Fall/Winter Weather Thread

It seems to me the citizens of Atlanta should have been aware of the coming weather and plan accordingly, they know Atlanta can't handle snow.

That's the key. Expecting someone else to be responsible for one's safety and well being is naive.
Phil didn't see his shadow. Of course as we learned last year, that don't mean squat. And besides, 21 March is still technically six weeks away anyway. ;)
Time to go groundhog hunting......

Currently 60 degrees :eek: It's freezing.
I've got a pot of 15 bean soup w/hocks on the stove. That oughta warm me up.
Currently 60 degrees :eek: It's freezing.
I've got a pot of 15 bean soup w/hocks on the stove. That oughta warm me up.
Oh man, that sounds good. One of my many failures in life is not learning how to make my mom's cornbread. My wife knows how to make it, but getting her to do it is not always so easy. Beans and cornbread is awesome, beans without cornbread is not so much. I've got a few nice chunks of ham in the freezer to throw in the crock pot in with the beans when I get around to making them too.
Oh man, that sounds good. One of my many failures in life is not learning how to make my mom's cornbread. My wife knows how to make it, but getting her to do it is not always so easy. Beans and cornbread is awesome, beans without cornbread is not so much. I've got a few nice chunks of ham in the freezer to throw in the crock pot in with the beans when I get around to making them too.
For sure. Bean soup and cornbread is great. You have to have some type of hearty bread with ham hocks & beans.
Oh man, that sounds good. One of my many failures in life is not learning how to make my mom's cornbread. My wife knows how to make it, but getting her to do it is not always so easy. Beans and cornbread is awesome, beans without cornbread is not so much. I've got a few nice chunks of ham in the freezer to throw in the crock pot in with the beans when I get around to making them too.

I'm on a frickin temperature roller coaster, high's 30 to 70, low's 18 to 60, sheesh.
I don't like to wish my life away, but I do wish January and February would pass by more quickly.
The worst part about this impending east coast storm is that all around me, literally, they are calling for 8+ inches of snow. Here, we'll be lucky to get an inch before it turns to nasty freezing rain. It's not that I really want the snow, but if everyone around me gets it, then I should too, dammit.
It is a sneaky cold up here right now. The sun is shining and it is melting some of the snow and ice in places even though it is only like 15 degrees or so. I was outside earlier trying to help the warden and my daughters dig out a car so I could take it to my doctor's apt tomorrow. It is parked across the street and the plow trucks have kind of sealed it in pretty good behind a foot or so of ice and snow. The battery was dead anyway and it's like a year old. The sneaky part is, it didn't seam that cold until I was trying to clean off the windows and I got some snow on my hands. Holy crap, that sucked.
Governor McAuliffe declares a "state of emergency" ahead of winter storm in VA

I vomit in my mouth every time I read the words "Governor McAuliffe". Thanks, Northern Virginia (or as it should be called, Maryland West).
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