Tony Stewart running over someone?

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NASCAR will not be far behind. I'd expect this to become the rule after it's stated in this weeks driver meeting.

Local tracks react to Stewart controversy

The racing community is still reeling today over the death of a young, dirt track driver who was run over and killed by Nascar star Tony Stewart.

Kevin Ward was racing side by side with Stewart when he spun out. Ward then left the safety of his car to confront Stewart. Ward was then struck and killed. His death is still under investigation.

At local tracks, like Kingsport Speedway and Lonesome Pine Raceway it is not uncommon for drivers to leave their cars and confront other drivers.

Karen Tunnell, who serves as the General Manager of both tracks says she will not allow that to happen anymore. "We are going to start implementing that you do not get out of your car unless it is upside down, or on fire." says Tunnell. "We've got to come together as a whole with all the racetracks, across the country to try and insure that this kind of tragedy does not happen again."

Tunnell says the new rule will go into effect immediately. Kingsport Speedway draws 70 to 75 drivers to the track every weekend.

from here
Everyone has an opinion. Even if its a little far out there, its easier just to respect it. Name calling will get you nowhere. Cheers :cheers:
You're right my bad, it's just the emotional state I'm in. Having oral surgery last Thursday and all the meds just ain't helping. I will try and curtail my infected blood and simmer down.
Ooooh, let's have a fight about who wears more black.
Know who else wears black?
77af5d20-c19d-0131-a84e-7a54d534c065.jpg could mix some alcohol with those meds and really let er rip :)

All us East County Backcountry boy's practiced this method of boosting the healing process with proven self medication remedies. You won't remember a thing.

If Tony were to come back and win a race before The Chase, does NASCAR let him in? I think you're allowed to miss races for injuries and Tony could argue that he missed races for a mental injury.
I heard someone say that he would qualify because he showed up and qualified for the race at Watkins Glen.

From Jayski:

"NASCAR's new Chase structure places a premium on winning: The top 15 drivers with the most wins over the first 26 races will earn a spot in the Chase - provided they have finished in the top 30 in points and attempted to qualify for every race. Should there be 16 or more different winners during the first 26 races, the only winless driver who can earn a Chase spot would be the points leader after 26 races."
Most tracks in my area already have a rule where drivers can't get out of their car or be DQed. All that does is forfeit their purse for the night. Their car is usually junk and they're not going back into the race any way. The rule should be suspended for a race or two.
Mr. Olbermann,

I believe, Mr. Tony Gwynn would be appalled with your amateurism in reporting on such a horrible incident that took the life of another human being. I have not lost anything here but you sir, have lost all credibility if you ever had any.
I guess this is as close to an apology as we're going to get from Keith Olbermann

Better than nothing and better than what the MSM has said.

eh, not impressed.
I have made it a point not to watch media types like him from the Fox and MSNBC types (I know he got fired from them but the playbook remains). They are only a marginal tier above Nancy Grace and Jerry Springer.

The ensuing meda frenzy after Saturday night was unfortunately predictble, an avalanche to be expected. These seasoned news "professionals" are either incredibly stupid and naive, or they know a cheap easy self serving device when they see one.
I believe it to to be the latter case.

Waiting approximatly 48 hours to suggest some common sense is just an extension of the same self serving experience. A classic double dipping bait and switch The nature of the beast is just to obvious, get all the cheap attention while it is hot, lets make all the Gilrado hysteria money that we can. Then after we have gotten all of the benefits and folks are getting a little board we can switch it up, and pretentiously play our integrity and statesman cards.

Appendix: I guess I should be more tolerant of Olbermann. Truth be known I had planned on calling him a douche, but then I realized it was self defeating for this post. We are all human and have our flaws. Prior to Sarurday I had raked Tony over the coals and snarked him several times.

But I knew on Saturday night as bad as it was for Ward and it was the worst, Tony himself had suffered a fate I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. An instant were his life was forever changed.
I appreciate the need for investigations by law enforcement, and their throughness should be respected.
A long post that has tested a readers patience. I just think we should remember that this has to be very personally painful to Tony. He is also one to wear his heart on the sleave and you never had to worry about what Tony was thinking.

Until now. He cannot mouth off about this for obvious reasons. Common decency demands as much, but still the same Tony is in a hell hole alone.

And the Olbermanns making a living off of that pain will not get any of my respect or appreciation.
eh, not impressed.
I have made it a point not to watch media types like him from the Fox and MSNBC types (I know he got fired from them but the playbook remains). They are only a marginal tier above Nancy Grace and Jerry Springer.

The ensuing meda frenzy after Saturday night was unfortunately predictble, an avalanche to be expected. These seasoned news "professionals" are either incredibly stupid and naive, or they know a cheap easy self serving device when they see one.
I believe it to to be the latter case.

Waiting approximatly 48 hours to suggest some common sense is just an extension of the same self serving experience. A classic double dipping bait and switch The nature of the beast is just to obvious, get all the cheap attention while it is hot, lets make all the Gilrado hysteria money that we can. Then after we have gotten all of the benefits and folks are getting a little board we can switch it up, and pretentiously play our integrity and statesman cards.

Appendix: I guess I should be more tolerant of Olbermann. Truth be known I had planned on calling him a douche, but then I realized it was self defeating for this post. We are all human and have our flaws. Prior to Sarurday I had raked Tony over the coals and snarked him several times.

But I knew on Saturday night as bad as it was for Ward and it was the worst, Tony himself had suffered a fate I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. An instant were his life was forever changed.
I appreciate the need for investigations by law enforcement, and their throughness should be respected.
A long post that has tested a readers patience. I just think we should remember that this has to be very personally painful to Tony. He is also one to wear his heart on the sleave and you never had to worry about what Tony was thinking.

Until now. He cannot mouth off about this for obvious reasons. Common decency demands as much, but still the same Tony is in a hell hole alone.

And the Olbermanns making a living off of that pain will not get any of my respect or appreciation.
Much respect :cheers:
Actually @Greg, MSNBC has done a solid job. There was a segment on Morning Joe and, while the headline on was kind of misleading, the actual video was great analysis.
eh, not impressed.
I have made it a point not to watch media types like him from the Fox and MSNBC types (I know he got fired from them but the playbook remains). They are only a marginal tier above Nancy Grace and Jerry Springer.

The ensuing meda frenzy after Saturday night was unfortunately predictble, an avalanche to be expected. These seasoned news "professionals" are either incredibly stupid and naive, or they know a cheap easy self serving device when they see one.
I believe it to to be the latter case.

Waiting approximatly 48 hours to suggest some common sense is just an extension of the same self serving experience. A classic double dipping bait and switch The nature of the beast is just to obvious, get all the cheap attention while it is hot, lets make all the Gilrado hysteria money that we can. Then after we have gotten all of the benefits and folks are getting a little board we can switch it up, and pretentiously play our integrity and statesman cards.

Appendix: I guess I should be more tolerant of Olbermann. Truth be known I had planned on calling him a douche, but then I realized it was self defeating for this post. We are all human and have our flaws. Prior to Sarurday I had raked Tony over the coals and snarked him several times.

But I knew on Saturday night as bad as it was for Ward and it was the worst, Tony himself had suffered a fate I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. An instant were his life was forever changed.
I appreciate the need for investigations by law enforcement, and their throughness should be respected.
A long post that has tested a readers patience. I just think we should remember that this has to be very personally painful to Tony. He is also one to wear his heart on the sleave and you never had to worry about what Tony was thinking.

Until now. He cannot mouth off about this for obvious reasons. Common decency demands as much, but still the same Tony is in a hell hole alone.

And the Olbermanns making a living off of that pain will not get any of my respect or appreciation.
Common sense prevails.
more mainstream media analysis. CNN talking legal head says "charges not likley"

From the article:


In this case it will be impossible to know what was going through Stewart's mind as he approached the Ward vehicle under the warning of a yellow flag. To prosecute this case as an intentional murder or even as a more serious form of manslaughter, there would have to be proof that Stewart "intentionally" aimed his car at Ward seeking to kill or injure him seriously.

......In determining whether Stewart's conduct was reckless or criminally negligent, the conduct of the other drivers in the race will be examined. They appear to be proceeding at a similar speed as Stewart under the yellow flag warning. They too were probably surprised to see Ward positioned in such a dangerous place.

The evidence supporting criminal charges is just not here. In the end, all signs point to a red flag for any criminal charges against Stewart in this tragic accident arising from America's most popular summer sport.


Seems like this piece could have been written by one of many regular RF members.
eh, not impressed.
I have made it a point not to watch media types like him from the Fox and MSNBC types (I know he got fired from them but the playbook remains). They are only a marginal tier above Nancy Grace and Jerry Springer.

The ensuing meda frenzy after Saturday night was unfortunately predictble, an avalanche to be expected. These seasoned news "professionals" are either incredibly stupid and naive, or they know a cheap easy self serving device when they see one.
I believe it to to be the latter case.

Waiting approximatly 48 hours to suggest some common sense is just an extension of the same self serving experience. A classic double dipping bait and switch The nature of the beast is just to obvious, get all the cheap attention while it is hot, lets make all the Gilrado hysteria money that we can. Then after we have gotten all of the benefits and folks are getting a little board we can switch it up, and pretentiously play our integrity and statesman cards.

Appendix: I guess I should be more tolerant of Olbermann. Truth be known I had planned on calling him a douche, but then I realized it was self defeating for this post. We are all human and have our flaws. Prior to Sarurday I had raked Tony over the coals and snarked him several times.

But I knew on Saturday night as bad as it was for Ward and it was the worst, Tony himself had suffered a fate I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. An instant were his life was forever changed.
I appreciate the need for investigations by law enforcement, and their throughness should be respected.
A long post that has tested a readers patience. I just think we should remember that this has to be very personally painful to Tony. He is also one to wear his heart on the sleave and you never had to worry about what Tony was thinking.

Until now. He cannot mouth off about this for obvious reasons. Common decency demands as much, but still the same Tony is in a hell hole alone.

And the Olbermanns making a living off of that pain will not get any of my respect or appreciation.
I'm with you on this. I don't bother reading or watching what they have to say. I try to listen to people more knowledgeable on the subject. Reading this thread shows that there are many that like to feed these paid trolls. That's too bad but as long as people pay attention to them or respond to them, they are getting exactly what they want.
Actually @Greg, MSNBC has done a solid job. There was a segment on Morning Joe and, while the headline on was kind of misleading, the actual video was great analysis.

I probably should not have not listed any particular "news" outlets. I have my thoughts, but I should have left that out for another thread.
I probably should not have not listed any particular "news" outlets. I have my thoughts, but I should have left that out for another thread.

MSNBC is usually terrible but, in this case, they were the adults in the room. Honestly, I expected the stuff I've seen on ABC, CBS and FOX Sports 1 to be on MSNBC.

As for FOX Sports 1, I cannot imagine the NASCAR brass is very happy with the way "FOX Sports LIVE" has covered this tragedy. I wouldn't be either. Hell, I would've yanked the TV contract and given the whole damn sport to NBC.
I've browsed through this thread (read maybe 15 actual posts), but just CANNOT take the mindless speculation anymore. There are exactly TWO people that know exactly what happened, and one of them happens to be dead.

Me, I'm going to tune all the negative crap out, and continue in my own way in promoting the sport I love, and continue shouting from the mountaintop how great this sport is.
I was just listenig to Brian Williams on WNST Baltimore (Dan Patrick's show, I think) and offered some great analysis. If it was Dan Patrick, the segment should be on NBCSN's website later. I'll post it if I remember to.
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