Fall/Winter Weather Thread

It's still below zero here but my thought for the day is - how would an electric car work in the cold? What kind of a heater does an electric car have?
Not as many but I didn't miss any because my transmission blew up and I had no brakes. ;)
Oh, that's definately a BAZINGA!
Not as many but I didn't miss any because my transmission blew up and I had no brakes. ;)

I didn't miss any either once I stopped driving GM (Get Mechanic) cars and bought a Subaru. I drove my car all the way down to Myrtle Beach and then up to Hampton after that with no brakes and bad rotors.
There's more to life than just attending races. 361 days a year, I can blast down PCH on my Harley and dine on a medium-rare cow chunk & some fresh seafood whilst watching tan, bikini-clad California beauties parade around in the sun. ;)
So what you're sayng is everyone should move to SoCal. Man, that's gonna suck for you. You think traffic is bad now? What till everyone in the US gets there.

Yeah, they may be more to life than racing, but racing is my life. It's what I love, and moving out there would be taking away much of what I love. It's be like taking away your Harley.
So what you're sayng is everyone should move to SoCal. Man, that's gonna suck for you. You think traffic is bad now? What till everyone in the US gets there.

Yeah, they may be more to life than racing, but racing is my life. It's what I love, and moving out there would be taking away much of what I love. It's be like taking away your Harley.
No, that's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that it's a good thing that not everybody likes the same things.
Just hit 44* ! Almost shorts and flip-flops weather. Just spent an hour re-wrapping a faucet that froze slightly even when insulated. If the sucker freezes now, it's too damned cold.
Just hit 44* ! Almost shorts and flip-flops weather. Just spent an hour re-wrapping a faucet that froze slightly even when insulated. If the sucker freezes now, it's too damned cold.

Lit off the wood stove and fireplace and left the water dripping all night on all the faucets... didn't have a single problem.
This faucet is a free-standing one out by the front gate. Not sure why the husband put it out there when he ran the water lines. It hasn't been a problem until now. No problems in the house or the outside faucets at the house.
Just hit 44* ! Almost shorts and flip-flops weather. Just spent an hour re-wrapping a faucet that froze slightly even when insulated. If the sucker freezes now, it's too damned cold.

You have to have heat like heat tape. Insulation will help to keep it warm if it is heated, or help keep it from freezing if it is dripping.
You have to have heat like heat tape. Insulation will help to keep it warm if it is heated, or help keep it from freezing if it is dripping.
No electricity within 100 feet. As I said earlier, it's never been a problem before --- even when we got down to 10* one year. It's well wrapped now.
Come spring, I may shut the water off, cut the pipe off below ground and cap it. It's out in the middle of nowhere, anyway.
Dog wakes me up at 5am to go for his morning walk. I quickly check the temperature on computer:

That's almost exactly what it was here on the 11:00 news last night. We were supposed to get all the way up to almost zero today.
No electricity within 100 feet. As I said earlier, it's never been a problem before --- even when we got down to 10* one year. It's well wrapped now.
Come spring, I may shut the water off, cut the pipe off below ground and cap it. It's out in the middle of nowhere, anyway.

Yeah I have the ones that shut off and drain down below ground, it gets too cold here for anything else to work.
there's more to life than just attending races. 361 days a year, I can blast down PCH on my Harley and dine on a medium-rare cow chunk & some fresh seafood whilst watching tan, bikini-clad California beauties parade around in the sun. ;)
I enjoyed reading this as I loaded the woodstove. Again...
first couple of pretty good temperature days in a while, froggy out, so dog taking me for a walk thru the woods with the fog and mist was pretty cool looking. Supposed to get some rain or snow showers tonight that could end up being a PITA.
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