Tony Stewart running over someone?

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OK, friends, this is getting totally out of control. Some are beginning to make this a personal pissing contest and attacking each other.
Back off hitting at each other and address the topic. Pointing fingers at each other doesn't cut it.

Either get back to the subject, or take this "mine is bigger than yours" contest somewhere else --- either The Podium, or some other forum.
There is no room for a flame war here.
Ward Sr. did an interview with my local media. Claims "Apparently, Tony Stewart was the only one driving out there who didn't see him."

Or, apparently Tony Stewart was the only one out there being charged at by a driver on foot.

I know they are hurting. Rightfully so, but you would think that a racing family would be a little more open-minded about this.. I hope that doesn't come off as insensitive, not my intention.
Is it that hard to believe the father of Kevin Ward is upset about Tony killing his kid under yellow?
Obviously not, but I still think it's silly to think that Tony intentionally set out to kill his kid, which is the vibe that the father gives off in his interview. He's obviously grieving and looking for somebody to blame, and I can't fault him for that.
You fail to mention the fact that Ward was walking closer and closer towards the racing groove as each car before Tony's drove by. The car directly in front of Tony barely missed Ward.

This series of pictures shows that Stewart was running pretty much the same line as the car in front of him going by the amount of track on the low side of each car. But look how much farther Ward is stretching his right leg out toward Stewart's car compared to when the 45 car of Hebing was passing him. I'm guessing that maybe he had that one leg out just far enough that it was caught by the vehicle, which led to him being pulled under the large rear tire with disastrous consequences.
Obviously not, but I still think it's silly to think that Tony intentionally set out to kill his kid, which is the vibe that the father gives off in his interview. He's obviously grieving and looking for somebody to blame, and I can't fault him for that.

I don't think it helped when the 14 said "business as usual" after the incident...
I wouldn't even say that the minimal contact between the two cars was intentional. Looked to me like the kid was on the outside and Tony's momentum off the corner caused him to pinch the kid off. Didn't look to me like Tony ran him out into the fence on purpose.

If it weren't Tony, Ward probably backs off once he's beat and there is no contact.
This series of pictures shows that Stewart was running pretty much the same line as the car in front of him going by the amount of track on the low side of each car. But look how much farther Ward is stretching his right leg out toward Stewart's car compared to when the 45 car of Hebing was passing him. I'm guessing that maybe he had that one leg out just far enough that it was caught by the vehicle, which led to him being pulled under the large rear tire with disastrous consequences.
It almost seems like Ward misjudged his positioning on the track and tried to jump out of the way at the last second but got snagged by Tony's car.
I just spoke with Wally Dallenbach from NBC Sports about the rule changes a lot of tracks have implemented and he had a lot of great points. Will post shortly.
It's really dificult to see out of the front of a Sprint Car. Even more so with a dirty visor in the dark. Add to that, no spotter and not expecting some idiot to be on track dodging traffic after wrecking himself. Ward is 100% at fault. Anyone who doesn't believe or refuses to believe this is too far gone to be swayed by facts, reason and logic.
This series of pictures shows that Stewart was running pretty much the same line as the car in front of him going by the amount of track on the low side of each car. But look how much farther Ward is stretching his right leg out toward Stewart's car compared to when the 45 car of Hebing was passing him. I'm guessing that maybe he had that one leg out just far enough that it was caught by the vehicle, which led to him being pulled under the large rear tire with disastrous consequences.

That's what I saw in an enhanced frame by frame, but I think Tony's right front tire catches Ward's left leg first.

What the video frames also show is that Ward jumps out of the way of the #45, then he moves forward and closer to turn exit, and into a darker part of the track. He doesn't jump out of Stewarts way as he did the #45, and I think that was the difference.

Going after the wrong car, then posing as if to try and stop the 14 makes me think he wasn't clear headed after that wreck.
It almost seems like Ward misjudged his positioning on the track and tried to jump out of the way at the last second but got snagged by Tony's car.
As awkwardly as he is standing, if he did he could have easily slipped on the banking. Slippery banked dirt track and he's in an awkward looking stance. And racing shoes don't have much in the way of tread, do they?
It's really dificult to see out of the front of a Sprint Car. Even more so with a dirty visor in the dark. Add to that, no spotter and not expecting some idiot to be on track dodging traffic after wrecking himself. Ward is 100% at fault. Anyone who doesn't believe or refuses to believe this is too far gone to be swayed by facts, reason and logic.

Thanks for that important update.
I didn't see any "pitching sideways" action. The video I saw revealed that the engine sound did not come from Stewarts car.

All I see is the 14's front wheels turning hard right AFTER the right wheel hits Wards leg, which is what the front wheels would do during impact.
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Kevin Ward, Jr.'s family can say anything they want, IMO. Their heartbreak and anger are justified, regardless of fault. They lost a son.

I don't think Stewart was at fault, but I am not going to judge the family for their comments. They are shocked and broken hearted, folks say some unfortunate things when they are hurt.
I don't think it helped when the 14 said "business as usual" after the incident...
This, coupled with the original announcement that he would be racing on Sunday, is what drew a large portion of the mainstream media ire. It almost came off as showing a lack of remorse, even though that was likely not the case.

If I were Tony, I wouldn't race at Michigan this weekend either, and maybe even sit out a few races beyond that. And I say that from a legal perspective. If Tony ends up facing criminal charges out of this, a jury may also perceive a lack of remorse if he's competing in a Sprint Cup race just 8 days after the Kevin Ward Jr. incident and just 3 days after his funeral. It may come off a little too much like "business as usual".
I don't think Stewart was at fault, but I am not going to judge the family for their comments. They are shocked and broken hearted, folks say some unfortunate things when they are hurt.
Which seems to be exactly what Moody's saying. There are a lot of strong opinions on this issue. Some that agree with any of us, all of us, or none of us. For the most part we all think we're right but in the end it really doesn't matter what we think. We'll all have to live with whatever their investigation reveals.

Per @TonyStewart PR rep, no decision has been made about racing this week & no timetable for a decision. Could change any time.
I'd have to guess that it might be possible for a wall of air off the wing could have knocked him from his feet. In the stills, it appears that he knew he was down to far and was trying to get back up the track.

The only person that could have prevented this whole situation from happening in the first place made a very critical decision and is gone. It sure would be wonderful if it didn't happen cause this things just plain old sucks. There will be no winners on this deal, it's a losing hand.
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