter. Some want the sound-byte, others want a detailed response. The sound-bytes are GREAT on television, but they're horrible for print.
Tony Stewart, taking sides? Tony was doing one of his occasional SiriusXM NASCAR Radio shows last night and it started off with the topic of the Kurt Busch/Bob Pockrass controversy. He took a call on this subject from one of Charlotte's local reporters. Here's Tony's take on the KB/BP situation.....

Link to Audio.

Happier times with Tony & Bob.

I hope Reutimann crashes on both his primary and back up cars before qualifying.
And with any kind of luck, he'll crash on the 1st lap of the race and take all 4 HMS cars with him to the garage.

Just thought I'd put my wish list in and spread some misery at the same time.
And with any kind of luck, he'll crash on the 1st lap of the race and take all 4 HMS cars with him to the garage.

Just thought I'd put my wish list in and spread some misery at the same time.

So at least you admit you're an HMS hating troll.:)
So at least you admit you're an HMS hating troll.:)

LOL. Yeah, put words in my mouth and then call me on them...I don't think so. You've got to get up a bit earlier than that my friend.

And for the record, Jeff Gordon is one of my favorite drivers. However, some of his fans leave something to be pondered.
na$car prides itself on the access the media and fans have, more than any other sport. I know from experience that a driver doesn't want to talk immediately about a on track incident, at least give him a few minutes out of the car to collect his thoughts. But the media runs down pit road or to the garage and sticks a mike in their face. What kind of reaction do they expect considering his past? I'm not siding with busch but the media in general acts, acts he77 they are a bunch of azzes at times.
Kurt had already been interviewed by both television and radio before BP's question. Seems all of the other drivers are able to handle this. Maybe they need to make an exception for Busch? :rolleyes:
Tony Stewart, taking sides? Tony was doing one of his occasional SiriusXM NASCAR Radio shows last night and it started off with the topic of the Kurt Busch/Bob Pockrass controversy. He took a call on this subject from one of Charlotte's local reporters. Here's Tony's take on the KB/BP situation.....

Link to Audio.

Happier times with Tony & Bob.


Look at the expressions and Tony's stance. Is Tony trying to look as dorky as Pockrass, and Bob knows it?
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