That doesn't explain millennials not watching anymore though.
When I was in high school, and not in the Confederate States of America

, NASCAR was
THE thing. Almost everyone where Dale Jr or Kevin Harvick coats at school.
It says more about the fanbase and the media than you think.
Reporter after reporter trashed the 2017 Daytona 500 in columns and on Twitter for the sole fact that Chase Elliott ran out of gas. If he had won that race, it would've been "the greatest Daytona 500" since Dale won. We've had commentators on network broadcasts lobby NASCAR on the air to manipulate the outcome of a race for Chase Elliott to make up for Rainbowghazi.
Agree with this, but I also don't think people realize the immense pressure Bubba deals with. It's hard to tune it out. Because of something he had nothing to do with, he became public enemy no. 1 for the conservative media machine. The President of the United States, at the time, literally woke up one morning, got on his golden ****ter, pulled up Twitter, and ****mouthed the man because he felt like it. The most-watched cable network in America trashes him, out of the blue, at least once a month. And that's not even touching social media.
I'm sure the dude would like to go out and race like the other 35 drivers and not have to deal with this crap.
Kyle Larson doesn't have to answer for HIS OWN ACTIONS every single week. And Noah Gragson is in line for a promotion after that little kerfuffle. Kyle Larson and Noah Gragson don't wake up to tweets from President Biden ****mouthing them and blaming them for the decline of America. They don't see segments about them on MSNBC and how they've single-handedly killed sports and entertainment in America. They don't have very influential professional instigators trying to unleash mobs on them.