Nationwide Series driver
Jeremy Clements explained in detail Thursday exactly how he finds himself suspended indefinitely from NASCAR competition.
In a one-on-one interview with ESPN, Clements would not verbalize the specific comments he made, but when pressed for clarity about whether or not it was racial, he paused. Asked again, "Was it racial or not? Maybe not in context, but in term?" Clements replied: "Correct."
"When you say 'racial' remark, it wasn't used to describe anybody or anything," Clements said. "So that's all I'm going to say to that. And it really wasn't. I was describing racing, and the word I used was incorrect and I shouldn't have said it. It shouldn't be used at all."
Clements said he only said the word once. The remarks, he said, were made Saturday following the driver's meeting at Daytona International Speedway. Upon exiting the meeting, Clements said a female NASCAR employee who was escorting a reporter from MTV approached him.