Tony Stewart running over someone?

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I think this is good analysis. It never looked to me like tony punched the gas and his car seemed to turn because of the contact with Ward, not to initiate or even avoid it.
Everything was just so crazy last night with Twitter blowing up and people jumping to conclusions because of it.
As someone else noted earlier in this thread, you could really see the evolution of opinion shift as the night wore on and more info became available. The people who came to this late mostly seemed to be more sympathetic with Stewart as opposed to calling him a blatant murderer as many wanted to at first.
Yeah, more information is sometimes quite useful. :)
the sad ironic shame in this trajedy is that young ward died emulating the very actions he'd seen older race car stars doing for years......... cheered on by most race fans and media.

actions which the media promoted ....w/ no forewarning of possible danger involved .........or possible changes that should be made ............until now.
It's very hard to tell, but Ward seemed a little unsteady. He may have been woozy from the wreck..
Either woozy, or struggling to walk on a banked slick dirt track surface, or both.

Either way, he should not have walked onto the racing groove. Very stupid move. Hope every young racer learns from this that they are not invincible.
I wonder if Stewart running his mouth like that on numerous occasions may come back to haunt him.

And where is his GoPro footage?
Media outlets are lining up at the court house this morning to file the "freedom of information act" paperwork to obtain that GoPro footage...More than likely wont be turned over just yet, due to it still being an "ongoing" investigation...Lets hope nothing "suspect" happens to this footage while in the hands of the Sheriff/States Attny...
Being a Stewart fan, I have no commented on this until I had time to digest everything that took place.

In having 24 hours to think about this, I feel this was an unintentional accident. Those winged sprint cars are hard to see out of, especially on the right side. I truly feel Stewart did not see him until the last second.

What gets me is all these media people and some fans going on about how Stewart is a hot head and almost implying he purposely ran over that kid, even calling him a murderer. That is sad and pathetic.
The thread title is harsh, misleading, indicating intent without proof and just plain old disgusting. If it were kin to me on either side I'd find it work of an attention whore.

That is all.

According to @PlymouthSpeed - Tony Stewart will not be racing Saturday. #NASCAR champ was to race Sprint Car at the Indiana dirt track.
The thread title is harsh, misleading, indicating intent without proof and just plain old disgusting. If it were kin to me on either side I'd find it work of an attention whore.

That is all.

Thread was created way before the event was confirmed as truth.

And well yeah. Stewart did run him over. Intentionally or unintentionally.
I can see him stepping out of his sprint car for a while, how long he's out will be his decision. He'll be back in his cup car next week.
What gets me is all these media people and some fans going on about how Stewart is a hot head and almost implying he purposely ran over that kid, even calling him a murderer. That is sad and pathetic.

Remember how Sterling got death threats? The media went into a frenzy. I've heard several reports that Stewart is called a 'hothead' and has had problems in the past.
Drama Queen lately???????????????????
Most of these "experts" that are making comments and writing articles about this probably know a lot less about racing than your average member here on the RF.
It only takes one incident like this or a car flying into the stands to have every dumbass who couldn't tell a Camry from a Camaro come out of the woodwork and let everyone know what's going on.
Four coworkers today who never followed or even watch racing all asked about how this Tony Stewart guy intentionally ran down the other race car driver. It really sucks to have to defend our sport due the the uninformed and inadequate media reporting. People that have little or no knowledge of racing in general are rendering opinions based on what? Something that Nancy Grace types say. Sad.
JMHO. I just don't understand why some folks are "getting off" from such a horrible incident that nobody (in their right mind) wanted to see happen. The law will take it's course, lets hope they are thorough in their investigation and bring this to the correct conclusion.
To me, it seems a change we will see soon is drivers will be VERY HEAVILY penalized if they retaliate in the manner Ward did. I mean, stick and ball sports do it...they often flag the guy who retaliates more than the person who initiated things. This is in a sport where there are not 3500 lb cars racing around.

Bottom line, I think that allowing drivers (pedestrians really) to confront another driver in his/her car is over. Yes, NASCAR might not be as drama filled but tragedy must be prevented.

Prediction? Like in hockey when they basically removed fighting from the game, stick work came back with a vengeance. Remove this dangerous practice of drivers confronting each other on track out of their car and you may, just may see an increase in on track retaliation....human nature. Car on Car. At least there we have roll cages to protect our heroes and heroines. I also see fines and penatlies on drivers who retaliate car on car as well but no as as severe as human vs car.

I am so sad for Tony, the Ward family and all of SHR. I can't demonize smoke, nor can I entirley absolve him either. Its a confusing time.
The media will play a huge role in this whole mess. They're already painting Stewart as the spoiled child with a bad temper.

We, as fans, have become accustomed to Stewart's outburst and pass it aside as "that's just Tony being Tony" and in many cases actually find it ammusing. The general population who run the court of public opinion will not.

I'm not sure what is going to come of all this but I do know that it isn't going to blow over anytime soon.
Most of these "experts" that are making comments and writing articles about this probably know a lot less about racing than your average member here on the RF.

Yeah but there are still a few "experts" here on RF spouting the "you need to gas it to turn" line oblivious to the fact that if you gas it, the rear swings hard right.

You cannot use it as a Stewart excuse if you understand sprint cars.
Sad Sad Sad event, IMHO, there is no way Stewart did this on purpose, the young man walked down right in front of Stewarts car, that is what I saw in the video. I do not think he saw him till the last second because the car in front of him blocked his view and no driver would ever expect anyone to enter the racing line even under caution. The Drudge report has a before wreck till after wreck video on this.

It is a shame what our media has come to, prosecuted, judged and hung before any facts given.

Stewart may not race again, ever, because the media is not going to let this go, too much hype and exposure not to spin this out of control, so very sad what we have come to in the media.
One of our reporters shared this post on Facebook last night:
Mark Tychoniewicz
i have driven these cars,the right side board on the top wing will block out an entire car let alone a person standing there,i now work on the 45 car in the video and the driver said he just saw him at the last second and just missed him,Tony had even less time to react to the situation.people in the stands or watching this video have no idea how fast these thing happen and how limited our view is inside the was a very bad turn of events that happened but we all know the dangers involved in the sport we love.
To those surprised that the lefty media (Olbermann, Newsweek etc.) hate NASCAR, NASCAR fans and middle America in general.......welcome to reality.

That being said, Stewart's original intent to race, GZ's quote about Sunday at Watkins Glen being "business as usual" and NASCAR's original statement that they had no problem with Tony getting in the car damaged them much more in my eyes than anything a clueless reporter can say.

I know they did everything they could Sunday to throw dirt over that incredible bit of stupidity but real fans know they were both cold-blooded and clueless.
I didn't find that Newsweek article to be overly biased or ignorant. He didn't even suggest anything was intentional, including the wreck, just that not enough caution was used by either party.

I knew Tony's statement just hours after the incident that he would race the next day, and especially Zippy's 'business as usual' comments would come back to haunt them.

This is where NASCAR reporters need to get out there and do their jobs. Report this from a position of knowledge rather than let non-fan reporters do all the talking.
To those surprised that the lefty media (Olbermann, Newsweek etc.) hate NASCAR, NASCAR fans and middle America in general.......welcome to reality.

That being said, Stewart's original intent to race, GZ's quote about Sunday at Watkins Glen being "business as usual" and NASCAR's original statement that they had no problem with Tony getting in the car damaged them much more in my eyes than anything a clueless reporter can say.

I know they did everything they could Sunday to throw dirt over that incredible bit of stupidity but real fans know they were both cold-blooded and clueless.
I have to admit, I thought it was a little odd that Tony and the team even considered having Tony in the car yesterday. I wish that whole thing would have been better thought out/communicated before the "business as usual" comment. That certainly didn't look good.
What's going to hurt Tony Stewart in the court of public opinion the most is that anyone with an internet connection can go on YouTube and see countless expressions of anger. If someone like Jimmie Johnson, Carl Edwards and Matt Kenseth had been behind the wheel of that sprint car, the reaction from the media may have likely been different.
To those surprised that the lefty media (Olbermann, Newsweek etc.) hate NASCAR, NASCAR fans and middle America in general.......welcome to reality.

That being said, Stewart's original intent to race, GZ's quote about Sunday at Watkins Glen being "business as usual" and NASCAR's original statement that they had no problem with Tony getting in the car damaged them much more in my eyes than anything a clueless reporter can say.

I know they did everything they could Sunday to throw dirt over that incredible bit of stupidity but real fans know they were both cold-blooded and clueless.
I said from the beginning that part would be a PR disaster. Regardless of how the accident happened I don't see why you make that statement so soon afterwards.
Yeah but there are still a few "experts" here on RF spouting the "you need to gas it to turn" line oblivious to the fact that if you gas it, the rear swings hard right.

You cannot use it as a Stewart excuse if you understand sprint cars.

Err, Ward wasn't hit with the rear tire first, so the swinging rear end theory doesn't hold water. The car doesn't have to swing the right rear out when being gassed and turned. The car turns left under torque because of the huge tire stagger. Right rear travels further than the left rear for each axel revolution.
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