Weather check-in

Only got about 5" here, but over the hill in Ware they got a foot, strange storm.
How's everyone over there on the right coast doing? I saw the weather forecast, looks bad. We're getting ready to get doused again. I'm glad it doesn't snow here.

We got 10"-about 14" in the area, the worst in over 20 years. Everything closed on Monday
We received 4.2 inches on Christmas day and another couple of inches on Sunday. Work was a bit touchy on Monday, but I made it okay. Six carriers slipped and hurt themselves and now we are having to step up and do more. Snow is now almost gone except for areas the sun doesn't hit. Coming up my street looks very weird. On one side there is no snow and on the other, there is still about six inches of the stuff. Gonna melt quickly in the next few days though. Supposed to be in the 60's by Sunday.
We received 4.2 inches on Christmas day and another couple of inches on Sunday. Work was a bit touchy on Monday, but I made it okay. Six carriers slipped and hurt themselves and now we are having to step up and do more. Snow is now almost gone except for areas the sun doesn't hit. Coming up my street looks very weird. On one side there is no snow and on the other, there is still about six inches of the stuff. Gonna melt quickly in the next few days though. Supposed to be in the 60's by Sunday.

I thought football cleets were standard attire in the northern states for walking postmen? :D :p
It's warming up here. Everywhere you walk or drive is slicker than catcrap on a linoleum floor.

It's supposed to get into the upper 50's tomorrow and stay in the 40's until after midnight, which is great for New Years Eve. We have buttons (what they use for tickets) for First Night Akron, which is a multi-location and partially outside event they do every New Years Eve around here. The weather should be great for that. It should also cut down on the number of drunk driving fatalities.
I thought football cleets were standard attire in the northern states for walking postmen? :D :p
My wife would smack you for comparing where we live to the "northern states". :D Now I did live in a northern state years ago, and before that, I think I lived at the North Pole when I was in North Dakota. When you live there, football cleets won't make a bit of difference.
70 Degrees today while taking down some of the Christmas lights down and seen the Ice Cream Truck drive by.:eek:
We were 80 here and I went fishing.......the sounder said the water temp was 70 in the ocean
Supposed to get 12"-18" of snow tonight and tomorrow, we'll see... weather Gods have been wrong last 3 storms, so I'll believe it when I see it.
We got 2 feet of snow






We got a very light dusting of snow yesterday morning, then mostly rain the rest of the day. The back deck this morning was solid ice, as was my sons car. My wives car, on the other hand, didn't freeze at all.
Supposed to get 12"-18" of snow tonight and tomorrow, we'll see... weather Gods have been wrong last 3 storms, so I'll believe it when I see it.
daughter says 18" where she lives in springfield and still coming down. we've got 4"-6". really not that bad.
So far, at 9 am, about a foot and still coming down HARD. Heavy wet stuff

Dog is lovin it though
daughter says 18" where she lives in springfield and still coming down. we've got 4"-6". really not that bad.

In live 25 minutes from Springfield, in West Warren Ma., we have at least 16" and still snowing hard. Turns out the weather guys got this one right for a change, can't wait to go out and play in it....:D:D
Well December was all rain. The past two weeks I've been freezing to death (mid 50's during the day :D). Today it is in the low 70's, this weekend low 80's are expected.
Amounts range from 15 to 21 inches. Heavy wet stuff.

Visit anytime you want Buck.........hey don't you owe me a beer???

28" here from the storm, My Alaskan Malamutes are flipping out.....they absolutely are loving it.:D
Actually had to run the A/C in the work truck today. This is crazy weather. A week ago I was wearing full thermals.
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