I imagine Penske will provide competent people to crew Menard’s cars.

It’s up to his crew chief to turn them all into a team.
That is very true however the meeting of the minds between the CC and driver is still most important. Next is having a CC who knows how to make adjustments.

How you deal with people is also very important. They took the 19 crew at JGR and gave them to the #18. So the old 18 team went out and busted off some excellent pit stops for the 19. Watching those times was the best part of that race.
How you deal with people is also very important. They took the 19 crew at JGR and gave them to the #18. So the old 18 team went out and busted off some excellent pit stops for the 19. Watching those times was the best part of that race.
Something tells me part of that was maybe could be giving them the middle finger for moving them over to the 19 team.
Something tells me part of that was maybe could be giving them the middle finger for moving them over to the 19 team.

If they had that in them, where was it before the switch was made?

The coach made that call.
If they had that in them, where was it before the switch was made?

The coach made that call.
It was over there somewhere.

***** Do I believe that?, of course not, it was just me being me and posting something that should not of been taken seriously********
Natalie Decker Signs with Venturini Motorsports for Full Season ARCA Schedule in 2018
Natalie Decker Signs Check with Venturini Motorsports for Full Season ARCA Schedule in 2018

Fixed that.

Thanks for bringing light to the issue as we have run into problems recently with posts that are so incomplete they obscure the truth. Good, bad or indifferent the truth is the truth and I don't know why it puts the fear of God into some.
Natalie Decker Signs Check with Venturini Motorsports for Full Season ARCA Schedule in 2018

Fixed that.
Thanks for bringing light to the issue as we have run into problems recently with posts that are so incomplete they obscure the truth. Good, bad or indifferent the truth is the truth and I don't know why it puts the fear of God into some.
The insanity continues ... the “truth” is the young woman self-promoted and found sponsorship help.

N29 President/CEO Carl Ruedebusch was also on hand for the announcement as was Venturini Motorsports Team Manager Billy Venturini.

"It started early last year when we had opportunity to work with Venturini Motorsports," said Ruedebusch. "It's been a process. We learned that we like the way Venturini Motorsports operates…the family atmosphere is very attractive. That made the decision easy. We want to help Natalie advance her career so we made the commitment to enter into the 2018 season."

With support from N29 Capital Partners LLC., Decker is pursuing additional sponsorship for the 2018 season.

"We're going to continue to look for additional partners that will benefit not only N29 but Venturini and Natalie Decker," Ruedebusch added.

This fits with the Venturini business model. They’d be out of business without such occurrences.

Go complain about something else.
The insanity continues ... the “truth” is the young woman self-promoted and found sponsorship help.

N29 President/CEO Carl Ruedebusch was also on hand for the announcement as was Venturini Motorsports Team Manager Billy Venturini.

"It started early last year when we had opportunity to work with Venturini Motorsports," said Ruedebusch. "It's been a process. We learned that we like the way Venturini Motorsports operates…the family atmosphere is very attractive. That made the decision easy. We want to help Natalie advance her career so we made the commitment to enter into the 2018 season."

With support from N29 Capital Partners LLC., Decker is pursuing additional sponsorship for the 2018 season.

"We're going to continue to look for additional partners that will benefit not only N29 but Venturini and Natalie Decker," Ruedebusch added.

This fits with the Venturini business model. They’d be out of business without such occurrences.

Go complain about something else.

I am not complaining about anything just thanking a member for shedding some light on a situation. That's ok no?
I saw nothing wrong with it. I could be wrong as I found the Kansas race boring and that made a different poster uptight.
I am not complaining about anything just thanking a member for shedding some light on a situation. That's ok no?

How did that she'd any light on the situation though? It insinustes the driver cut a check to Venturini because she's involved with the sponsor. Nothing in the links indicated she was directly involved with the N29 company family wise or anything like that.
I'm happy for everyone involved. Good for her, good for the Venturini's and good for ARCA. They can always use good news. I about fell on the floor when I read this quote though; "We learned that we like the way Venturini Motorsports operates…the family atmosphere is very attractive." Bill Sr. and Billy are two of the biggest hotheads I have ever seen. Some of their tirades and expletive laced outbursts are things of legend. I believe Billy has been suspended for conduct not in the best interest of the sport more than once, and that apple didn't fall far from the tree. :)
^^ Bad quote. Yes, thank goodness for Wendy.

I have a destination for the $20 bet payoff. :D
How did that she'd any light on the situation though? It insinustes the driver cut a check to Venturini because she's involved with the sponsor. Nothing in the links indicated she was directly involved with the N29 company family wise or anything like that.

I think the member that I responded to may have some inside info......:D
^^ Bad quote. Yes, thank goodness for Wendy.

I have a destination for the $20 bet payoff. :D

Yes, I screwed up when I quoted your previous post. I tried to fix it, but the 10 minute time limit ran out.. I don't quite understand why there is a time limit on fixing a mistake. More forum software written by idiots. And yes, the bet. Send a an address via PM and I will be happy to pay up. You DO see how close I came to being right though. The 48 is still running like crap and only Larson's blown engine and or the 20 team's screw-up let them off the hook. The way the 48 backed into the Round of 8 looked like an 18 wheeler going into a loading dock. Performance wise, they are getting their ass handed to them by a 21 year old kid that can't win a race and a crew chief most people think isn't very good.
The bad news is you lost a bet but the good news is that it is payable in Canadian funds so you will get a nice discount or you could send the proceeds in pennies but the shipping may be prohibitive.
And yes, the bet. Send a an address via PM and I will be happy to pay up. You DO see how close I came to being right though. The 48 is still running like crap and only Larson's blown engine and or the 20 team's screw-up let them off the hook. The way the 48 backed into the Round of 8 looked like an 18 wheeler going into a loading dock. Performance wise, they are getting their ass handed to them by a 21 year old kid that can't win a race and a crew chief most people think isn't very good.
Yes ... the bet. Jimmie Johnson will / will not make the cut to 8.

As you are painfully aware, the vagaries of automobile racing are many. She can be a cruel mistress. Please pm our moderator, TexasRaceLady, for information necessary to pay $20 US to Fury, the guy who keeps thus place going in the absence of advertising revenue.

And thanks for playing. :D
So, I think he hates Cup teams, but not 100% clear on that
Please pm our moderator, TexasRaceLady, for information necessary to pay $20 US to Fury, the guy who keeps thus place going in the absence of advertising revenue.
Classy move, Aunty. Good job!

Thanks for bringing light to the issue as we have run into problems recently with posts that are so incomplete they obscure the truth. Good, bad or indifferent the truth is the truth and I don't know why it puts the fear of God into some.
I don't understand the angst you and some others have about family money being used by young drivers climbing the development ladder (even though that appears not to be the case with Ms. Decker). Racing is not one of the fortunate few sports with a taxpayer-funded development system and taxpayer-funded infrastructure, so how else will development rides exist? At least with racing, the best young talents are generally able to get off the self-funded treadmill when they approach the top levels. With some sports, there isn't even that carrot.
Yes, I screwed up when I quoted your previous post. I tried to fix it, but the 10 minute time limit ran out.. I don't quite understand why there is a time limit on fixing a mistake. More forum software written by idiots. And yes, the bet. Send a an address via PM and I will be happy to pay up. You DO see how close I came to being right though. The 48 is still running like crap and only Larson's blown engine and or the 20 team's screw-up let them off the hook. The way the 48 backed into the Round of 8 looked like an 18 wheeler going into a loading dock. Performance wise, they are getting their ass handed to them by a 21 year old kid that can't win a race and a crew chief most people think isn't very good.
Uh oh. Idiots?
Maybe you should have just asked why it was set up to expire after a certain amount of time.
Not sure who writes the XenForo software and don't care. If you wish to complain to them, I guess you should search out XenForo and see if you can email them.

Our owner put in the time limit to prevent "misunderstandings" of posts.
The best way to avoid hitting the time limit is
to read your post carefully before hitting "post reply".
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