Storage building

Drove 60ish miles to Burlington and bought 9 sheets 7/16 OSB. 90 bucks. After fuel cost, probably not a huge bargain. But I have it now. Cash disappears for me and usually nothing to show for it. Absolutely poured last 1/2 hour of drive. Always love getting OSB wet before putting it in storage. Should have just put in back of truck. Trailer sucks fuel when you have to drive 80 to keep from getting run over.


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Bought a 4L60E 2wd core for 50 bucks to replace mine which has 287K on it.. Said lost reverse which is usually the sun shell splines stripping or spline section breaking off. Most common failure. Found an old transmission bench need to go get. Need something that the fluid won't soak into and will drain into a bucket so don't make a huge mess while rebuilding it.

Have right eye surgery Monday morning early. Will go get the bench Tuesday or Wed just South of Richmond. Was going tomorrow but guy was concerned about his power going out tonight? IDK? Be nice to have two eyes that closely match in vision. Left is around 20/25 after 1st surgery. Right 20/300? Arms are 3 foot too short though. Bought pair of readers but don't really like the effect. I'll have eye doc make a real pair of glasses early Dec. Let things stabilize first. Been wearing glasses for nearly 60 years. No biggie to still wear them.
304 mile drive. Got nothing. Directions started off suspicious and then got worse. After waiting for 20 minutes for next place to turn, think it was a kidnapping, I headed home. 15 minutes later he asked where I was. So 35 minutes between me saying, I'm here, to next direction. Nope. My truck needed the exercise anyway.
Of course, while I was waiting, phone kicked the battery is low warning. Guess the 3 years of me constantly charging it has killed it's capacity. 2.5 hours of Waze and it said NO MAS! The charge cord that used to be in the truck has gone missing. So twas out of luck.
Another Cataract surgery at 7:30 AM tomorrow. Hopefully the last one. Have appointment with NC Retina to run more sophisticated tests on stuff at back of left eye, looking for possible leakage. Would have thought they would have done that first but what do I know. Left was at 20/20 at first exam @ 10 day mark, & 20/25ish at 2nd exam @ 3ish weeks. My perception is it's not as clear at a month out as was at 2 weeks. Expected it to improve instead of degrading. So we still digging.

Been thinking it's possibly just dry eye causing the perceived loss. Been working the left eye extra hard trying to make up for the nearly blind right. After some thought, probably should have just waited on intensive tests till after second eye was done/healed. If distance vision stabilizes at 20/25 that would be wonderful. Waaaay better than I've ever had. Will buy glasses from eye doc is she can make something that fills the 6ish foot gap between what's clear & end of my nose. But really need to get both eyes done and healed. Tried readers and they are pretty limited. We shall see. No pun intended.
Have an old Garmin Nuvi I updated week or so ago. Didn't know where the charging cable was...and...behind/under the driver seat where it was supposed to be! Need a better mount. The damn windshield suction cup dealio is junk. Won't stay stuck. Found a stick type can put in cup holder. I'll order couple different types first of the month.
Ordered the stick/cup-holder type, & T50+ bit for the bellhousing bolts plus 4L60E Service Manual . Manual be delivered Oct 3rd, other two tomorrow. Can't do any lifting for a week anyway. Might pop the lens out of da eyeball.
Don't like the stick holder for GPS. Too short and my cupholder doesn't hold it very well. Will try the sandbag style at some point.

As for the eyeballzzzz...Ieft eye went full Sarah Palin. I can see Russia from my house. Right eye? Had a huge floppy floater last 3-4 years. Cataract surgery doesn't fix that. So right side is still little wonky. But only one day out of surgery. Go to NC Retina Oct 11th for some further testing and while they MIGHT be able to treat that floater, everything I've heard, also from Cataract surgeon was, don't mess with it.

The vision test today was fine. Excellent actually. Just ordered some bifocal "safety glasses" that are clear with 2.0 correction at lower part. Pack of 5 was 15 bucks. Also have some straps coming so can hang them around my neck if necessary. They will fix the hearing issue with my eyes when I get updated COVID shot.
Did some YouTube research on floaters. A "Dr Pimple Popper" type has a channel that claims he is basically the best at treating them with YAG Laser. I don't get great vibes from him. NC Retina will have the straight dope. I think.

Eye docs say there is essentially no treatment that isn't extremely risky. Your brain will kinda adapt over time. Only mess with it if an eye is almost blind. So will let it ride unless NC Retina feels like they can fix it and Medicare/Medicaid pay. The guy up there ^^^^, no Medicare and 2K an eye minimum. So that's a big nope.
The bifocal safety glasses just showed up. Seems like they might work. Just have to get used to tilting head back to see to read. Might try to glue some kind pad to nose piece to raise them just a little. Have 5 pairs.
Bought a single bowl stainless steel sink off marketplace for 25 bucks. Will make a frame of some sort...or maybe just hang it beside the workbench? Only require 2 legs then. Use it to catch fluid during transmission teardown so don't make such a huge mess. Gonna be spring before I start building the trans. No money for parts. Have to cut back on the eating out. Will tear it down sometime in next couple weeks though to make sure it hasn't fragged the planetaries and destroyed the case.

Hard part for me will be replacing just enough parts to make a good piece without building a race car strength piece. A fairly bone-stock rebuild will be plenty. Stock V-6 S-10 2WD isn't a trans killer. At least for an old guy that isn't a tire burner.
Reassembled 85% of the dryer and it's running right now. Need to put back panel on and throw away the extra 343 be getting HAWT tho!
Dryer works! I be The Maytag Man. The eye surgery sure has made doing anything tough though. Constantly moving/swapping glasses is a pain in the arse. The safety glasses fit so close they fog up. Try to get some good ones from eye doc in about 3 weeks at last check-up.
Need to build/manufacturer a "crane" to lift 4L60E onto bench/case rotator mount. For tear down it'll just get flopped around on the bench/sink to catch the fluid. Will buy or borrow, probably buy, a case holding tool later. First thought about putting up unistrut track that extended out past end of porch. Put trans on tailgate and back up to/against porch railing then use ???? to lift it. Either a cheapo chain hoist or a skyhook. The unistrut would be attached to the rafters, a 10 or 12 feet section, lag bolted to a 2x4 which is lag bolted across 3 or 4 rafters. Have about 4 foot hanging over handrail. The 2x6 rafters are 16" OC except at end which has two 4ish inches apart. The original carpenter measured like I do and ended up with 14 foot plus...uhhhh...whoops. He forgot about the 4 inch it has an extra rafter.

OR...Could build a craneish thing out of 4x4...basically an old-school mail box post type of fabricobble on gate hinges. Attach to the vertical post so it swings out/in. That would be nearly free. I have a couple big hinges. One 10 foot treated 4x4 would make it. 2'x4' x angle brace? Have several eye hooks...I'mma gonna do something dangerous tomorrow...
Wire strippers for perspective. Hinges are stuck but I suspect little oil and beating will free them up. And Flo is it's usual mess tonight watching Lucas Late Models. Sounds is wonky. Had same trouble last night.


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Prefer this type although I don't really need it unless I start building more of these. Have to have some way to handle the trans though as it gets heavier.


This kit is 129.99 on Amazon. Or just buy from place that makes it and save 50ish bucks. The teflon ring sizer is fairly critical. Some guys use a piece of plastic bottle and a hose clamp. But if they leak, trans has to come back out and get torn down. One issue is quality of the tools. Do they shrink the ring just enough or is the porridge still too hot?
20 minutes away on Marketplace. 75 bucks. Now if can get him to respond. THIS is an actual professional USA made tool. Others are hacked together welds might break crap. But might end up with one of them...


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No response so far. Probably be one of those were two or three days from now the item will either disappear or show as sold. I find Marketplace to be pretty hit & miss.
Trying to put shelf in bench. I say trying cause I suck so bad at this stuff. Have bunch of pieces of plywood "shelves" that were in the shed. Thin enough I feel it needs crossmembers...of course the stuff is just the wrong size. I mean JUST worng enough to pizz me off. Have to keep adding 2x4's. Damn bench is gonna weigh 500lbs.
Hopefully pick up the trans case holding gizmo tomorrow or Wednesday. Trying to get ready. Attempting to actually finish something for once. Bench has been waiting long enough. And I hate readers.


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Bench is finished enough. Took 3 hour break and had an epiphany. Went back out, cobbed it together and put everything away in less than an hour. You'd be proud of me.

Love that commercial.

Bought the stub out for the sink so it will maybe drain into a bucket and not dribble everywhere like me in the morning. Occurred to me, can also use the sink as a parts cleaner tub. Need to order a pump and build a frame for it.

Had Doc check-up today. Fasting blood test. Possibly get boner pills to help with the dribbles. Peed in a cup and they will send it off to the Pentagon for inspection. Find out if my prostate is trying to kill me. Love that boner pills are the first treatment. I may be out in the field chasing neighbors sheep...again.

Last time went baaaaaaad!
Ordered some stuff from Amazon & Lowes to make a "lift". Uni-strut/strut channel with roller trolly from Lowes. Chain hoist and lifting link from Amazon. Around 120 bucks for everything.

Love that commercial.

Bought the stub out for the sink so it will maybe drain into a bucket and not dribble everywhere like me in the morning. Occurred to me, can also use the sink as a parts cleaner tub. Need to order a pump and build a frame for it.

Had Doc check-up today. Fasting blood test. Possibly get boner pills to help with the dribbles. Peed in a cup and they will send it off to the Pentagon for inspection. Find out if my prostate is trying to kill me. Love that boner pills are the first treatment. I may be out in the field chasing neighbors sheep...again.

Last time went baaaaaaad!
Only someone who has been there - expect for the sheep thing - can appreciate your comments on various and assorted issues with male plumbing as it ages. Never had the boner pills but definitely taken numerous other chemical compounds to enhance the fine art of liquid waste disposal through normal channels without manipulation of canals and piping by surgeons hell bent to rearrange things, "for my comfort." So far, so good and getting to the ripe age of 87 in a fortnight.
Only someone who has been there - expect for the sheep thing - can appreciate your comments on various and assorted issues with male plumbing as it ages. Never had the boner pills but definitely taken numerous other chemical compounds to enhance the fine art of liquid waste disposal through normal channels without manipulation of canals and piping by surgeons hell bent to rearrange things, "for my comfort." So far, so good and getting to the ripe age of 87 in a fortnight.
I'm not shy nor homophobic. I strike up convos all the time with complete strangers about this stuff. It's where I've learned what actually works. Had a guy that had the roto-rooter dealio and said he wished he had it done 10 years before. If mine ain't started to rot, boner pills it is. Then maybe OnlyFans?🧐😳🤪😉😂
Decided to go the unistrut way instead of making a dangerous crane. I kinda want the hangers that allow you to move the tubing. I'm thinking about it. After looking at porch think will run it so it extends off back. That way one lag bolt in 6 or 7 rafters about 15" from posts that support roof. Might add an additional support strap at end of porch?
They will make hanging it very easy. Also allow the tubing to slide in/out for weather protection. Suspect somebody has screwed up on the pricing of the tubing from Lowes. That 10 foot piece is well over 50 bucks everywhere else. 35ish at Lowes.
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