Joey Logano vs. Kyle Busch

Being a NASCAR fan is like someone having herpes (lol its a joke.. But hear me out)

All it took was one race and I was hooked for life.. My passion and love for this sport is 'incurable'. Non NASCAR fans find it weird and boring and avoid the subject other than to say something about left hand turns. It may be hard to get someone interested but once you do.. Theres a good chance theyre in it for life too

Disclaimer: I do not have herpes.

There are millions of fans that used to be hooked on Nascar but for many reasons put the series in their rear view mirrors.
I don't like either driver, so I guess my view is pretty unbiased.

For all of his history of running from fights, fact is Kyle went to confront another driver man-man, by himself, to handle it, by himself. Clearly not very well thought out, as the pit-crew inevitably stepped in, but I give Kyle some credit for at least attempting to sort this out the old-fashioned way.

For the 87th time in his career, Logano somehow managed to avoid the fray of an attacking driver as his Dad or pit-crew stepped in.

Kyle's injury appeared to me to come from the watch of the wresting crew member scratching his forehead as they went to the ground.....or from the shoe of the crew member who allegedly kicked him (wow, what a real man there).

Ironically, Joey and Kyle have been tight friends by all accounts from their days during and after being teammates at JGR.
Do ppl not realize Joey is just as capable of making it hard on Kyle?

Big difference being.. Other drivers have to do things outside of the actual racing part of the sport, to keep Joey from a cup.

These guys will probably have hardons against each other for the rest of the year and take turns making it hard on each other. Oh joy.

This isnt UFC

That is it exactly and these idiot drivers could probably get their asses kicked by some 8th graders. Hell, some of those mama's on Jerry Springer probably could too.

Im just pointing out the fact that the Kyle defenders seems to think Joey needs to be taught a lesson.. But what Kyle did is okay right?

If Joey did to Danica what Kyle did to Joey.. What would you say then? Id bet you would be on the exact opposite side and Joey would still need to be taught a lesson (that hes already learned and accelerated because of).

That is the other problem with this debate as people are seeing things through partisan eyes. I don't think JLo needs any lessons taught him and it is his prerogative to race people aggressively and not cut anyone slack and as long as he doesn't complain when others race him aggressively and inadvertently take him out I am good.

I like Hockey too :) lol

At first I was like oh did that guy kick Kylie, then I watched it and realized he clearly didn't. I guess some people just posted their first reaction

If someone comes onto my real estate uninvited and looking for trouble I take no responsibility for him getting stomped, beaten, kicked or punished with pummeling blows. It is extremely lame to whine about Kyle getting bashed by members of JLo's crew as you can't invade someone's space with malice and expected to get treated with decorum.
Stomping? I saw a guy stumble trying to get away, I didn't see any stomping.
Yeah, there was. I'm with Joey on this but there was some POS on the 22 team that took an opportunity to kick or stomp Kyle....about 16-17 seconds into the video.
Im just pointing out the fact that the Kyle defenders seems to think Joey needs to be taught a lesson.. But what Kyle did is okay right?

Neither needs to be taught a lesson. If either raced any different they'd be mid pack drivers and this wouldn't mean anything. Kyle did right by going for the position, same as Joey for fighting for it back.That's racing and it created natural emotion that led to great television afterwards. Joey is still a punk and Kyle is still a sore loser but at least they show some personality.

That guy on the right? Watch the video again and really watch him "stomp" anyone.. :idunno:
NASCAR official says intention would be ‘not to react’ in Kyle Busch-Joey Logano incident

I think most people see what happened as just one of them racin deals and if you attempt to penalize what JLo did on track it will lead to some very lame racing. The key is for the other drivers to accept what happened between the 18 and 22 as acceptable in the eyes of Nascar and not have a meltdown about it. You can not like it or bitch about it after the race but trying to engage someone in a fight over it is stupid. IMO.
I think most people see what happened as just one of them racin deals and if you attempt to penalize what JLo did on track it will lead to some very lame racing. The key is for the other drivers to accept what happened between the 18 and 22 as acceptable in the eyes of Nascar and not have a meltdown about it. You can not like it or bitch about it after the race but trying to engage someone in a fight over it is stupid. IMO.
What JoLo did? Lol what's that? Get Kyle back for driving like an idiot?
Yeah, there was. I'm with Joey on this but there was some POS on the 22 team that took an opportunity to kick or stomp Kyle....about 16-17 seconds into the video.
I still don't see stomping. I see a guy stumbling trying to get away from the entangled combatants.
Ironically, Joey and Kyle have been tight friends by all accounts from their days during and after being teammates at JGR.
Yeah, I remember when Joey and Denny were going at it a few years ago, Kyle said he wanted to stay out of it because he was friends with both of them. Not anymore though I guess.

There wasn't much talking, just a lot of swinging," Logano said. "I was racing hard there at end."

Busch, who had recovered from a speeding penalty that left him a lap down to get into contention, was escorted to the infield care center and quickly released as the track buzzed.

"I got dumped. He flat out just drove straight in the corner and wrecked me," Busch said. "That's how Joey races, so he's going to get it."

Kyles mad as a hatter. this is by no means over.
A bump and run does not result in a competiitor being shoved into the wall at 190MPH. Done right, it knocks them out of the groove and allows a pass. Joey bumped Matt at 194MPH in a corner. He knew it would cause Matt to crash. Matt's retaliation wouldn't have been necessary if Joey would have made very public statements owning up to his error, and making peace with Matt. Joey chose to smile on camera during the post race interview and then gloat about his exploits. NASCAR should have penalized Joey for his lack of remorse, yet they did not. All things taken into consideration, Matt took things into his own hands and sent a message to Joey. Joey did not get the message. Kyle will finish the process of getting the message to Joey. We can only hope that he does.

"Bump & Run" is generally a short track thing. Joey just dumped Matt. I prefer to see my racing non-contact. Never liked seeing the faster car use their bumper to make passes. Loved seeing Mark Martin give a spot back after accidentally roughing somebody up, then passing clear half dozen laps later. It's called SPORTSMANSHIP. Fair play and all that.

"Bump & Run" is generally a short track thing. Joey just dumped Matt. I prefer to see my racing non-contact. Never liked seeing the faster car use their bumper to make passes. Loved seeing Mark Martin give a spot back after accidentally roughing somebody up, then passing clear half dozen laps later. It's called SPORTSMANSHIP. Fair play and all that.

Mark is a papa bear now.....I saw him tear into someone on social media for bad mouthing his son. Great to see Mark stand up.
Why can a wide receiver get his clocked cleaned by a safety and no one has a meltdown about it? The sort of thing that happened today just makes Nascar a laughingstock but maybe that is what people want.
Guess you don't understand football very well. Guys retaliate EVERY play. They kick, punch, lean on sore legs, etc. EVERY PLAY. NASCAR guys normally only get one shot. Punch him in the throat!:boxing:
It was obvious Joey was loose. The heat of the moment got too kb. I expect he will say what I just said sometime this week. If not I think he should take a hint from his brother and only fight girls!
I fully recognize that Matt wrecked Joey on purpose. No one will ever disagree about that. I can differentiate. Put on your thinking cap and listen. Joey wrecked Matt on a corner at high speed to gain a position. NASCAR did nothing about it. Matt did something about it. End of discussion.
Exactly. Bias prevents some from seeing the obvious.
Claire B Lang‏ @ClaireBLang 5m5 minutes ago

I listened as the crew members said that this overall emotion was great. I heard it throughout garage last night.
Im just pointing out the fact that the Kyle defenders seems to think Joey needs to be taught a lesson.. But what Kyle did is okay right?

If Joey did to Danica what Kyle did to Joey.. What would you say then? Id bet you would be on the exact opposite side and Joey would still need to be taught a lesson (that hes already learned and accelerated because of).
Danica would clean either of their clocks. Never even break a sweat.
Your calling me a dumbass now? Really? Lmao

If you think I was suggesting that JLo did anything wrong in the race yesterday you are wrong. JLo was doing what drivers are supposed to do as it was past go time and he was trying to advance his position and slipped and got into Kyle. Capiche?

"Bump & Run" is generally a short track thing. Joey just dumped Matt. I prefer to see my racing non-contact. Never liked seeing the faster car use their bumper to make passes. Loved seeing Mark Martin give a spot back after accidentally roughing somebody up, then passing clear half dozen laps later. It's called SPORTSMANSHIP. Fair play and all that.
See I think if the slow car is gonna use his rear bumper(repeatedly) to block.. The faster car has every right to use his front bumper to get by.
If you think I was suggesting that JLo did anything wrong in the race yesterday you are wrong. JLo was doing what drivers are supposed to do as it was past go time and he was trying to advance his position and slipped and got into Kyle. Capiche?
I agree.. So wtf are we arguing for? LOL :idunno:
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