NASCAR Death Bed

Pretty simple for me, some are here to build it up and others are here to tear it down. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which poster is which. All ya have to do is post normal racing news, new teams or sponsors coming on board or increasing their participation and the abnormal reactions that follow.
Half-hearted appeals to the need for diversity don't offend me, because I support such ideals and most initiatives to advance them. Incoherent rambling and ignorance coupled with extreme arrogance do offend my sensibilities. Idiotic giggling and bragging about every morsel of bad news one can find about something they "like" do as well.

@StandOnIt and I are quite different, and we disagree pretty fiercely on some matters. What we both recognize is when someone is here solely to sow discord and drag everyone down.
It would really be nice to have a calm discussion about a variety of topics. Things like the benefit nascar brings to current manufacturers, how the NASCAR money pie is sliced up and do the allocation of slices need to change?

Is a 40 car field OK or should NASCAR look at culling the herd and strengthening the remaining teams?

Have FOX and NBC done well with NASCAR by enlarging their customer base and raising fees charged to providers?

Are you willing to trade this year’s rules for the potential of next year’s all out entertainment rules?

These may not be the best topics but it beats the heck out of “NASCAR sucks”
It would really be nice to have a calm discussion about a variety of topics. Things like the benefit nascar brings to current manufacturers, how the NASCAR money pie is sliced up and do the allocation of slices need to change?

Is a 40 car field OK or should NASCAR look at culling the herd and strengthening the remaining teams?

Have FOX and NBC done well with NASCAR by enlarging their customer base and raising fees charged to providers?

Are you willing to trade this year’s rules for the potential of next year’s all out entertainment rules?

These may not be the best topics but it beats the heck out of “NASCAR sucks”

That isn't what a person hiding behind three multiple identities wants. It has been proven twice already. What they want is to converse in politically sensitive topics, to demean the sport in any way possible. Twice is enough IMO.
Excuse me, - to you and to your pal (who I have on ignore) that you quoted...

I am here for the racing. I enjoy NASCAR. However, it does take much to set both of you off when you fail to see that if your fan base looks like this

and the sport isn't doing anything to change that look then it will go the way of the dodo bird. Our society doesn't look like that anymore and the things that are important to 50+ year old white guys won't matter in 10 years. The sport has to evolve to bring in fans that are more diverse and it isn't doing it. The TV ratings and the stands show that.

Looks like every NFL, MLB, or NBA game to me.
Different strokes for different folks as some people want to share thoughts and opinions on various topics. Some others are happier trying to win an argument or bash someone or something.
With this being a deathbed thread a good topic of conversation would be why is or isn’t NASCAR on its deathbed?

I would say NASCAR isn’t even running a fever let alone near death. NASCAR has a great TV contract and the prevailing thought is they will have to take less in 5-6 years. I have no idea what the next broadcast deal will look like as I would have never forecast NASCAR would have got the deal it got this go round.

ISC and SMI seem to be doing well and all the heavy hitters on track seem to have enough sponsorship and the checks from ownership aren’t bouncing.

There are lots of other reasons NASCAR is OK and this is the time when someone chimes in with more of them or respectfully says why NASCAR is dying. Simple stuff.
It would really be nice to have a calm discussion about a variety of topics...

Have FOX and NBC done well with NASCAR by enlarging their customer base and raising fees charged to providers?
If you have juicy material for a new thread, why not start one? I don't recall such a discussion here for several months or more.
I appreciate it, but seriously, that's fine by me. I tried to engage until I saw how little substance was there. When I reply, I'm not addressing him, I'm addressing his effect on the conversation.

very little effect, guys that have been around for awhile have heard it all numerous times, lets hear a new troll topic, seat sniffing, ratings, TV contract, yawn, we're bored with the old ones.. :D Surprise us with knowing something current about racing.
It would really be nice to have a calm discussion about a variety of topics. Things like the benefit nascar brings to current manufacturers, how the NASCAR money pie is sliced up and do the allocation of slices need to change?

Is a 40 car field OK or should NASCAR look at culling the herd and strengthening the remaining teams?

Have FOX and NBC done well with NASCAR by enlarging their customer base and raising fees charged to providers?

Are you willing to trade this year’s rules for the potential of next year’s all out entertainment rules?

These may not be the best topics but it beats the heck out of “NASCAR sucks”

I think we should go in-depth on Handsome Harry Gant's second career as a roofer.

One of his daughters is married to a good friend of mine ... a gentleman named Larry Pollard from VictorIa, B.C.
Numerous post by numerous posters all attacking and belittling someone with different views about the sport. That’s funny because the forum rules state:

“Disagreements are human nature, but they do not warrant disrespecting the opinion or the person.”

I have a different opinion and yet many of the previous post attack me for posting them. Moderation doesn't step in because my views aren't popular. However, when one of the posters attacking me (who has been warned in the past for doing it) gets into it with Spotter22 a warning is issued ASAP. Funny how that works. LOL.
NASCAR is losing market share each year but is not going out of business.

I agree with this 100%. It isn't but it will be vastly different in a decade. The older crowd will be gone, and the sport will have to cater to a different fan that doesn't look like, act like, or desire the things that today's fans have wanted from the sport. Why people find that thought so troubling and scary is beyond me.
You can hop onto several threads and see the disrespect for a person’s opinion or ad hominem attacks. Things like speaking poorly about a member to another member in a post and passive aggressiveness are on display also.

The rules say one thing and the actions of some others say something different.
Numerous post by numerous posters all attacking and belittling someone with different views about the sport. That’s funny because the forum rules state:

“Disagreements are human nature, but they do not warrant disrespecting the opinion or the person.”

I have a different opinion and yet many of the previous post attack me for posting them. Moderation doesn't step in because my views aren't popular. However, when one of the posters attacking me (who has been warned in the past for doing it) gets into it with Spotter22 a warning is issued ASAP. Funny how that works. LOL.
You can hop onto several threads and see the disrespect for a person’s opinion or ad hominem attacks. Things like speaking poorly about a member to another member in a post and passive aggressiveness are on display also.

The rules say one thing and the actions of some others say something different.

May I respectfully ask that these posts be reported to me. Give me specifics. I will sometimes skim read and can miss what
may be construed as being disrespectful. Sometimes it's hard to determine whether the post or the poster is being talked about.
Hit the "report" button.
I think we should go in-depth on Handsome Harry Gant's second career as a roofer.

One of his daughters is married to a good friend of mine ... a gentleman named Larry Pollard from VictorIa, B.C.
Western Speedway in Victoria. Pollard and I liked to run each other's cars for a few laps during practice to be sure driver inputs weren't creating handling problems.

Larry is fortunate to have survived a basilar skull fracture.
I've been at the track around him but never got to meet him personally. He seemed well like around the garage.
Thanks for the links and someone really missed the mark when they forecast 100 million subscribers.

I don’t know if the networks were able to increase fees but I doubt it. If Saunders paper clips sponsored Jeffrey Earnhardt’s valve stems there would be 2-3 copies of tweets about it right here. That being the case I’m sure we would have heard news about an increase in fees.
It would appear the answer is "no." Details are in my earlier post in this thread, hopefully this link works right:
I'm no expert on the business of sports TV, but the article linked says FS1 and NBCSN each have about 84 million subscribers and ESPN has 86 million. That's pretty close, a lot closer than when those two fledgling networks acquired Nascar broadcast rights. Isn't that what they were trying to do?
May I respectfully ask that these posts be reported to me. Give me specifics. I will sometimes skim read and can miss what
may be construed as being disrespectful. Sometimes it's hard to determine whether the post or the poster is being talked about.
Hit the "report" button.

Your reply indicates that your moderation seems to only occur when a member reports something. Was my post reported to get a reply? If so, then go back and read the previous 2 pages of posts. I'm pretty sure you'll see what I was referencing. Thanks!
I’m no expert on the business of sports TV either but I would guess there are several things that go into calculating ROI. FL showed what great value NBC gets carrying NHL games and it is officially unknown how they feel about the NASCAR package.
Your reply indicates that your moderation seems to only occur when a member reports something. Was my post reported to get a reply? If so, then go back and read the previous 2 pages of posts. I'm pretty sure you'll see what I was referencing. Thanks!

It doesn't imply that at all. But troublemakers do get a lot of flack, especially when they make something up or exaggerate a situation. I wouldn't expect open arms from posters who have been on this forum for years. It doesn't take long to figure out a new posters intent or one who posts under multiple names
It doesn't imply that at all. But troublemakers do get a lot of flack, especially when they make something up or exaggerate a situation. I wouldn't expect open arms from posters who have been on this forum for years. It doesn't take long to figure out a new posters intent or one who posts under multiple names

Your post and at least one other one indicates that you can figure out who gets moderated. Great, have you noticed that you interaction with me gets moderated? Mine with you in the past has too but not in some time. Also, can you advise who posts under multiple screen names?
Still waiting on StandOnIts list of posters who post under different names. If you don't want to go public with that information you can send it to me in a PM.
posters who have been around for awhile know who he is, hang around for awhile and you will figure out what gets moderated and what doesn't. TRL does a pretty good job, but like Nascar's officiating, nothing's perfect.
posters who have been around for awhile know who he is, hang around for awhile and you will figure out what gets moderated and what doesn't. TRL does a pretty good job, but like Nascar's officiating, nothing's perfect. And you ain't special, nobody is.
What a way to start off my Thursday..... finding out I'm not special. :(

Guess my mom was wrong.
Your reply indicates that your moderation seems to only occur when a member reports something. Was my post reported to get a reply? If so, then go back and read the previous 2 pages of posts. I'm pretty sure you'll see what I was referencing. Thanks!
No one has reported anything.
Perhaps to clarify --- I read quickly and sometimes I miss things. If I do see obvious insults, I either edit or remove.
I read the words that as written. I apply no emotion or feelings to those words. Sometimes I cannot tell if the poster, or the post
is being referenced. If I see no obvious insult to the poster, the post stands. If someone feels that the post is insulting to them, personally --- report it. I will take another look. But that doesn't mean I'll do anything. On the other hand, I may edit or remove.
We, as a forum, have been pretty successful for 17 years. I hope it continues.
Still waiting on StandOnIts list of posters who post under different names. If you don't want to go public with that information you can send it to me in a PM.

We probably all feel we get a raw deal and the other guy gets free pass.
Gloom and doom aside, motorsports attendance in general is a fraction of what it once was. A few pockets exist where that doesn't seem to be as obvious, but generally speaking, it has. From NASCAR to the dirt tracks, it's down everywhere. And the main culprit? America's love affair with the automobile is all but gone. The car has become nothing more than a means to get from point A to point B, therre's no romance with it. It shows at the race tracks, and it shows at the car shows. I mean who do you see at the car shows? Old guys and baby boomers.

NASCAR and racing in general isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but it will never be what it once was.
Gloom and doom aside, motorsports attendance in general is a fraction of what it once was. A few pockets exist where that doesn't seem to be as obvious, but generally speaking, it has. From NASCAR to the dirt tracks, it's down everywhere. And the main culprit? America's love affair with the automobile is all but gone. The car has become nothing more than a means to get from point A to point B, therre's no romance with it. It shows at the race tracks, and it shows at the car shows. I mean who do you see at the car shows? Old guys and baby boomers.

NASCAR and racing in general isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but it will never be what it once was.

I get to a lot of car shows and like talking to the owners and hearing their stories. I came across a Yenko Camaro this summer with a fascinating history but that is for another time. I agree with you as when I go to car shows I am talking to old farts like myself and there are no kids around.

My opinion is that NASCAR will end up looking something like IndyCar does now and that is fine. Of course so much hinges on the next broadcast deal and who knows what that will be?
America's love affair with the automobile is all but gone. The car has become nothing more than a means to get from point A to point B, therre's no romance with it. It shows at the race tracks, and it shows at the car shows. I mean who do you see at the car shows? Old guys and baby boomers.

I travel a bit for work and have noticed that manufacturer is no longer a consideration for me when I pick out a rental. I go for aesthetics and the best options as far as easily connecting my phone via Blu-tooth to a killer stereo.

However, at age 47, I still love classic American cars and I still buy American. NASCAR has zero impact on this.

Another thing is the power of nostalgia. I have never owned a vehicle that I will feel any time of nostalgia for. Especially since I had a couple of mini-vans when my son was young. haha
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