Fall/Winter Weather Thread

This here is not how I remember it....
A heat wave this morning 30* at 6 AM. Yaaahooo.
Well, the heat wave's over. Every day it was supposed to get in to the 50s, it barely made it in to the 40s. Now back to highs in the 20s.
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Dang, Johali. It was 35* here at 7AM.
Yeah I looked it up, I think a gator went up to the arctic and bit a polar bear in the jewels so he chased the gators ass back down to Florida and brought this crap with him, either that or the weather is just plain screwed up this year. :eek:
Ideal weather conditions here for a firestorm. Dry brush, windy, low humidity. Fire started this morning near Glendora. Already at 1700 acres. Homes have already been lost. Police have already "detained" 3 furballs for questioning.

How true that is. I remember back in high school we had days it was snowing and this one kid came in with shorts on. A big heavy jacket with shorts:rolleyes:
Well, the 3 detained people have been booked for negligently starting a fire. Seems one of them I homeless and admitted that his campfire took off when the wind kicked up. I'm not sure why you'd need a campfire when it didn't get below 70 degrees last night.
Ironically, a homeless person is now responsible for making others homeless.
Now, their food will be prepared for them.
Idiots. It doesn't take a genius to know that you do not light a campfire during Santa Ana conditions. I feel for the people that lost their homes. How do you compensate them?
Well be back in the single digits again in a few days, but after the brutal snap we had a week or so ago it doesn't seem quite as bad.
Whatever happened to the desalinization plants they were going to build along the California coastline 20 years ago Bobby? At least they would be a daily water source for the population.
Whatever happened to the desalinization plants they were going to build along the California coastline 20 years ago Bobby? At least they would be a daily water source for the population.
This state has been mismanaged for so long, it's not even funny...
Monday's high of 47° will likely be the warmest weather we see for the next month. News says several arctic blasts will be coming through and it might not get above freezing for several weeks.

**** this - I'm rooting for Global Warming now.
Back down to 22* tonight, this freakin weather roller coaster is killing me.
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