Tony Stewart running over someone?

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I hope Tony's friends and family have surrounded him at this difficult time. I have not heard he has a significant other...Dont be sad Tony!
We know the Ward family has come together...
Which post are you referring to? The guide to identifying racecars? That was snark. LOL
Yes, that's the one. Don't do that to this old lady. :D

But, after listening to some of the blather, I wouldn't be a bit surprised is some thought that all race cars are alike.
Yes, that's the one. Don't do that to this old lady. :D

But, after listening to some of the blather, I wouldn't be a bit surprised is some thought that all race cars are alike.

Your lack of surprise is well reasoned, TRL.

To a learned journalist, all auto loading long guns are AK-47s and all auto loading pistols are Glocks. Either or both could be fitted with “great big clips that hold a lot of bullets.” A race car is what the media thinks it is.
The same radio station that spent 3 hours yesterday speculating on the Stewart/Ward incident has moved on today to the Robin Williams story.
Not a mention of Tony Stewart.
How depressed some of our young soldiers must be when see their terrible injuries, I dont feel too sorry for depressed actors, they can pay for the best care in the world

That's an example of just how bad it must be for people suffering that it still can get that bad.
Two more weeks of waiting will feel like an eternity to Smoke. I'd have to be heavily sedated not to go absolutely insane.
It's nice to finally hear some voices of reason amongst all the nonsense and ignorance. Good article.

She was actually on The Cycle before they put Abby Huntsman on. I didn't know she was a NASCAR fan.

I loved SE as well. But Abby Huntsman :wub: that might be the hottest woman on Earth.
What every media outlet seems to be missing is that this happened in upstate New York and not the South.
What every media outlet is missing is accuracy.
The S.E. Cupp article was one of very few articles I've read that isn't trying to offer a sensational, BS story in the interest of ratings.
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