Imagine the chicanery if you could edit posts forever.o_O
It was a mess before the limit was put in place. And I mean a big he said she said no I didn't yes you did mess.
All I can say is that I participate in over a dozen different forums on a wide range of topics, including one that has a rather substantial yearly fee, and I have never seen a time limit on editing, and have never run across the need for it. :confused: The forums I participate in are all pretty tightly moderated (including this one) and anybody trying to pull that crap would get booted pretty quickly.
Imagine the chicanery if you could edit posts forever.o_O

For sure as people won't even own up to things they have said that are in black and white. If they could change what they said indefinitely it would be a quagmire.
For what it's worth I'm on several forums and this one is just about my favorite. Some of the members on here if we ever met wed prob end up in a knockdown drag out but buy each other a cold one after. The mods on here do an awesome job.

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For what it's worth I'm on several forums and this one is just about my favorite. Some of the members on here if we ever met wed prob end up in a knockdown drag out but buy each other a cold one after. The mods on here do an awesome job.

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I like this forum a lot and as I say I like to say I have not been treated fairly.......I have been treated MORE than fairly! Great moderation, great members and great topics to discuss. Communicating in cyberspace can be difficult as you don't hear inflections or see body language and what may be hilarious to one is insulting to another. You are thrown in with some people you could become fast friends with as well as those you wouldn't give the time of day to in the real world. IMO forum life is much better if you have a thick skin, have a sense of humor, admit error, can laugh at yourself and don't take things personally. Another thing I think would help would be for members to put other members on ignore rather than constantly letting them get their goat(s)
Nothing really changes though unless that 98 car will be full time. They just switched the 41 to 98 and added a partner as of right now.

I figured it meant more cars on track and more races and maybe it will but I agree that the release doesn't state it. Maybe Piazza and Galucci are bringing money?
I figured it meant more cars on track and more races and maybe it will but I agree that the release doesn't state it. Maybe Piazza and Galucci are bringing money?

Yeah before clicking the link I thought as much to but just seems like a partnership where they are merging their part time cars. I hope they run full time with another young driver when Harvick isn't running.
Yeah maybe once everything is announced with sponsorships will will see that car as full time and maybe Briscoe in a third car....maybe Aric and mears in the 98 as well.
Nothing really changes though unless that 98 car will be full time. They just switched the 41 to 98 and added a partner as of right now.
It changes quite a bit for Biagi, he gets Harvick and a fast car. Like you say, it could expand to a full time car with better money because of higher finishes and sponsorship potential.
It changes quite a bit for Biagi, he gets Harvick and a fast car. Like you say, it could expand to a full time car with better money because of higher finishes and sponsorship potential.

To be fair they won a race this year with Almirola. Wouldn't be surprised once he signs with SHR if him and Harvick don't share that ride for 14 races.
Classy move, Aunty. Good job!

I don't understand the angst you and some others have about family money being used by young drivers climbing the development ladder (even though that appears not to be the case with Ms. Decker). Racing is not one of the fortunate few sports with a taxpayer-funded development system and taxpayer-funded infrastructure, so how else will development rides exist? At least with racing, the best young talents are generally able to get off the self-funded treadmill when they approach the top levels. With some sports, there isn't even that carrot.
Least he liked your post , he just ignored mine giving him a compliment, last time I do that :(:(:(.
Least he liked your post , he just ignored mine giving him a compliment, last time I do that :(:(:(.

I rarely hear anything about "likes" on this forum but there is another forum I look at every once in a while and the participants are infatuated with "up votes" and "down votes" and likes and dislikes. On this forum if I read something that I like I hit the button and that is the only criteria I have. I swear some folks on other sites have their self worth and esteem go up and down with this stuff. Strange but true.
I rarely hear anything about "likes" on this forum but there is another forum I look at every once in a while and the participants are infatuated with "up votes" and "down votes" and likes and dislikes. On this forum if I read something that I like I hit the button and that is the only criteria I have. I swear some folks on other sites have their self worth and esteem go up and down with this stuff. Strange but true.

Reddit lives and dies by karma, my friend!
Reddit lives and dies by karma, my friend!

If I wanted a friend I would go an rescue a dog and I can't imagine why I would ever give a toss about being liked or hated by people in cyberspace that I will never know or meet. I guess I need to get with the times.
I rarely hear anything about "likes" on this forum but there is another forum I look at every once in a while and the participants are infatuated with "up votes" and "down votes" and likes and dislikes. On this forum if I read something that I like I hit the button and that is the only criteria I have. I swear some folks on other sites have their self worth and esteem go up and down with this stuff. Strange but true.
Yep, people take the "likes" seriously", that's just how some people are, I really dont care if people like what I post, but you would think if you gave someone a compliment, they would at least acknowledge you doing so, and that could be done with hitting that like button, so I am taking it as he is just ignoring me, or doesnt even have enough respect for me as human being to acknowledge me and that I said something nice about him. I was raised to show the same respect back to that has been shown to you, acknowledge someone when they do something nice for/to you ,say give you a compliment, not to be rude and ignore them.
Yep, people take the "likes" seriously", that's just how some people are, I really dont care if people like what I post, but you would think if you gave someone a compliment, they would at least acknowledge you doing so, and that could be done with hitting that like button, so I am taking it as he is just ignoring me, or doesnt even have enough respect for me as human being to acknowledge me and that I said something nice about him. I was raised to show the same respect back to that has been shown to you, acknowledge someone when they do something nice for/to you ,say give you a compliment, not to be rude and ignore them.

For sure as if you are complimentary toward someone the right things to do is reciprocate. IDK which person you were referring to but perhaps they didn't see it or it was an oversight. I know sometimes I will hit the like button and it seems to take forever or it doesn't take at all.
For sure as if you are complimentary toward someone the right things to do is reciprocate. IDK which person you were referring to but perhaps they didn't see it or it was an oversight. I know sometimes I will hit the like button and it seems to take forever or it doesn't take at all.
It just basic being a good person, oversite?, sure, but I dont think so.
Now we're going to argue over "likes"? Perhaps I'd better ask fury if it's possible to remove that option.

in sympathy to Nascar, a cost cutting measure?..Is this place on it's deathbed too. Losing the like sponsor...big loss. I really liked that gimmick..:p
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