NASCAR Death Bed

The usual members who find nothing wrong with Nascar.:fixed:
You have "fixed" nothing. I haven't made one excuse for NASCAR, nor it's downturn. However I do tend to look at history and other factors. In the 1920s through the 1950s baseball was just about the only game in town. It's not anymore. Things change. As more entertainment venues are offered, people find other options. In other words, they tune out of one form of entertainment because they have tuned in to another. Has NASCAR contributed to its problems? Yes, just as other forms of spectator sports have contributed to their own problems. Can you fix that? No. Are you smarter than the powers that be in Daytona? No. Do you have a solution as to what could bring viewership back up? No.Your one contribution seems to be to badger other folks that don't embrace your doom and gloom outlook. What if everyone on this forum agreed with you? NASCAR SUCKS!!! And if you don't agree, YOU SUCK TOO!!! Would that pacify you? Probably not. Here's some free advise, Try the decaf, look for something good to say. NASCAR is entertainment. It's a vocation for a substantial amount of people, so if you care about it, support it. If all you can do is find fault, then "tune in" to something else. You won't be happy there either. You're Welcome.
that is pretty much it in a nutshell. I think the same ones find joy from pulling the wings off of butterflies. Evil in their hearts I believe.

“Evil in their hearts I believe.”

Oh the humanity.......oh the hyperbole!

Thank you for the morning guffaw and that sort of thing right up top is one of the reasons I enjoy you and Lew’s contributions
A few of you have decided to have a war on the subject of Nascar's decline.
None of you have offered a solution so I am going to assume your all drinking buddies
of Brian.
I'll check back in Feb, in the meantime I hope your satisfied destroying this Forum.
Maybe the owner will delete ya all very soon.
You have "fixed" nothing. I haven't made one excuse for NASCAR, nor it's downturn. However I do tend to look at history and other factors. In the 1920s through the 1950s baseball was just about the only game in town. It's not anymore. Things change. As more entertainment venues are offered, people find other options. In other words, they tune out of one form of entertainment because they have tuned in to another. Has NASCAR contributed to its problems? Yes, just as other forms of spectator sports have contributed to their own problems. Can you fix that? No. Are you smarter than the powers that be in Daytona? No. Do you have a solution as to what could bring viewership back up? No.Your one contribution seems to be to badger other folks that don't embrace your doom and gloom outlook. What if everyone on this forum agreed with you? NASCAR SUCKS!!! And if you don't agree, YOU SUCK TOO!!! Would that pacify you? Probably not. Here's some free advise, Try the decaf, look for something good to say. NASCAR is entertainment. It's a vocation for a substantial amount of people, so if you care about it, support it. If all you can do is find fault, then "tune in" to something else. You won't be happy there either. You're Welcome.
I've offered my solutions, many times in this forum...shorter races, cars that have identity, not decals, more short tracks and road courses, get rid of the failed Chase and game 7 scenario, cheaper ticket prices, cheaper concession prices. That enough for you?
A few of you have decided to have a war on the subject of Nascar's decline.
None of you have offered a solution so I am going to assume your all drinking buddies
of Brian.
I'll check back in Feb, in the meantime I hope your satisfied destroying this Forum.
Maybe the owner will delete ya all very soon.
Dude I've offered possible solutions many times.
Damn. Somebody's been busy cleaning up the after party mess. Good job. :booya:
Here's something else to make things better. Run Cup, Xfinity, and Trucks on the same admission price. 300 miles for Cup 100 each for the other 2 divisions. No more than 60 bucks for a ticket, kids under 16, $10. There are crap load of things NASCAR could do, but they instead focus on gimmicks. Until they get away from that notion, they will continue to lose viewers in the stands and the living rooms.
In reading some of the "new type" of responses I firmly believe that some are now seeking to get the thread locked. Oh, and I am going to enjoy reading and being an active member of the forum in December!!!!
A few of you have decided to have a war on the subject of Nascar's decline.
None of you have offered a solution so I am going to assume your all drinking buddies
of Brian.
I'll check back in Feb, in the meantime I hope your satisfied destroying this Forum.
Maybe the owner will delete ya all very soon.

Every time someone offers an opinion in what they of what might help the sport they are shouted down or the "we heard that a million times" post soon follows. For example, my first thread was about electric vehicles in NASCAR and people about lost their minds.
This is the deathbed thread so it seems appropriate that things of a negative nature would be discussed no?

I have mentioned several things in the past that would benefit Nascar. However I am not on NASCAR’s payroll so they can come up with their own ideas.
2 online dealers have closed in the past few months, a few stores and Fanatics pulled out. It's getting harder to find merchandise.
2 online dealers have closed in the past few months, a few stores and Fanatics pulled out. It's getting harder to find merchandise.

With each passing year more companies and consumers are fleeing Nascar. IDK what can turn Nascar around to the point that relevancy returns.

We completely change the rules package for 1/3 of the fans. My God. IF this poll has an relevance--I am not sure 100% that it does given that many rate everything based on how their driver did--how the hell can NASCAR cite fan input as having anything to do with the new rules package?
We completely change the rules package for 1/3 of the fans. My God. IF this poll has an relevance--I am not sure 100% that it does given that many rate everything based on how their driver did--how the hell can NASCAR cite fan input as having anything to do with the new rules package?

Why you can look at that many ways there Revman. Some will say the over 6,000 who voted aren't real fans like they are, others can say the racing can be better is the reason for that drop in likes from the year before. Take your pick. I kinda straddle, I thought the racing was pretty good, there were some incidents, like cautions falling at the end of races, Larson/Busch waking up an otherwise uneventful race at Chicago, Joey and Truex, Chase winning at W.G., and the Roval that happened and were good for the season. But the other side of that are many races were follow the leader, with more passing in the pits than on the track. Acting all indigent is only one way of looking at it. Statistics show that the passing in pack or for the lead is close to the bottom statistically since they have been keeping records, fan input or not. I can see both styles of racing myself. The high downforce for the smaller tracks is almost a copy of the style of racing from back in the day that has been done before, and the larger tracks IMO is the experiment.
Why you can look at that many ways there Revman. Some will say the over 6,000 who voted aren't real fans like they are, others can say the racing can be better is the reason for that drop in likes from the year before. Take your pick. I kinda straddle, I thought the racing was pretty good, there were some incidents, like cautions falling at the end of races, Larson/Busch waking up an otherwise uneventful race at Chicago, Joey and Truex, Chase winning at W.G., and the Roval that happened and were good for the season. But the other side of that are many races were follow the leader, with more passing in the pits than on the track. Acting all indigent is only one way of looking at it. Statistics show that the passing in pack or for the lead is close to the bottom statistically since they have been keeping records, fan input or not. I can see both styles of racing myself. The high downforce for the smaller tracks is almost a copy of the style of racing from back in the day that has been done before, and the larger tracks IMO is the experiment.

That's fair. When NASCAR says fans want something, I wonder who they are talking about.
That's fair. When NASCAR says fans want something, I wonder who they are talking about.
well, I think they majority want close racing, when the cries of WWE start flying, I think Nascar is where they need to be, like it or not. Nobody will admit it, but fights and wrecks are a high priority in addition to close competition and rivalries. But it is a tight rope they walk, nobody should get hurt, or it will bring out the haters who want to ban racing. Had some of that with the Tony Stewart/Kevin Ward. Some Congress woman wanted to ban auto racing.
well, I think they majority want close racing, when the cries of WWE start flying, I think Nascar is where they need to be, like it or not. Nobody will admit it, but fights and wrecks are a high priority in addition to close competition and rivalries. But it is a tight rope they walk, nobody should get hurt, or it will bring out the haters who want to ban racing. Had some of that with the Tony Stewart/Kevin Ward. Some Congress woman wanted to ban auto racing.
That call for banning racing will start again if a car flys into the catch fence at Dega or Daytona. New fans want accidents, they want to see spectacular flips and crashes, to me that's not a reason to watch racing. New and younger fans want constant action, non stop excitement, that's not how racing works. That's why NASCAR has resorted to gimmicks to try to appease the short attention span fan.
well, I think they majority want close racing, when the cries of WWE start flying, I think Nascar is where they need to be, like it or not. Nobody will admit it, but fights and wrecks are a high priority in addition to close competition and rivalries. But it is a tight rope they walk, nobody should get hurt, or it will bring out the haters who want to ban racing. Had some of that with the Tony Stewart/Kevin Ward. Some Congress woman wanted to ban auto racing.

I am not disagreeing with what you are saying but it is a sad and scathing indictment. What you are saying is that the majority of Nascar fans and would be fans want to see isn’t racing or a speed contest.

Instead they want to see cars artificially glued together, drivers fixin to beat each other up and lotsa wrecks. May God help us all.
I wouldn't worry about what I am saying. And I don't share your description however you try your best to twist what I am saying.
I wouldn't worry about what I am saying. And I don't share your description however you try your best to twist what I am saying.

I enjoy what you say so it is never ever worrisome. I don’t know what you meant to say when you composed your post as all I can go by is what it actually did say.

You said when Nascar hears cries of WWE you feel Nascar is where it will need to be.

You said fights and wrecks are in high priority and I’ll assume you meant high demand.

Those are just 2 of the items you mentioned and they are both awful. You think when Nascar is compared to the WWE it will have the rules in place that it should have.

You think that wrecks and fights are in high demand from the fans but no one will admit it.
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well you twist it how ya want ok?
well you twist it how ya want ok?

I am just using the words you wrote down. If you and others enjoy fighting, wrecking and a sport that is in a good spot when compared to the WWE then you can have it. If you feel that promoting this sort of thing to a series that lost almost 800k in fans per race over 2017 is a wise course of action then God bless you.
I am just using the words you wrote down. If you and others enjoy fighting, wrecking and a sport that is in a good spot when compared to the WWE then you can have it. If you feel that promoting this sort of thing to a series that lost almost 800k in fans per race over 2017 is a wise course of action then God bless you.
Ok bud here's to ya.

Refresh my memory.....This is when History got a little bump from Denny, and he ran out of talent when trying to catch it, right?
Ok I'll refresh it
Flat tire from contact with Chase Elliott takes Denny Hamlin out of title contention | 2017 PHOENIX

Terry Labonte sheds new details about one of the most famous NASCAR finishes in history
Dale Earnhardt: “I didn’t mean to really turn him around. I meant to rattle his cage though.”
“I was sitting there, wrecked on the back straightaway, my car was nosed in the wall,” Terry Labonte explained on the Dale Jr Download. “I thought, ‘dang…’ I put it in reverse, had it running, and seen him coming down the back straight away.”
“I thought, ‘Alright, that No. 3 is going to Victory Lane…But, this No. 5 is going to be stuck in the side of it!’ ”
“I had it timed perfect. I sat there and I popped the clutch and that car moved about a half-inch and tore the reverse gear out of it. It didn’t move! It kind of let all the wind out of my sails. Oh well, I just got out and walked to my transporter.”

“It’s probably a good thing the reverse gear did get torn out of the car.” :D:p
We completely change the rules package for 1/3 of the fans. My God. IF this poll has an relevance--I am not sure 100% that it does given that many rate everything based on how their driver did--how the hell can NASCAR cite fan input as having anything to do with the new rules package?

Don't you think the changes are what the TV networks suggest or approve before implementing them?
Don't you think the changes are what the TV networks suggest or approve before implementing them?

When Nascar took the money from the networks they acquired a powerful partner. Every year Nascar delivers less and less value for the networks so they will continue to get a larger say in how things are run. Can you imagine how the head of NBC and FOX sports feel after Nascar lost almost 800k from each race year over year?
NASCAR reminds me of The Jerk. Start from humble beginnings — with a good heart
and adventurous ambitions, NASCAR hits it big — for awhile. Then setbacks and struggles ensue leading to financial ruin; sending Navin NASCAR back home to a (slightly nicer) shack.

But as a NASCAR fan, I’ll still watch... :)
When Nascar took the money from the networks they acquired a powerful partner. Every year Nascar delivers less and less value for the networks so they will continue to get a larger say in how things are run. Can you imagine how the head of NBC and FOX sports feel after Nascar lost almost 800k from each race year over year?
But the tv coverage is responsible for most of the decline. Nobody is finding entertainment in poor camera work, being screamed at by 3 morons who forgot to take their Ritalin, total lack of marketing, and burying races on a 2nd or 3rd tier sports network. About the only thing the tv networks have a grievance with nascar over, is the total lack of a highlight reel. And that you can blame on the car and Goodyear.
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